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Matt Jul 2015
Welcome to your local Walmart
Now used as a holding center
For American citizens

Brother Steve,
I just recently have received some very important intel regarding the
Wal-Mart in Midland,Texas. I have a friend who has just moved her family
up here from Texas to Hayden, Idaho where I reside because of Jade Helm15.
A couple of days ago she informed me of a phone call she received from a
friend of her's who just got a painting job at the Wal-Mart in Midland,
Texas. She informed me that her friend when talking to her was in a state
of shock and almost disbelief as to what he saw inside of the building. He
was told to do a paint job for the inside perimeter of the building but
upon entering the building what he saw next put him in a state of shock. He
said that once he entered the building he saw what looked like a lot of
"Jail Cells." And upon seeing that he made a comment to the personnel
their who where instructing him on his job. He told them that it looks
like a bunch of jail cells here. Are they turning this into a "Prison?"
He also explained to my friend that once he made those comments that his
job was short lived because he lost it. Because as they put it to him "They
do not want anyone working here who makes those kinds of false accusation'
so they asked him to leave. I know this info is hard for some to believe
but the source who told me this is very reliable and trustworthy and their
would be nothing for her to gain by telling me this.

For those who have ahard time digested this better take heed to this intel and realize time isgetting short and we all need to prepare not just materialistic butspiritually is the most important. The Lord is our strength and he is a shield and help.

Keep praying and believing!
God Bless You Brother Steve and all you do!
Matt May 2015
I live in a small town outside of Tampa which used to be a small farming community, and still maintains some of it's small town charm; railroad tracks and farming fields. This being said, we live right off of the main road leading in and out of Tampa, and if we were to take a right onto said road, we would hit a SuperWalmart on the right just a couple miles up.

Around January of this year, I noticed a black military helicopter flying very low, back and forth along the above mentioned road - almost as if they were surveying it. I thought it was strange because it happened several days in a row during the work week and during the same time of day - middle of the afternoon. the flight pattern was the same each day - always on the same side of the road (the Walmart side of the road) with the helicopter making it to just about where the Walmart is before turning around and coming back toward our neighborhood to the the nearest intersection - then back to the Walmart again. This all happened a few months before JH was disclosed, so while I thought it odd, there was nothing to connect the dots to - until now.

Last week as I was driving my child to school and was shocked to see that 2 ****** recognition cameras (one pointing in each direction of traffic) had been erected at each stop light along the main road. These cameras were not there the afternoon before when I picked my child up from school. During the middle of the night, during the time span of about 12 hours, these cameras had been placed all along the main road of our small community, which also runs along a railroad track and leads right up to the Walmart.

4 days ago, there was a black helicopter hovering very low over our neighborhood with a man sitting half outside of the helicopter, his legs hanging outside the door, facing our homes and pointing what appeared to be some sort of scanning device toward the homes in our neighborhood. They were so low and so close that I could have tossed a tennis ball to them and they would have caught it. I noted that this helicopter activity also occurred during the middle of the afternoon, and on a weekday (when most folks are at work and would maybe not notice this type of activity). This continued for almost 10 minutes, rattling my windows and my nerves.

2 days ago a Sheriff's helicopter was hovering over our neighborhood, in the same area, but above the homes instead of in front of them like the helicopter from the previous 'visit'.

Now I'll share what I saw today that makes me feel we have much less time than we thought: This morning my husband and I drove to the feed store to pick up more chicken feed - which is just a few miles up the road past the Walmart I referenced earlier. As we were driving past the Walmart I saw an unmarked beige prison bus with blacked out, bar-covered windows driving up FROM BEHIND THE BACK OF THE WALMART. With all of the talk of Walmart storing up equipment for JH and the FEMA camp round-ups, I felt that his was very noteworthy. Anyone who has seen a correctional institute bus knows that correctional institutes mark their transport buses with the name of the correctional facility they belong to - this was not marked at all.

I don't think it's a coincidence that people all over the country are reporting the same combinations at the same time (military movement - helicopters and vehicles / Walmarts / train tracks / ****** recognition cameras / FEMA prison buses - some, like the one I saw behind a Walmart).

Please everyone - get ready - get right with God. Repent. Pray. Ask God to show you how to be ready and what to do when things unfold.

