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LJ Jun 2016
A Friday night of imbued strangers
Streets full of all walks of people
Mostly staggered and tipsy
Haggered and narrow minded
As they sing the only one anthem of
pumping  alcohol inside their veins

A Friday night of rejection and temptation
I couldn't give my cash to enter a joint
Thoroughly rejecting a norm construct
Unhumbled and judgmental
As they sing the only one anthem of
pumping  alcohol inside their veins

A Friday night of inspiration and joy
Where I saw a mirror of myself on the streets
Vagabound souls sat begging for a today
Justice and truth prevails
As they sing the only one anthem of
pumping  alcohol inside their veins

A Friday night of me sat on the ground
At the entrance of a busy closed shop
Begging for the homeless soul as people sneer
The abuse and hate ejected
As they sing the only one anthem of
pumping  alcohol inside their veins

A Friday night of broken promises
When all they do is try to have ******
People set traps of unfriendly gesture
The rotten and pompous society
As they sing the only one anthem of
pumping  alcohol inside their veins

A Friday night of me wooing the drunk
Melodious symphony of "change please"
Negativity beakers but we made money baibe
A reflection of minimalism
As they sing the only one anthem of
pumping  alcohol inside their veins

A Friday night of concluded perception
Their souls touched me, they can go back a time
They try but have no strength within
Sour love was the wound that brought them hassle
As they sing the only one anthem of
pumping  alcohol inside their veins

It's not a Friday night anymore, the dawn smiles
I have a warm home and access to facilities
They have no options and crack is their hope
Police huddles and societal direct abuse
As they sing a song for strangers to listen
For your smile and talk can be the only hope they got
I couldn't go in a club but spend my evening with homeless people begging with them. People were rude and abusive. There was a lot of hate and lack of humanly and sincere gesture. Some people thought there were better than them. The police also came in several times to hassle the homeless people. Yes they use ****** but it is the only hope that have got! Inside they enjoy the delicacies of life. One of the guy I met writes and he shared his work. Some of the words that mused me were "tip top running; A pen flying like a dart"
If you see a homeless person take time and share a piece of your love. However you perceive it. People abuse homeless people that 'go to the job centre' or 'you crack/ heroine user' when on a Friday night they have used a drug; alcohol is a drug even though it is legal.... It is still a drug.
jeffrey robin Apr 2014

I'm a sorry ---- I

I'm a sorry ---- I

I'm a sorry I let you Down


There's a cryin

A cryin sound

There's a cryin sound goin round





Every day
Every way

The home in the mountain song
Is being erased

There's no escape
( not anymore )

That's the sadest thing I ever could say


And I just couldn't do anything!

I'm a sorry --- I

I'm a sorry --- I

jeffrey robin Jun 2010
and the dance!

the breastless

the adulterous tune

afraid to be vulnerable!



til the vagabound appears
with songs of mercy
and derring-do

and you

take off your raggedness
and reveal true aura


and eyes that dare to
try to see

absorbing everyone

and your lightly moving feet
Uchechi Eze Sep 2016
25th august, 2016.
   I am not mute; I am one who writes things I feel in a spellbound manner.
I am not dumb; I speak so loud through the words i scribble down.
i am not fragile or mild; i am the bravest man alive. For only thr
bravest dare to write how they truely feel without minding who reads.
I am not full of flaws; I make mistakes so i can learn from it and
rise to a greater hieght.
I am not the villian; I am the hero who seeks to protct you from the
unknown through my words.
I am not the dictator; I am the light to the masses for i am both
leader and slave.
I am not just character and pages; I am creator of a world you live
in through imagination of my pages.
I am not a literary excuse for being a waste to humanity; I am with
gifted hands, holding firm the light of truth and just, directing to
the right path.
I am not just another madman on the streets; I am the most san person
with so many vast interpretations.
i am not a trouble maker or a vagabound with no use; I am just a
peace maker who seeks right what is wrong.
I can exist in times and places I choose to because I am who I am
Huxely Jun 2019
sitting here in paradise but my mind is elsewhere, thinking of vice.  i want to make a move, again!  feels like its time to throw the dice! but there is a voice in me that says "don't vagabound like mice".  time slow down and be lazy. listen to sound advice!

bourdem is staying too long in a place without seeing its paradise.

living in paradise like mice....its paramice
dreaming of crossing the ocean to see the mountains of ice...
living in paradise like headless mice
wearing my shades of vice
Rosa Jamali Dec 2020
My promised Meridian
A poem by Rosa Jamali
Translated from original Persian into English by the author

Could you possibly find the name of the City in my own personal riddle;
The Landmark starts on the hill
And my sculpture is the landmark on Koohsangi Hills
Take the letter "Y" as its name
A thousand miles above the Sea Level
Geographically archived on the life line of my Palms
You know, it's my third gravity
And makes the gravity less.

And this last landmark
As if it's a dreamlike bas-relief on KOOHSANGI HILLS
And here it is
My footprints on the earth
Left after me.

Is this the same Geographic Meridian
Or my own promised land?

Now look at my Palm again, notice the heartline
The whole Land mass
Its Gravity captured me
Triangles are reshaping into a curve
My whole life like the Sharp Winding Geometry of New Labyrinths
My garments are there
Stuck !

As if there is no pear here
And my dress looks like a pear
But dark
Oxygen of air
A glass of water
And how I love you
Like a lonely cherry
This land had a crush on me!

As massive as that dream
Quite dimentional
Three dimentional
Like your heartlines
Folded, steamed in the Laundromat
But this corner is not gonna get creased.

The Landmark at the end of KOOHSANGI Street
Like a ***** I had been trekking the city, every corner of it
Which has given voice to my coughing throat...

Is this the promised meridian
Or my own promised land?

What's the last memorabilia?
Is it my face whirling in the winds shapelessly?
I'm not there any more but my heartlines there after me...
My whole heart head to foot became the murals of the City
Prickly pears
Prickly pears
When the lines join, your fate's destined
And now I have a new face.

How symmetrical it is!  

The City Mashhad was the answer to my riddle
Very complicated
Never entered my Vagabound mind
And now I'm the poison ivy of KHORSASAN
My dress over the washing hanging
Growing over the walls of houses,
One after another
My collective memory could have never found the name of this City!

One thousansd and one nights have passed
I was restless to sleep
But tomorrow
Would be the first day of my life!

Long after
The city would be a double Cherry
And what would be left after allllll....
My face over the hillllllllllllls...

— The End —