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Dominique Simeus Mar 2022
I. Death of the Phoenix
Dear Mama

Falling stars, moonlight dark, red torches spread
Ere dawn of day, far over river deep
When in the lads the dares of fancy fame
Oft they quested to waking fortunes’ sleep

Sweet aroma of summer breath afar
Soft waving hair and likeness sunny guise
And stillness in the gaze like ocean hues
‘Twas lambent Pearl, the radiant crown ‘neath skies  

‘O rose of blues slowly drained the silent seas
When looting’s Muse had wed the maiden Pride
That raged against the rising of the sun  
To fall and fall in servitudes denied

Down empty streets where humble stations stood
Though heads bowed down, the broken wills undone
Hailed supple hopes, but midst the hopes, avowed
The oppressed bride and aim that cannot run

Ah, the sky is clear, Oh, the mourning doves
Out of the seas came out the knightly steeds
With faces stained red and blue, rode amain
The crimson shores of those in wants or needs

Then came the billows’ mists o’er unrest land
With thunders’ roar and freezing cold decades
Lone in despair, no Beacon, close or far
Alas! Alas! The unloved lost in fades

‘O gleeful hymn once roamed untrodden grounds
Beyond the gates of wraths and shades and fears
Now skims the air whilst nightingales diffuse
Lest fetter to wills of avarice’s Peers

‘O swirling darkness, drowning bleakness state
Like waves of tears that burst from heart of ache
On pyre of flame delight, by now grows dim
Consumes with shameful scorns, doze unawake

‘O woe betide my dream and I
My aim, my soul, my credo die
                                                             ­                Your Dying Daughter

II. The Phoenix Shall Re-Rise
My Beloved Child

Let heav’n light rest upon twin rivulets
And cast returning glow on worried cheek
Let lively hope return sweet virtuousness
And stop the weeping weep of small and weak

Whence softly rave the words the leafy grasped
Whilst few amid rich flowers, woods, and fields
Summoned daydreams in oppressed sleeps to wake
In painful stoic with neither swords nor shields

Methinks if this had happened not, perchance
That beauty rare would echo still in tune
And wits like wings in varied raptures ‘d fly
With idle dread ‘til reach the waning moon

By the placid Rivers, like ores of rare
That made the riverbeds mirroring sun
The crafty trails, the vermeil meadow pawns
Where hostages to priceless glints had fun

Ponder awhile on those invective Streams
When weary hopes sought access into soul’
Which knew no moist, but moist of falling tears
Arose amid sweet rainy boon parole

‘O brave Angel to whom the homage paid
When shades of freedom, death, unity, strength
Aloft the hills, albeit the odds were few
‘Til resilience and prowess at full length  

‘O silent mute on which misery lies
The brazen proud, the humble roots stretch still
Whose keen presence the flood and storm esteem
So firm and deep, anon to aims fulfill’  

Tree that blooms from river blood, time is nigh
For solitude that hides near shimming lake
To burst aflame from remnants of the now
Like phoenix sunned in ashen dust awake’

Oh, then, I’ll dream that dream once dreamt
That latest dream few've ever dreamt
                                                          ­                                   Love Ma

III. One Moon
Dear Beacons

Come midnight ghosts that slide along the yards
Call exiled forth, and haggle for their quests
Where leering eyes at nightfall gate ignore
Arising slain yearn newness’ lives abreast

From tortuous routes and wave to wave to shores
Where skies no longer bright and glad deceive
No gentle fair nor answers to hold dear
When pride depressed to swirling hopes believe  

Relume the gold of havens found
Cast shadow aping’s frowns to ground

Then, from sweet unrest, twilight world will rouse
To peaceful fields, and cool of breezy night
O’er which clouds float and run, whilst dancing stars
Adorn. And lo, the moon is full and bright

                                                         ­                                     Amor Fati,
                                                           ­                                   Alkebulan
Le Soleil, le foyer de tendresse et de vie,
Verse l'amour brûlant à la terre ravie,
Et, quand on est couché sur la vallée, on sent
Que la terre est nubile et déborde de sang ;
Que son immense sein, soulevé par une âme,
Est d'amour comme Dieu, de chair comme la femme,
Et qu'il renferme, gros de sève et de rayons,
Le grand fourmillement de tous les embryons !

Et tout croît, et tout monte !

