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Jesse Davey Dec 2015
Love is a blazing furnace in ones soul.

I have forged unforgettable emotions and experiences in the fires of such Love.

They are the unshatterable,  tormenting,  over thought feelings you get when you are all alone,  and no one is around watching  you. True Loneliness.

These emotions are the most genuine,  most authentic emotions I've ever felt.  That is what makes these emotions the most terrifying.

Ha,  what a funny thing Loneliness is.
A child of Love, a sibling of Happiness.

You are truly alone when you simply cannot feel.

Anger? Sadness? These are emotions which comfort you,  and drive you in some way.
Ah, but Loneliness is the only emotion in the repertoire of the mind which truly disables.  

Loneliness is the devil of the mind. A disgusting, terrifying, sheer amazing thing to feel.

Disgusting because of the sinister thoughts it conjures  in your sorry mind.

Terrifying because you are paralysed. Unable to escape the thick,  cold, jail cell of your own mind.  In this,  there is no comparable equal.

Amazing because it is truly a fascinating thing that a human being should be subjected to such an incredibly powerful emotion.

Loneliness is the great evil of ones Soul.
Pray that when you meet it,  you're strong enough to endure it's everlasting torture.
Samm Marie Jun 2016
Pitter patter
Pitter patter
We sit here with no real knowledge
Of what we are to amount to
But we feel
Oh ****** how we feel
What we want to amount to
We will break like glass
And we will glisten like
Sun on the water
But so long as we feel
We are unshatterable
We might feel like we have
Hit the land from the sky
With our hearts of glass
Our souls of fragility
But there is always
The *feeling
of what we want to become
That drive that will keep us going
Simply because
We possess hearts that beat
And hearts that bleed
Me May 2015
Coldly listening to the soothing screeches of night
******* the blinding thought that lingers
Shifting my eyes as a tripod, stationary, keeping from falling
Silently patroling matters that obscure the light.

Slowely entering an unshatterable abyss
Silhouettes dancing in the panoramic view against light and dark
Wispers, loud enough to break, soft as song, beautiful enough to heal
Movements of laughter, great screams of battle.

The dancers convicted movements slowly are greeted by striking colors of vibrant
The beautiful voices are pictures of heavenly sirens, echoing my heart
Thunderous roars of tune describe the battle that goes on
All in one, glowing of unimaginable ground.

The heaven like dancers stop
The beautiful voices fade
The battles of intense sease
Light comes out of the darkness.

I awake
And forget.
a mcvicar Dec 2018
a sky with no ceiling
is what all of us deserve
shatter the unshatterable
4.12.18  /  women have so much power

— The End —