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Holic Jul 2017
Life is a burden we all bare
But it’s up to us wheatear or not to care
Once it was hard for my body and soul to dare
Do I go where dreams lair?
Meaningless, I believed
Living in a reality which does nothing but deceive
Defeat, this life would surely force me to concede.
And as I looked up to a broken sky
Droplets fell upon me for afar
Miraculously, I began to dream
The kind of place this world could be
If fear wasn’t King
And hate wasn’t the Queen.
Into the night I screamed
To a god I no longer had the faith to believe  
Send me to a world where mothers and fathers still love their sons and daughters
A reality worth living
A life worth bearing
I want to dream a dream worth sharing.
Life is a burden we all must bear
And it’s up to us weather or not to care
Do you dare go where dreams lair?
The Suns dead  ,
our spring choked by frost and snow .
Saturday's sun brought with it flakes of white from heavens east wind to cast a white chill over England's fields of green .

Men pumped iron near
the gods in clouds the hour the first flakes fell from the sky's .
For England in all its pomp ,
It's men in white as more snow fell lost in battle again .
Their heads bowed low ,
as for the victor a green crown await .
Over seas to the east Putins nostrils from poison did come ,
Kremlin TV kicking down my door,
better to run than to hear the knock .
For when ice men comes no lock can hold .
England's steels another winters blast.
Black loss shalt cover your fields ,
Shepherds will  not even count their loss .
You will look for your morning in July only to frozen fields shall you
awake .
Pray take the winters chill and kiss this earth in sunshine again ,
that the migrating wheatear and sand Martin plight as insects dead by winters bite .
The Ravens nest now covered in white ,
Cometh the second ice age to plague this land as we wait for summer to come ,
We wait for the Ravens eggs to hatch only then summer might call .

— The End —