- Ô Vénus, ô Déesse !
Je regrette les temps de l'antique jeunesse,
Des satyres lascifs, des faunes animaux,
Dieux qui mordaient d'amour l'écorce des rameaux
Et dans les nénufars baisaient la Nymphe blonde !
Je regrette les temps où la sève du monde,
L'eau du fleuve, le sang rose des arbres verts
Dans les veines de Pan mettaient un univers !
Où le sol palpitait, vert, sous ses pieds de chèvre ;
Où, baisant mollement le clair syrinx, sa lèvre
Modulait sous le ciel le grand hymne d'amour ;
Où, debout sur la plaine, il entendait autour
Répondre à son appel la Nature vivante ;
Où les arbres muets, berçant l'oiseau qui chante,
La terre berçant l'homme, et tout l'Océan bleu
Et tous les animaux aimaient, aimaient en Dieu !
Je regrette les temps de la grande Cybèle
Qu'on disait parcourir, gigantesquement belle,
Sur un grand char d'airain, les splendides cités ;
Son double sein versait dans les immensités
Le pur ruissellement de la vie infinie.
L'Homme suçait, heureux, sa mamelle bénie,
Comme un petit enfant, jouant sur ses genoux.
- Parce qu'il était fort, l'Homme était chaste et doux.

Misère ! Maintenant il dit : Je sais les choses,
Et va, les yeux fermés et les oreilles closes.
Et pourtant, plus de dieux ! plus de dieux ! l'Homme est Roi,
L'Homme est Dieu ! Mais l'Amour, voilà la grande Foi !
Oh ! si l'homme puisait encore à ta mamelle,
Grande mère des dieux et des hommes, Cybèle ;
S'il n'avait pas laissé l'immortelle Astarté
Qui jadis, émergeant dans l'immense clarté
Des flots bleus, fleur de chair que la vague parfume,
Montra son nombril rose où vint neiger l'écume,
Et fit chanter, Déesse aux grands yeux noirs vainqueurs,
Le rossignol aux bois et l'amour dans les coeurs !


Je crois en toi ! je crois en toi ! Divine mère,
Aphrodite marine ! - Oh ! la route est amère
Depuis que l'autre Dieu nous attelle à sa croix ;
Chair, Marbre, Fleur, Vénus, c'est en toi que je crois !
- Oui, l'Homme est triste et laid, triste sous le ciel vaste.
Il a des vêtements, parce qu'il n'est plus chaste,
Parce qu'il a sali son fier buste de dieu,
Et qu'il a rabougri, comme une idole au feu,
Son cors Olympien aux servitudes sales !
Oui, même après la mort, dans les squelettes pâles
Il veut vivre, insultant la première beauté !
- Et l'Idole où tu mis tant de virginité,
Où tu divinisas notre argile, la Femme,
Afin que l'Homme pût éclairer sa pauvre âme
Et monter lentement, dans un immense amour,
De la prison terrestre à la beauté du jour,
La Femme ne sait plus même être courtisane !
- C'est une bonne farce ! et le monde ricane
Au nom doux et sacré de la grande Vénus !


Si les temps revenaient, les temps qui sont venus !
- Car l'Homme a fini ! l'Homme a joué tous les rôles !
Au grand jour, fatigué de briser des idoles,
Il ressuscitera, libre de tous ses Dieux,
Et, comme il est du ciel, il scrutera les cieux !
L'Idéal, la pensée invincible, éternelle,
Tout ; le dieu qui vit, sous son argile charnelle,
Montera, montera, brûlera sous son front !
Et quand tu le verras sonder tout l'horizon,
Contempteur des vieux jougs, libre de toute crainte,
Tu viendras lui donner la Rédemption sainte !
- Splendide, radieuse, au sein des grandes mers
Tu surgiras, jetant sur le vaste Univers
L'Amour infini dans un infini sourire !
Le Monde vibrera comme une immense lyre
Dans le frémissement d'un immense baiser !

- Le Monde a soif d'amour : tu viendras l'apaiser.

