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Jeremy Lately May 2015
Alcatragedy, aesthetics, and a
Bubbly feeling beneath our feet. Let's
Cruise between channels; there's no need to meet. Re-
Doxx on Galaxy's
Extremeties typeset whatever is
Faked, overridden, and
Glistening in chic.
Hybristophilionic puressure
Infracts upon the fourth wall we seek,
Jicking, ticking, trickling in.
(Kickstarted convection)
Life is beyond a stream...
Minuet attraction
Null, neo, and novelty
Pulse or minus me.
Quantitative lacerations, fantasy and a fascination
Recreations masking
Taint my rose and wildest dreams!
Vermillion reasons to like it.
Wordless, grinding sonar screams; Isle,  
Xana, et tu. Rumble a shy oasis in
Yeses, twos, and please
I have several drafts of this. I intend to make changes in the future since the feel is inconsistent.
Hurricane Jul 2018
I feel emotion in the dark ,
And few other places ,
I cannot explain it nor would I want to ,
The act alone of conserving feelings is tough ,
Waiting for the darkness to establish your masterpiece ,
It's like a second skin now .

The confusion is unphasing ,
It all feels right .

Except for those who emote in the light ,
The light provides clarity whereas the dark proves to be more challenging,
Those who convey to others the realities of their lives will never be phased by my stark revelation .

The choice that once was ,
Is no longer ,
It's a second skin ,
I hide everything from everyone yet this alone could be hiding something .
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2020
Santa Rosa damaged by fire
Where my youngest son was born

Seattle Seahawks sweatshirt
In the winter it was worn

Picture me in DC
Metro train asleep

Picture me anxiety
Waking and I weep

Tokyo was wondrous
Angkor Wat amazing

St. Stephansdom impressive
Jerusalem unphasing

New York City busy
Stockholm oh! so pretty

But battle on Seattle
You are my favorite city!

— The End —