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Styles May 2022
Underover lover;
I lover her.
matt nobrains Jul 2015
in the height and heather
warmly brushing against
make and muddle
omens speak unerringly
in the voices
between mind and nobody.
lost in the sense of death hand
or forgotten in sensing of collapsed
burning blindness dots horizons
scan sharp
charged into faithless
trampled wordless
left behind and struck
upon else and whether
when little is borne
upon tangential lines.
a hundred brands
of pillow soft
toilet paper spread evenly
across tobacco leaves
like decorative mantras
on the scarred face of christ.
bliss is upon those who can
give up quietly
Nathan MacKrith Mar 2020
I am runningshuffling awaytowards meyou
Underover inout updown
My skin’s creepingcrawling a walkjogruntrot
offon myyour bodybuddy
stuckmoving througharound
my contentupset stageaudience
screamwhispers whyhow iamamnot

I do not not want to not not want whatwhowherewhenwhyhow
Iknowyesnomaybeso can’trepeat canremember
the questionanswer problemsolution
Dramaticpragmatic topsyturvy jaggedcurvy
butteredunbutterflied catapillcocoonsburyresurrect
christanpagan nonnotunsmoking holysacrilege
donundone wonlost underover sunmoonlightdark

Singsungsanging a lullabyanthemrhymenomore
Instagrams socialanticipation partwholly couthun
Kaurrupillaurelsfordrivel I wantneedtogostay
Writeunwrite my thoughtswords publishredact
alovehate wedunwed wonlost wasneverwas
He­reliesstandsthere once wasis afairyunjust conprehensivegyst of tallsmall taletelltolduntold

I want to not not want you wantneed youme
to alwaysnever nowthen so I cancouldshouldwill
be presentpassive in athe time of troublesuccess
so wemeyoutheythemus werearewillmightbe
awareunaware silent and listen have the same lettersvowelsconsonantssoundsunsounds
Shakespeare shookshakes spearssparszounds
Inoutupdownleftright lifedeathcradlegrave

— The End —