Ô ! L'Homme a relevé sa tête libre et fière !
Et le rayon soudain de la beauté première
Fait palpiter le dieu dans l'autel de la chair !
Heureux du bien présent, pâle du mal souffert,
L'Homme veut tout sonder, - et savoir ! La Pensée,
La cavale longtemps, si longtemps oppressée
S'élance de son front ! Elle saura Pourquoi !...
Qu'elle bondisse libre, et l'Homme aura la Foi !
- Pourquoi l'azur muet et l'espace insondable ?
Pourquoi les astres d'or fourmillant comme un sable ?
Si l'on montait toujours, que verrait-on là-haut ?
Un Pasteur mène-t-il cet immense troupeau
De mondes cheminant dans l'horreur de l'espace ?
Et tous ces mondes-là, que l'éther vaste embrasse,
Vibrent-ils aux accents d'une éternelle voix ?
- Et l'Homme, peut-il voir ? peut-il dire : Je crois ?
La voix de la pensée est-elle plus qu'un rêve ?
Si l'homme naît si tôt, si la vie est si brève,
D'où vient-il ? Sombre-t-il dans l'Océan profond
Des Germes, des Foetus, des Embryons, au fond
De l'immense Creuset d'où la Mère-Nature
Le ressuscitera, vivante créature,
Pour aimer dans la rose, et croître dans les blés ?...

Nous ne pouvons savoir ! - Nous sommes accablés
D'un manteau d'ignorance et d'étroites chimères !
Singes d'hommes tombés de la vulve des mères,
Notre pâle raison nous cache l'infini !
Nous voulons regarder : - le Doute nous punit !
Le doute, morne oiseau, nous frappe de son aile...
- Et l'horizon s'enfuit d'une fuite éternelle !...

Le grand ciel est ouvert ! les mystères sont morts
Devant l'Homme, debout, qui croise ses bras forts
Dans l'immense splendeur de la riche nature !
Il chante... et le bois chante, et le fleuve murmure
Un chant plein de bonheur qui monte vers le jour !...
- C'est la Rédemption ! c'est l'amour ! c'est l'amour !...


Ô splendeur de la chair ! ô splendeur idéale !
Ô renouveau d'amour, aurore triomphale
Où, courbant à leurs pieds les Dieux et les Héros,
Kallipyge la blanche et le petit Éros
Effleureront, couverts de la neige des roses,
Les femmes et les fleurs sous leurs beaux pieds écloses !
- Ô grande Ariadné, qui jettes tes sanglots
Sur la rive, en voyant fuir là-bas sur les flots,
Blanche sous le soleil, la voile de Thésée,
Ô douce vierge enfant qu'une nuit a brisée,
Tais-toi ! Sur son char d'or brodé de noirs raisins,
Lysios, promené dans les champs Phrygiens  
Par les tigres lascifs et les panthères rousses,
Le long des fleuves bleus rougit les sombres mousses.
- Zeus, Taureau, sur son cou berce comme une enfant
Le corps nu d'Europé, qui jette son bras blanc
Au cou nerveux du Dieu frissonnant dans la vague.
Il tourne lentement vers elle son oeil vague ;
Elle, laisse traîner sa pâle joue en fleur,
Au front de Zeus ; ses yeux sont fermés ; elle meurt
Dans un divin baiser, et le flot qui murmure
De son écume d'or fleurit sa chevelure.
- Entre le laurier-rose et le lotus jaseur
Glisse amoureusement le grand Cygne rêveur
Embrassant la Léda des blancheurs de son aile ;
- Et tandis que Cypris passe, étrangement belle,
Et, cambrant les rondeurs splendides de ses reins,
Étale fièrement l'or de ses larges seins
Et son ventre neigeux brodé de mousse noire,
- Héraclès, le Dompteur, qui, comme d'une gloire,
Fort, ceint son vaste corps de la peau du lion,
S'avance, front terrible et doux, à l'horizon !

Par la lune d'été vaguement éclairée,
Debout, nue, et rêvant dans sa pâleur dorée
Que tache le flot lourd de ses longs cheveux bleus,
Dans la clairière sombre où la mousse s'étoile,
La Dryade regarde au ciel silencieux...
- La blanche Séléné laisse flotter son voile,
Craintive, sur les pieds du bel Endymion,
Et lui jette un baiser dans un pâle rayon...
- La Source pleure au **** dans une longue extase...
C'est la Nymphe qui rêve, un coude sur son vase,
Au beau jeune homme blanc que son onde a pressé.
- Une brise d'amour dans la nuit a passé,
Et, dans les bois sacrés, dans l'horreur des grands arbres,
Majestueusement debout, les sombres Marbres,
Les Dieux, au front desquels le Bouvreuil fait son nid,
- Les Dieux écoutent l'Homme et le Monde infini !