Your Sister in Christ
BG Hermitt Oct 2011
dying to dance
under rays of bright lights
singing new songs that we could
sing to all our tomorrows
we took to a field with the moon,
and stayed there until the field was built upon
with bricks containing our freedom songs in buildings
that were beautiful but roofed
with alcohol sweat
****** stained floors
we named this place
The Field in memory of the pastures
underneath it
soon we queued forever to get in
and even though our feet
were being pulled forwards
and backwards
forwards then sideways
by songs
that had become familiar
with a thunderous bass leaking from towering speakers,
inside our bodies we stood there, still
looking up for the moon
but like moths
in a whirlwind of awe
settled for artificial lights
because they flashed to red
from green and from red
to nothing
and in the end
we stood like dead sunflowers
in this noisy place
in police cells and offices
marital courts and churches
on doorsteps, stairways
Asdas and Tescos, Walmarts and Wilkos
at funerals on microphones
with children in our arms
singing songs about The Field we shall
get back too.  The field where we
roots shifting
routes shifting
until all roads are lost
in dirt and filth, no soil
until they charge us to sing
and we pay
to truly be in the club
David Ehrgott Dec 2014
As the Walmarts
turn the world
into a *******
by supporting unequal opportunity
the support
of illegal immigration
They become
as corrupt
as the politicians
who allow such actions
Mars Mar 2014
Look, another kid,
hungry for a metaphor;
taste of what its like
to make a point,
but it’s stuck on the
tip of her tongue.
Lack of inspiration,
from Walmarts to broken hearts;
world in black and white,
not even gray
enough to be sung.
Oh, how great the world
would be, if rainbows weren’t
only tricks of light.
If promises
meant something more than
give and take.
If words were said
with a sense of conviction.
Teach us what it’s like
to make a point,
if there was ever
any point to make.
I wrote this a few years ago, and my teacher called me an existentialist.
Ian Tishler Nov 2014
There's always been Louisiana Avenue and Menaul Boulevard; the same streets as Coranado Mall
right by where I'd transfer busses and had the worst luck.
Everything has changed, but those haven't.
Karma's built up from tagging ditches, not caring who'd see,
Staying at that house on Tennessee, or the hotel right down the street,
sneaking cigarette so I don't disappoint
my family and be less than they already think.

I don't want to go to college,
I don't want to live in the heat,
I don't want to move to California and be around the endless sea of people;
people scare me.
I don't want to live near family that can't see I want to live on the road and love the few people I hold close that I know will eventually grow to go away.

I want to be alone.
I want to steal seafoam green paint swatches from Walmarts across the United States,
and magic cards, too, though I know no one will play.
I've got a home on Wright Street, my old abodes on Clement and Austin,
even the apartments on Louisiana and Montgomery once held me
by the neck in my closet,
or in the tub when I was in-love with being strung out, ****** up and dumb.
Moving away doesn't numb your brain, same people different state, same problems, nothing's changed.
Jake muler Feb 2016
What am I doing up early crazy hours
I wish I could eat some Italian food
Go see a weird movie,
Talk to a Friend on the phone
Yell as loud as possible
Or go grocery shopping.
Maybe grocery shopping is the way to go
Walmarts always open.
Just got to watch out for the
:pretend; security guards
You know the young high kid that's nineteen working at 3 am
Trying to be cool and bust someone to maybe win that employee of the month badge and a free sub from subway.
Got to watch for peeper eyes.
All I want is a oven-made pizza, chips pop ice.
Also could throw in some random to the mix. Go wild! It's
Wally world!
Im a hopeless romantic its more organic than the produce youre buying just to make it through the week to feed your little family. Local Walmarts cant fit your budget. Your goverment isnt hearing your thoughts. Eyes are closed. Mouths are shut. Hiding the truth so our $100 bills can wipe their ****. We're stuck in a rut. Poverty stricken. Moms not in the kitchen. Kids running the streets. Killing our teens. Selling our ****. Filling our minds with negative energy. CNN isnt airing my hood yet. Fox 4 only shows local teens shot dead. Little girls losing their minds, talking to men just to waste some time. Just to catch a crime. Smoking up marijuana trying to run away from their problems. Running away from home to be alone in a world we cant think for ourselves. In a world we cant think to ourselves. In a world we cant walk the streets to get a drink without being shot by the local police. 99 cents only gets you so far. I dont know whats happening; what is this world. I dont know these people; who is this girl. In a world full of aliens i feel the most unknown.
A B Perales Sep 2017
There's a low rumbling deep in my gut.
A still silent void where my heart had been

Scars so many scars most of which nobody will ever see .
Cork topped  bottles filled with homemade  Ointments made with tree resin , white sage ,mint leaves and bitter root.

They're closing down the Walmarts but the Pharmacies and the Security shack will both remain open.
Prescriptions are more like recommendations .
Is there truly any kind of cure.

They'll come for you when the water rises and ship you off like rescued cattle .
If you're not on the team they won't accept your help.

A drowning child won't look at your uniform or lack there of one.
There's power in numbers , strength in the ability to get along .

I started this thinking about my loneliness.
It's just enough to try and help you remember .

All my thoughts aren't always about me .
Noname Apr 2019
Middle of nowhere
Side of a highway
Living off ciggerette smoke
Hot air
And tough love
The sun is sweltering
The lake is swampy
Jump right in the waters green
**** is the past time
And Walmarts the big trip
Will you ever leave here
Your down to your last dip

— The End —