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Sarah Antilope Jul 2013
Do I mean anything to you anymore?;
I mean yeah we still talk occasionally but I feel like I'm being pushed out the door.

Is our friendship existent anymore?;
It's changed ever since I was replaced but I can't tell you that because your heart will be tored.

Are we the same as we used to be anymore?;
I feel like I'm not good enough for you and that I just make you feel bored.

How much closer or farther can we grow anymore?;
Just thinking of a life without you makes me feel poor.

I don't want to feel like this anymore!!;
But I can't help how you act in your new life, I'm just alone here feeling sad and sore.
Sometimes things happen to you in life that you can't control and you have to look past, no matter how hard it may be to put on a smile and try not to care you just have to do it. I understand how hard it can be to feel like you are becoming distant from a close friend but you just have to deal with what life throws at you.
Karijinbba Aug 2019
I am underwater how do I chase?

Please forgive my blockings being unfollowed saddens me
I am only human make mistakes

Trying to understand your poetry without seeing your face
as the mirrors fogs I pushed to defog and unmask  

I am a realist in attitude
vission depiction is hard to do

seeing across the cyber space cold computer screen with clarity is exausting however fun

I guess I lost it forgive me
what I searched for desperatly
to find and hungrily devour
has found me instead

the final blow was executed
bittersweet the object of my
obsession has withdrown
a sacred tree tored in half

I remain changed wiser
a crying sorrowful nymph
bent fallen in this battlefield arena
my world in shambles remains
my sacred tree unreachable is

I struggle to breath as
I come up for a little fresh air
and a mighty hand pushes
me down
down under water again
and again

I appologize have mercy on my soul beloved loyal reader how much more wiser thou art

I hope whats on the other side is better than on this mirrored life of mine.

understand me please I pleed
that I may gather strenght
before I go hence and be no more
By: Karijinbbs
It is only human to err and make mistakes and all we can do is learn and bless our beloved runners escapist no matter the pain.
There once was a boy who once had a girl.
Her heart was his toy, he was her whole world.
She wanted him, he never wanted her.
And it was only a pure one sided romance.

She deeply fell inlove while he ran far away.
He never cared but she begged him to please stay.
She said to him I love you, but he didn't answer it tored her apart
And leaving her with nothing but a broken heart.

But thank you for the friendship. Thank you for the smile.
Thank you for the love even if it was for a while.
True my heart was broken and yes I did cry.
But the pain is all over now because I have learned to say goodbye.
Nick Mar 2019
My heart sings,
My heart bleeds,
Sabotaged by people's greed,
No chance to rest,
Time misplaced,
Tored of running in the race,
Fathoming sleep,
To each their own,
Sadness keep,
To be had,
To be lost,
To be bought with a cost,
Of our very soul,
Without a way to,
Fill the hole,
But with food,
And a toll,
Loneliness sets in,
On a whim,
To be there til,
The end
Interpret my words. Tell me what you think i meant by them, or just what you thought. Every emotion i have goes into my writting.

— The End —