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met nat oë en stem rasper-hees
sal sy my eers
met kaneel en gemmer genees
met swaar lyf en kop wat klop
salf sy my eers
met heuningwoorde gesond

en wanneer die lewe my hoogtak-drome snoei
bewerk sy my sodat ek opnuut kan groei
met die seer wat nog so rou in haar talm
bid sy eers die onrus in my kalm

en ek weet saans ween en woed
onverbiddelike storms
in haar gemoed
en dan soggens uitgespoel en broos
is sy nooit te swak om haar kroos
eersmaal te troos
vir speelgrond wond of hart wat breek
terwyl daar dubbeltjies soveel dieper
in haar insteek

die plooikuiltjies waar daar gedurig riviere deurgeloop het
vir elke afvlerkkind
die lyntjies waar sy op die mooiste wyse
haarself met ander verbind
waar sy soveel ander se seer verberg
ten spyte van alles wat dit van haar verg

hier sit ek stil en verwonder my
aan Ma se halfweghuis hart wat altyd oopbly
Poem in my mother tongue(Afrikaans) dedicated to my mother.
Raquie Nov 2017
Back at it
A crack addict

White *****.

**** that ****'s morbid.
These stereotypes, I ain't for em
& honestly I'm getting sick of talm bout race

Cause I know I'm the fastest
But you rigged it babe

acting like you down for me

Saying, that ****** is a clown for me


My libido is not your entertainment
But it is
& that's all I am to you

*** appeal
Strong broad shoulders
Smooth brown skin
Reflecting the sun
You just wanna soak it in
This 12 inch sacred ****

       *               *               *

Energy Theif
Preying on the weak
He's at war with himself
Vulnerable cause he don't know his lineage
Generational discombobulation
Instilling addiction, rage, & unhappiness

Self Sabotage
Your people made us this way
Like Chitown Drilla Music
That's just what we'll be
Coming for you & all you got
Freewrite on perspectives of white women dating black men & some of the unsaid truths & opinions.
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
Was I not good enough?
**** man you're all I ever wanted
Now I got ****** hitting me up
Talm bout come through
A year and seven months
That's not gonna change
I'm still your wife
We still have our baby
I was I not good enough?
A blade to my wrist
But I promised you I wouldn't try it
That promise is still bliss
I'm never giving up on you
Keep ignoring me ..
Once upon a time you said YOUD NEVER GIVE UP ON ME
I love you so much..
Was I not good enough?

— The End —