Le 29 avril 1870.
Vernarth calls Theus, Etréstles calls Vikentios, liberation is near! Dyonisius has to leave for Spinalonga with Wonthelimar and his entourage. Particles of liberation were divided with the immortality proposals of Wonthelimar and Marielle Quentinnais, transmitting ribs of the Speleothemes that harassed them extraterrestrially, until they became theologized in Theus, Vikentios's brother, committing himself to Elefthería or Freedom of praxis, before the gold, in their own alienating chance, are distinguished in the centers of knowledge of Spinalonga, as an entity of the five crosses of Theus, for the conceptualization of this human islet as a sentimental skin of the plague in Vernarth's parapsychology, through Wonthelimar for experience the intersection of Theusiles in honor of Theus with his comrade Vikentios for a priori and a posteriori, with events that will take place in this leprosarium. Kalydon bears a strong similarity to Kalidona in Messolonghi's Koumeterium. Being multi-assigned to Elounda northeast of Crete, like northeast Gethsemane, or the affliction ***** of the right lobe of Golgotha. Volume VII, is the compendium of Wonthelimar twice VV, with its double iteration, that is, VII, this acronym would facilitate access to the area of the future Leprosarium, a posteriori near said peninsula, and ditched from the continent that knew how to distance it as its adopted daughter Spinalonga "Long Splinter" who was now divorcing the peninsula. The fortification of the Venetian raids before the attacks of pirates.

Wonthelimar is seen in the mirror of the Chauvet lagoon, and before the prefixed arch of the Manes Apsidas, when they took the island in advance before they entered this artificial island flood of luminescence in 1578 by the Venetians who presumably feared the meddling by the Apsidas to seize the island, then leaving Crete plunged into a hostile coastline elevated in the foundational cavity of the Essene crewed vessels, they fit into the ship's bow that will be placed on the opposite side of the peninsula, thus avoiding that the ships would list by the low bottom that fluctuated between both portions of earth separated prematurely. The Greek impregnability did not bow before the otomanians by hiding, like Markos Botsaris in Messolonghi with themselves thus subduing them, considering more than sixteen hundred years of the chronological gap that separated this grievance that transcended under the ramparts, putting the settlement of the Tome VII, that is, from the acronym of Wonthelimar and its parapsychological union, which finally came to the aid of the Christians who fled from the Otomanians when they were empowered from the island, with the revolt of 1866, here the rebellious Christians pressed for the Turks to leave the site of a siege in 1903. Specifically from Lerapreta, the Kyrios of Vernarth appeared opening paths from Lasithi, the purpose of this a posteriori parapsychology of Vernarth, would bilocate with their expedition masters, preparing to welcome their ***** relatives on the island from the migration of the ottoman us. Forever as a ***** limen, to be bilocated in the Profitis Ilias, after burying all the lepers commemorating them of restored morbidity after forty days, just as it was in Jericho with the Mashiach, and the Apsidas Manes escaping from the Mashiach.

The eschatology of liberation is confessed with the mythological and parapsychological transformation of Spinalonga as attempts at the misery that evaded the wretched custodians of the Christians who organized themselves from the apocryphal prefixal German or acronym of Wonthelimar as Wo "where, and Thelimar, from the Greek Tou Limar, which would mean "decompose." Finally pointing out the hybrid imprint of the appellation granted by the Manes Apsidas who had stayed on the reef since it was abandoned by a priest. This Tou Limen was an appellation that was provided to weaken them from all the deprivation of Faith in the Christians on this island. The schematic parallel stretched between the two stages with the smallest concatenation since the first century AD. C., until 1600, making this quantum leap the Christian science that understood the democratic causality of extemporaneous events, without having any dimension or category of thought for those who differ or not, especially when the bodies and souls of Christians are They pirated everything, and of themselves, generating condemning existential stress as a source of static synergy, and of God-Mundis in the sketch of science that leads religious man to unite with existential cavemen, in the utilitarian health passages in Jerusalem, specifically in *** Bei Himnon, as a bilocation base in Spinalonga on the face of the leprosarium that was created as the first holocaust or body dump in 1900 without the ápsychos (without a soul), asking for compassion towards the praetorian militiamen masses of the remote past.

