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brandon nagley Jun 2015
Affluent men taketh and foreclose thy dormitory residence
They smirk and grin with their polka dotted ties
They loveth to giveth pain
They laugh to poor man's suicide
They build skyscraper's to thy sky
Metal steel to beam star high
Animal's tis they hunt as trophie's
Whilst African and even American babies art choking
From no food nor water!!!!!!!
They drop acidic gas for slaughter
Whilst putting chemical's in the turf
Slug round's to virginal church
They've scoffed high Jehovah
Made **** their Ponderosa
Wriggling worms
Master artists of DEATH
Selleth thy soul to the world dear reader
And thou shalt taketh thy last breathe
For they've madeth man focus on media ****
****** thee by breast's
They Maketh women a harlot *****
They telleth them what they should be
Giveth them fifty bucks
For girly magazines
But these art the Queen's
That the howler's corrupted their image
Man of no humbling
Devilish scrimmage
As he also maketh men
Robots to his illusion
Giveth him archery
They calleth them soldier brainwashed timid's
They run ourn own weather
( DARPA) run by the government beast
Stick poles in the ground
(Search it in Alaska) thou shalt seeith
Mankind thinks this weather is natural
As natural they tryeth to be
Disillusioned by fact's soon
Their chapter shalt be seen
Their heads will be bowed
Tasting the ash
Their law's of soo called justice
Kiss mine ***!!!
No I don't cuss ( not a cusser honest)
But I'm overboard now
Sick of the molestation of ourn being's, creature's, And GLOBE overflowed!!!!
The blinded eyes
Are woozy by robes
But guess what dearest?
Almost the end of the show.......
He won't tell anyone that his love is colored. You see he's embarassed,she's not fair skinned or long haired like the others.
He hides her in a closet, just to please his mother.
He won't show her off like he's done the others.
She doesn't have to ask him why, because deep inside she knows it's because his love is colored.
She wishes she could change, all she wants is to be loved the same.
but she knows she's not good enough, feels shes not good enough.
He doesn't have to reply, for it would come out a lie, because deep inside she knows it's because his love is colored.
Her skin is dark but the inside is so bright; she's filled with love,wants,wishes,maybes, and mights.
He keeps her around just for fun, but he's breaking her heart...she's almost done.
She's so depressed nothing can help, all she wants is for him to love her, so she can finally learn to love herself.
No one sees her as a trophie,so he puts her on the highest shelf.
His love is colored, so he can't show or tell anyone else.
This poem really tells a story, it is what I see when he is with me. I can see the truth behind his lies
Kyle Dal Santo Oct 2018
One time, Monopoly got ******
Of all the board games, not the one you’d expect to get x rated
Hungry Hippos seems more ******
Or holdem, or Don’t Wake Daddy
Although that one would be pretty ****** up
But anything’s ****** when you have a woman like that as admin
She’ll turn morning cartoons into a pornhub episode
She hass a vendetta against the boring normal
The color of her hair matched the fire in her eyes
The curves of her hips matched the fury that moved them
As ruthless as she was beautiful
Yet her armor was breaking, I could see many dents and cracks
But she brushed it off, and just looked at me with a sinister face
Her fingers danced across the board
Her body moved to the music in the background
She’d lick her fingers before grabbing a card
Everything she did was planned
She knew I was watching
I knew she was in control
She’d lean over the table to expose beneath her shirt
And if her piece, ended up near my end of the board?
The torture began
And she started dancing around my mind
Her *** was center stage
Her body filled with my fantasies
I was her leftover toy
And she loved treating me like a board game
Something to toss around for fun
Her sinister intentions made my face red
I was an experiment that she treated like pre funding
I was not a person, I was a subject
Her target, her new trophie
She was clearly into abuse
I don’t judge fantasies, but dayum
I melted in her hand
She turned it up to eleven
I stopped paying attention to the game
And she started winning
“I own that property, now you owe me something…”
I look at her dumbfounded
Her leg brushes mine, and she reveals a ***** little secret
Something she’s not wearing underneath
I hear her mom doing dishes in the kitchen
I look at her with doubt
She smiles like a movie villain
And bites her tongue with evil excitement
She dances on my tongue like champagne bubbles
Her fingers dance like a spider across my leg
And it doesn’t even creep me out
She uses her tongue like a toothbrush
She grabs me so hard I lose my breath
Forces my hands onto her
I hear her mother’s footsteps
“You can’t be serious…” I whisper
“It’s more fun this way” she giggles gleefully
She pulls away just as her mother enters the room
She tells her mom we have to leave for a study group
We leave the game unfinished
She grabs the stick shift with her hand, and my ear with her teeth
She whispers, “Let’s get crazy tonight…”
Kyle D.
Cheryl Sep 2019
Our playful game were over.. savior of my day arrived.

He light my cigarette, grin on his face..
Slowly he blindfolded me..
Holding my little finger, he took me to his red room..
My body is getting impatient, inhaling these luxuries dedicated to my body in exchange of filling his life with colors.

With gifts, clothes jewelries of my favorite brands..
Lying over my suggar daddy, counting my gifts as I am held in his arms..
I melted his heart with a smile as he just stared me with his glistening eyes..

I kissed on his chubby cheeks,
Suddenly he relinquished his diamonds for me..
My eyes got sparkled and liquified..
Deep down I knew my fortune will get magnified.

His older looks, threw me a smile..
I found him notorious...
As he's on call tricking his wife...
Taking time out for me as I am so important in his life, with everything I do he just wish he could say "You're mine".

Detachable emotions, he is my lucky strike..
I play according to his bedroom rules
as long as I get my pay right...

I feel pitty sometimes, shaking his old hands
But deep in my heart all I knew I am his favorite candy better than his trophie wife!!!

— The End —