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Red Bergan Dec 2013
The land...
Its quiet and peaceful for now.
In the distance however,
holds a war of all.

A guardian watches alongside her sisters,
They see the world through the eyes of the creator.
As the sun gleam's upon the water,
A massive horde comes closer.

Valkyries are strong,
beautiful but deadly.
We fight together for the Light,
but the darkness can overwhelm thee.

Only one Valkyrie stands out,
above them all.
She is unique, wise, and tall.
Her blue eyes only see thy soul.

As this horde comes to the waves of white.
Valkyries spread their wings to take flight.
Now she knoweth the world and becomes,
The demon they fear, Kekay the Young.

Rising into the sky,
not fearing the dragons who surround.
She looks to her ****,
and stands...her ground.

Her wings turn black and her sovereign soul abides.
As she summons the Catalyst on the heights.
Tempest Suthrane as deadly and black.
The lightning kills off anything death.

The Valkyrie stands before her sisters now,
Who watch in terror of the darkness overwhelmed.
For now she is known as Kekay Suthrane,
The Valkyrie, The young, Dragon Rider today.

Know the war that takes place within her soul,
She knows not the worldly fall.
The end will draw near of the sisterhoods kin,
The blood will show the way,
To her next ****.

The Valkyrie of light and Darkness,
The Archaic one.
Shes the one you should fear,
For Tempest comes to her call.
Nat Lipstadt Jun 2013
Where/Why and the Who,  I Am

I am a child of emigres,
Sojourners in a land that was not theirs,
Early risers, both long distance travelers,
- a traveling salesman who never forgot a customers name,
- a lover of Rembrandt, ceremonial Judaica, Broadway,
who shared her love for small stipends, traveling large distances.

They were transformational people, transformers of all they met.

Not great successes, yet well-reputed.

emphasize the small in smaller businessman,  
emphasize the part in part-time lecturer, writer,
emphasize the fullness of full time mother,

An odd couple, continentally divided,
Germany and Canada and born many years apart

Never understood the pairing, the mystery of "them,"
Different in so many ways, but inspirational to many in their own way,.

Never till just now,
got the light bulb turned on to what was their secret sauce,
the connectivity essence that wove their web
and I had a front row seat!

Story tellers both,
and if their biggest dreams went unrealized,
no matter, no matter as long as they could tell stories,
Entrancing the many Sabbath table guests, Sisterhoods,
Their Passover table included everyone on the block,
Long before 'regardless of faith, creed and color' was extant

Even interlopers, those who would beg a meal,
The professional beggars who knocked at ten pm
never went away empty handed,
Any crying child who crossed their path taken in, was restored,
Authors of good night stories that incorporated your daily escapades

Their was no commonality in their separate tales,
Their upbringings were as different as Jupiter and Mars,
But in the telling was their planetary passion released,

His ramrod posture, highlighted by eye twinkling charms,
Germanic, on Saturdays he wore a Homburg and striped pants.
Was oft disturbed by the pressures of the real world,
Never took me to Yankee Stadium.

But to this day, his children are approached by strangers,
Grown men and women now,
Who all say the same thing,
I knew your father.

The where and why of my life is still a mystery to me,
What I will leave behind that is worth cherishing may be  
Less than a zero sum game, but now I see that
Nature trumps nurture, for the story telling gene is
Strong in their offspring, inheritance, both sides.

What they gave me, all their children, was this:

The fearlessness to sign your name
to a public document like this poem,
to do small acts of public service kindness
and thousands of small private one for no thanks,
that lays yourself out, open to snide critique and ridicule,
Above all, tell stories.

The Where/Why of my parents lives'
explains mine somewhat,
or maybe even,
its entirety.  

Feb 2012,  
above the intersection of
Wyoming, Colorado and Utah
They all kneel in silence
each with arms outstretched
all have draped their coats in arms
thus the order was born
this is their inner sanctum
as chaos dwells outside these walls

This most secret chamber
this most secret of rituals
the exchanging of coats
each lined with their secret words
the sharing of brother and sisterhoods
with roots at the beginning of time

This most holy of covenants
all here are ready for the great heal
all here have taken the vow
and much good will come of it
for this is their last time
of the exchange of coats

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
By NeonSolaris

© 2011 NeonSolaris (All rights reserved)
Marshal Gebbie Aug 2022
People come, people go they waft their way through life
Some have stern direction, others wield the knife.
Most leave little impact, a superficial touch
A special few impart much more, some give far too much.

A filigree of lace around a latticework of charm
Entices one to seek to know just why your words disarm.
For there, beneath the superficial self, behind your smile,
Lies a raw depth of talent which quite dazzles for a while,
Leads me to seek the secret story, hiding in your eyes
Confirming your creations….Which come as a surprise.

Once touched and found familiar, warm associations grow
Leading to expectations shared as friendships know
That these will stand the test of time enshrouding mutual trust
So when abruptly terminated…. Our feelings turn to dust.

Such is so with poetry, associations grow
Expectations generate anticipated flow,
One awaits with pleasure, new creations to the fore,
Awaits the stimulation proffered, offered, at the door.
There’s a well of warm familiar, a sisterhoods decree,
That isn’t quite but could be said to be, dependency?
So when abruptly terminated, feelings turn to dust
Like a death in the family….What must be, as it must.

Such is so with poetry, they come, they go
Little warning given, little passion shown.
Some simply turn the page, seek new pastures, green
Others wrinkle mouths and vent, viciously, their spleen.
The quiet ones just fade away, fade into the mist
Emphatic types, excuses, they so rightfully insist.

The Blush, my friends, Hath Left the Rose, the wilted petals fall
To now, the Great Departed souls, We wish… God speed you all.

HP in August 2022
For my old mate, Wint.
Simon Nader Feb 2019
Scream for liberty
And join the noise
Come to this reality
Raise up the voice

Bang your heads
For the sound of freedom
Wear the blacks and reds
Enter this new kingdom

It's time to play it out loud
Raise your fists and feel proud


Give into metal
You are the one now
Give into metal
Brother and sisterhoods of the world

You have come for METAL
It's the spirit inside
Step into the pedal
Join this wild ride

Open your arms
Show the brave in you
Pounding of the hearts
Listen to the music that is true

It's time to hail the thunder
Grace out with its wonder



(Guitar Solo)

Feel the strength from within



(Outro Guitar Solo)
Rochel 2d
There is a blade within my heart
And through my tears
I cannot see what poison lies atop it
What is contained within the green stain
Perhaps the birth givers screams
Perhaps the taunts of the children
Perhaps the pills in the orange bottle
Perhaps the heritage in my blood
Perhaps the snakes I called confidants
Perhaps the scars apon my body
Perhaps the lifelong letter markings
Perhaps the city and it's streets
Perhaps the changing temperatures
Perhaps the lonely lunch table
Perhaps the girl who shoved my chair
Perhaps the boy I can't forget
Perhaps the sisterhoods stolen
Perhaps the 7 story garage
Perhaps the food within my teeth
Perhaps the distance of disease
Perhaps the three digit number
Perhaps the tunes I have not heard
Perhaps the numbers I stare down at

There was never any poison on the blade
The green illusion a distraction

For when my tears clear
I find what I should truly fear
Is the reflection on the sword

— The End —