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Isabelle H Graye Jun 2015
It is easy
Just to give up
Just to stay in bed
Why bother

This can be anyone
A friend, a teacher, a bully
Someone from home
A sibling, a father, a mother

This could be you
It is easy to want to cry
Hide away
Just disappear

But you are told no
Be strong
This is your burden
It is yours to bear

Just going trough life
Going trough the motions
Wear your mask
Wear your smile

Will the feeling last
How long
Will it go away
Or is it staying awhile

Am I stuck
Trapped in this cage
Going around in a rut  
No way out

No one will hear me
No one will listen
No matter what
Even if I yell and shout

Everyone feels like this
But we only know the me
It is only how I feel
No one knows how I feel

But everyone have these feelings
Everyone thinks this way
But we built this wall
This is real

You can't come in
The wall is up
You don't know
Just to give up on everything

This is the life we are given
The life we live
This is the story that is written
The song we sing
i have to catch up on all you sent. but yes very intense, and been my life for years now. to tell the truth, longer. but good news we saved the world , we all did, turns out there is this guy in the boonies of the ozarks who they say seems to be tied to all existance or at least powerful people with pwerful toys tie events to his moods , and he like suddenly fixed it all in the blink of an eye, with the help of everyone and of course our good Lord, and Grace and Love. wow, who would have thought , some hillbilly with flaws and a tourtured life , intensified in the last ten or so years, turns out to be that guy, yep that guy with the job no man would ever wish to have, the job of intitiating the saving of all existence by making it so, simple as that. jack. here check it out and be sure to read all the other peoples posts in the maion area thatr are rather interesting in the effects the world has when a man feels it as much as he sure does. wow the guy feels a lot and i mean wow, so much so the world reflects what ever people do to him, glad all the world love and not hate, and are caring to ensure he is hapopy as he ensures he is happy, cause arent we all tied to the existance just the same, . well most i would suspect, but if it is  hypothetically just him that is, then i cant think of a better guy to have turned down the parts that were offered, and just did the job that was needed for all to benifit and not just be greedy like so many have been to him, he really did us all a service by just being that rather wonderful and kind man he realy is. i thank the guy. truly. here is a link.
Oh p.s., amazing how well balanced the guy is, no massive ego, no power tripping, just forgivness and kindness with a tantrum here and there as well, a real person should have. but, yeah, amazing and he is not too bad looking , well, if you are into that  sort of look, but i can forgive the odd things he does, i mean, could you imagine the stress a guy must have doing that job and never asking for it, in fact refused it time and time again so people would not worship or mistake him for some other guy. i mean wow, freaking thoughtful and careing guy, he even humiliated himself several times just to cause the argument to be realevent that he could in no way be the main power guy, cause chossen one or not, he sure a heck held the good things in the right and justly chose to give and also recieve the possitive and teach all that pain is real, and emotions are more, and well a bunch of stuff that said, hey open your mind and consider the odd things, whether true or not, cause we can not have a future of amazing and joyous if we limit our thinking and feeling, and he did it all under the eyes of the world, even editted to look like a bad guy, not unlike bane joker or some weird o who uses crayons to paint the scenes, yeah, some folks thought that would be fun, glad the world saw through the lie of those trying to harm him, his family and the world, cause he really withstood and seems many great people really sacrificed a lot to keep them safe, and i am grateful, turns out hes not a bad guy. even if he endulges in things we all turn a blind eye to it, i mean, come on, you seen that level of preassure in a job with no time off ever? 24/7 365  all day everyday. wow the guy is , okay. i guess. just hope i can do half what he tried to do, cause i am sure it took one heck of a toll and he is just ready to heal and enjoy saving it all, with the help of everyone and well all only by the grace of God, God's will not his nor anyone elses, God sure did save the day when this guy decided to say, hey, enough. and asked the lord for help. smile. you saved the world matthew. thank you. really, i mean it.
Yep . so. smile all. in the blink of an eye. or as one can hope it to be. so long as the world and powers that be, allow for such good things, I mean didnt we all just choose to save the whole thing, and seems it can only be done by the will of God< gods will not mine, not yours not theirs, so, hum, yeah, thanks all for helping save the world in the blink of an eye here caught up in this wifi cloud of internet .
Pauline Morris Jan 2016
She set the scene
Like they do for the movie screen
Very thing she did had a meaning
She cleaned the house till it was gleaming

She tried to pretend she hadn't planned it for months, for weeks, for days
But everything she did has something different to say

She had ordered a surgical scalpel online
Praying it would come in time
It arrived a few days ago
And today would be her last show

She put on her favorite dress
The wrinkles out of it she gently caressed
She added rose petals to the bath water
A reminder of all the loved that had faltered
A couple of candles, for the light
That in her eyes no longer shined, her soul was as black as moon less night
She put on a little makeup, there would be no tears to smear it
They were all dried up, her life was ****

She slowly lowered herself into the tub
She didn't want a mess, it would contain her blood
She took that surgical tool, Determined to end all that was cruel
She didn't have to press to hard
She was dealing death's card
She made the slits down her wrist
Watching all of her life's blood flow out filled her with bliss
The water soon turned a crimson red
She just relaxed, there was no dread
The candles like her life soon expired
She had gotten what she had so desired

The iron smell of her blood soon filled the room
It's aroma was a forbidding doom
Her face despite the makeup was ashen white
But a smile creased her lips, she was done with life's fight
She looked so peaceful, so at rest
For her tourtured soul has no longer imprisoned within her flesh
will i ever be okay
will i ever find peace
will i ever find me again
i am trapped in my own mind
i am tourtured
i am tormented
day after day i hope for peace
but it never comes
it may never come
until then i am an empty shell of what used to be happiness and joy

— The End —