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David Porter Nov 2011
Innocent fear of an overwhelming urge
To break away from pain and to build up the courage;
To live life to the fullest with the deafening sound
Of euphoria breaking out, making silence again found.

Not knowing life's conclusion has a strong velocity.
But who is to say we should not fall victim of curiosity?
Living in curiosity is an understandable clause
When trying to live life fulfilled; living life unpaused.

Giving everything to our success should not be frowned upon
When happiness is the foundation we constantly draw on.
Without this foundation, a collapse is in progress.
Without this foundation, success is wrongly confessed.

Stress is not something we must try to disregard.
It is but a nuisance we must learn to discard.
Its abandonment will push life to its fullest extent;
Happiness will prosper if we show ourselves some intent.
Kewayne Wadley Oct 2016
Freedom is the urge
That breaks out inside of us that makes us want to run.
An unseen Parkour of hands and feet.
Covering the threshold of walls and windows.
An key to an apartment
Of untold potential.
Seen as a window,
A causal gaze.
Things once seen as 3-D now seen  2-D.
Coming to the realization of just who we really are.
The desire of choosing to see things as brand new
A stillness of sorts.
A new brand of simple.
Holding on to a rail debating on whether or not to jump or hold on for a moment longer.
The infinite compliment of the heart.
Choosing instead to run escaping,
The unfortunate pleasure of being chained in schizophrenia.
Gorillaz beating an untamed drum.
A constant pound, hands and feet becoming the ultimate form of expression.
The scuffle of feet over the sound of concrete.
Lost somewhere in the city.
Gorillaz beating an untamed drum.
******* my thumbs are up.
Unpaused ****** expressions, Revealing perhaps way too much.
A cup of cold noodles quietly waiting wholeheartedly.
Next to the gorillaz loudly stating otherwise.
The painkiller to an over twisted wrist,
Procrastination is a *****
We blazed and the memory after was so hazy
I unpaused the video and continued where we left off
And put visine in my eyes because of the irritation
I thought it would clear the path of what was to come
Back and forth of 20 questions left unanswered
Because it was overwhelming and the light was too bright
So you put on your all black shades to tame it and soon those 20 questions came down to 0
I left purgatory, not anymore caught in between the two
I repented my sins , my reward was you
Although it wasn't what I had wanted at first Beggars can't be choosers
I'm glad I get to have your body as much we want
I'm glad I get to have as many pills touch my tongue and put me in trans
I'm glad I get to have your cold breath give my neck goosebumps until I have to fade into the real world of drunken nights, pills, responsibilities , bills, cranky professors, being psychedelically in touch with nature, enjoying the breeze.
Bogdan Dragos Aug 2021
Well no wonder he kept dying
or the police
would catch up to him
in the first minute after hitting someone
or stealing a car. The game
was for big kids. It said so on the box. He
got bored despite all the things
he could do and put
the controller down.

He looked around the living room
went into the kitchen
She was nowhere

He went upstairs
opened the door to the bedroom
and, well, she was there
sprawled on the bed
filming herself with her phone
while continually stabbing
between the legs with... a lightsaber? It
seemed painful too. She was gasping.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

And her response was a scream
She pulled the
lightsaber thingy out
and threw it under the bed
and turned off the phone. "Hey, what did I tell
you about entering without

"Nothing," he said.

"Well... Just... Just don't tell
anyone about it, okay? And why did you come
upstairs anyway?

"I'm sorry. Look, I keep dying at
the game."

She came downstairs with him
grabbed the controller
unpaused the game
"Watch this."
Circle, Right, Circle, Right, Left, Square, Triangle, Up
She passed the controller to him
"Okay, now go **** somebody."

he crossed the street and punched an
old lady to death
and then stomped on her body

everyone saw that

no police showed up
no yellow stars. Nothing.

"Whaaaaat? I don't believe it."
He wandered into the street, stopped
a car
opened the driver's door
pulled the driver out
beat him to death and stole the

No police

"How did you do it?"

"A boyfriend taught me. Along with
many, many other things. You can
even get a device that lets you fly."

"I don't believe it!"

"Believe it. Infinite health too. I can
do that for you. If, of course..."

"Yes, yes! I'll keep the secret. I swear! And I
swear to God you're
the best, best babysitter I've ever
had. This! This is what I'm gonna
tell dad when
he gets home. I swear!"

"Don't bother. He knows."
stranger Oct 2021
There's this ache in my head
Comes around every night
As if time is infiltrating
And I'm left to wonder if I'm dead.
This pain is so cancerous
Like a gangrene it spreads.
It's cylindrical like a syringe it digs in and releases,
Toxin or cure who's really checking?
All I know is that I'm aching.
Every night this earthquake like sliver
Cracks my skull open and slithers
As if it's made of hell and eats thoughts.
Maybe this pain is my comfort,
My last coping mechanism I knew it would hurt.
Bitter,I'm so bitter,
Enthralled by various sounds and punctuation.
This catharsis must be my killer.
This envy my executioner.
This time it will be proper.
Death unpaused by distractions.
**** me faster

— The End —