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Jenna Kaminski Jul 2010
I knew it was dangerous..
To be in his very presence like a
Moth who's gotten himself too close to the light.
Like a natural born pacisfist picking a fight.
Like that "we need to talk" talk
that really isn't conversation just
candy coated devestation.
But no, I just couldn't believe what was so
easy to see.
I just got caught up in this moment like a
cat in a tree.
Like this rhyme without a beat.
And I'm sorry because
if I ever thought it would have to end like this..
Hell, I would do it again just to feel this bliss.
Medha Nepal Nov 2015
Behind her sleepless nights there was someone
Behind her tears on pillow everynight there was someone
Behind her finding oneself lonely in crowd there was someone
That someone who always loved her
That someone who always promised to be besides her
That someone who always made her feel alive
But today that someone has vanished somewhere
Somewhere far where her voice can't reach
Somewhere strange where her messages arent delivered
Somewhere weird where noone knows what the place is
Those words were crushed and promises were broken
That love turned into pain and those moments turned into memories
She wishpers to herself "why did u leave me?"
Moment later someone wishpers back I didn't leave you smeone took mee away"
Wait!! what was that???
Did someone took his life away??
Did someone wanted me to be alone??
whisper: No, they wanted you to be the only reason behind everything.
Jude kyrie Jul 2018
Her stars  are bright this night
Even the pale silvered moonlight
spills in pools on the pathways.

In the distance smeone is playing
Bolero on a flute.
It's melody is burning my soul.
As her lips once did.

A cat unaware of loss or passion
reflects the beauty of the
wild clematis
in its green eyes,

The crescendo of sadness
overwhelms my grief.
In the distance someone
is playing bolero on a flute.
And my soul is aching.

The cat turns
to witness my sadness.
Its eyes green and wide.
Reflecting all the darkness
of a sorrow that is
lost in infinity.
The good news is grief eventualy fades
Love lives forever

— The End —