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White down
so high 
and yet so lowly, soft,

your flecks of light
where brown turf darkens 

so innocently growing
'spite the weather;

torn clouds,
against the blue or grey,

beside you green of moss
stone, heather, 
grasses, hay,

Not lauded, 
given honours like the rose
but there the mountain knows
your sweet repose. 

M. A. Waddicor
10th sept 2011.

Translated into Norwegian...

Kvite dun
så høgt på strå
og likevel så kravlaus, mjuk.
Lysa dine logar
der torva mørknar
fuktig, brun.
Du veks uskuldig, rein
trass uvêr,
rivne skyer
mot det blå og grå.
Ved sida di er grøne mosen,
stein, lyng,
gras og vier.
Ikkje lovprisa
eller gjeve heidersteikn, som rosa bar;
men fjellet kjenner til
din vakre kvilestad.
            M. A. Waddicor/ Gjendikting ved Åse Lilleskare Faugstad


Waving at the sky,
you tufts of downy white,
your presence in the marsh,
or standing on the cracked dry earth,
the bottom of a bog.

So delicate you are,
in such a place,
where winter blizzards blow,
and icy waters, snow, 
cover your bed. 

Yet there you always are, 
a faithful friend to travellers,
a light where grey skies dull,
a flag to show where not to go 
in rain.

As pretty as a poem tossed 
on hardy stems
not pictured in a painting
yet as dainty, beautiful 
and free, 
as any bloom can be. 

M. Ann Waddicor 
10th September 2011.
Åse is one of Norway's poets, I was so happy when she decided she wanted to translate my poem, and did a wonderful job of it, keeping to the exact words as closely as possible, asking me if she could put just one that was different in instead! "Vier!" For those who can read norsk.
Ikvaran kaur Jul 2020
Many people have walked away
I never complained at all,
Something was different about that person
That made my tears even fall.

Not talking about a guy
That i might have fall for,
But speaking about one of my best friend
With whom i broke up a few weeks before.

It all started at school
When we got sorted in a same class,
In nothing less than a month
She was the next stone in my friendship bracelet becoming a trass.

Got even separated by distance
But nothing broke us apart,
We got so close to each other
That i lost fear if something can come between us till last.

Talked even till 3 am at night
Which you might think is a bit insane,
Thought that we knew each other really well,
Even if we don't have memories like sky filled with paper planes.

So just like any other movie we see
We even got a twist,
A whole pile of misconceptions jumped in
And made me feel like playing a whist.

Messaging in long paragraphs
Trying to explain again and again,
Which left me in pain.

Heard a lot of things from her
Such as she does not fit in with others,
At this point i realized
Our friendship will last no further.

Today i just wish you won't forget me
And the memories we made,
And hope someone is completing my absence to make your problems fade.

A sacrificial goat is the man belonging to middle class.

He is born to suffer the Govt's taxation torture, their "trass".

Squeeze they, every drop of his already pale blood n all his money

Whilst they enjoy with his tax money, all the delicious honey !!!

Pampered are the poor; instead of training them to become worthy;

Because, these masses in return, votes give to the govt. aplenty.

Then its the rich, who increase the prices of their products, to cover up their loss.

Bothered about the world they are not; principles they toss.

The working man's life most miserable is; after tax, receives he only two thirds.

Thereafter he pays taxes on everything except air n his words.

Crushed his life the Govt has, to parasites clothe, house n feed

Helplessly he gets ****** n *******; n is treated like a ****.

Empty will be his cup; after the tax- burden on his broken back !!!

Dreams his, fulfilled never will be, money to spend he will always lack.

Dear Lord,  honesty we know has value little, in today's world;

The dishonest, cushily sit in their comfy A/C homes all curled;

As the salaried middle-class man slogs like a beast of burden

The leaches **** his resources to build assets golden.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
In the booklet of the sky,
You'll reckon that
Colours define the weather
In contrast
Yet cold
Still warm
Not alone at trembling in the peer of bone
But contract your wider point of view
The whole question, is 
This life a whole contrast?
Through a wavy shadow on the glass,
Behind the cozy trass?

— The End —