The dilemma is create-destroy since Wonthelimar had been moving rapidly through the intraterrestrial slabs near the Kalydon peninsula, before reaching the Kyrios entrusted by Vernarth in Lerapetra, Lasithi. Here they would join with Theus and Vikentios, two Orthodox Christians who were waiting for this procession to later return to Kalydon. The coordinates were alienated in the dilemmas of an anxious Anthropokairós or psychic fear of a past that was three-dimensionally present, towards a future between two different temporal quanta. The entourage was united with a great will to move great tons of time that were intertwined with the almost extinct nature, but noble in resisting that so many fools fought in lands that will never belong to anyone, especially when the storm of the apocalypse thunders the primeval. that Atlas sustains so as not to sink us with his pole, and save all unconverted humanity, making servitudes towards the land of putrid leaf and not the other way around, after so many failed attempts of a Hyletica, or usurpations of matters that are alien to him. certain improper uses such as the mantle of the precious ozone of Eden. The enthronement of the creator will be on the created and will be present, and yes it will be! De Spinalonga with his holocaust of matter will magnetize the mutuality of perished matter in the paw of evils that could not understand his soul matter.

Theus enthroned in Kalydon, here he waited for Wonthelimar before crossing to the islet. His brother Vikéntiko was objectifying himself with his spur scientist in the opening of a new rebirth, in this navel that will seek to untie the aphonia that was difficult with the smallest ellipsis that it implies, by intimidating the miserable prospect that nothing will be redeemable, even later to raise the standards of truly real and not virtual freedom, when the Vexillum that Wonthelimar brought to institute the Genius Loci of Spinalonga appeared. He came along with Marielle, Dyonisius, and Vlad Strigoi. The ethical debate from now on will focus on how to exalt the lepers and *** Bei Himnon and Spinalonga after the Manes Apsidas disassociated themselves from the ethical debate on the island after the departure of the Otomaniacs. The critical evolution will be for the hopeless of a definitive residence that conceptualizes the abandoned, and totally destitute of the chamber or convalescence session, taking them to the Mysterium Ecclesiae, carrying in themselves doctrinals that have supremacy and predominance of the relief of the drama of an existence gray and dark, of those who lie under dire diseases, with advanced duels and an exempt dogmatic formula.

The astrophysics of Spinalonga shows here a universe that distances itself from inextricable nothing, and nothing that alludes to navigating or discovering the point of a ba-ab point, with astrophysical interlocutors that emanate from the realities of stories, which occur more prone to whom be able to resist morbidity with total Christian doctrine, although still asserting itself in coming cycles where Christians are observed fleeing the formulations of a great theologian astrophysicist named Mashiach, who will unite them with the lipoid of Orion, or with the two quantum bracers of *** Bei Himnom and Spinalonga. The quantum record can be cited with immaterial alchemy that emerges from a retrograde biological evolution, for those who believe in archaeology as a state and complement of the logic of the omnipresent-bilocated God in Vernarth parapsychologies, going back to times that passed, passed and they will pass in any dimension of the common man, and whoever is added in the impersonal value in a dynasty of Christian thought, which accommodates the Lodging Ghost of Theus, together with the Mashiach, for a holistic with new body prototypes and souls, which would redesign a paradise definitive. The gaps will give guessed…! And the whole will be to create supposed voids under the law of the conjectured whole, here the continents will pilgrim, containing the same Rabbi co-responsible for all dualism that is ingratiated with divine omnipotence.

Low are freedoms as a final cause, an efficient cause that brings together greater merits of acquiring the personal vote, by acquiring inimitable tenors throughout the cosmos and archetype of man, which does not end with its used prototype substance, relating as one created after the creator told him that he would never abandon him, perhaps being Theus? Spinalonga, a city of the leprosarium, was distinguished from the apprehensions of the Anthropokairos and from the privations of the Apsidas Manes, without pain or fears that will redouble the rudders that unite it to this geomantic duplicity, uncreating mutations that would not appear in the limited collective imagination, rather in the existence that everything is at once, especially when the verb recovers the creative act, towards divine infinity, in Vernarth's kenosis or empty will, purging all of humanity ... It will be more meat on Patmos.
Volume VII - Spinalonga, Manes Apsídas
topaz oreilly Jan 2014
boundless neverhood pockets
the lost crumbs
of comfort too often,
servitudes discordant words
quivers by termitys  foil.
Le poète naïf, qui pense avant d'écrire,
S'étonne, en ce temps-ci, des choses qui font rire.
Au théâtre parfois il se tourne, et, voyant
La gaîté des badauds qui va se déployant,

Pour un plat calembour, des loges au parterre,
Il se sent tout à coup tellement solitaire
Parmi ces gros rieurs au ventre épanoui,
Que, le front lourd et l'œil tristement ébloui,

Il s'esquive, s'il peut, sans attendre la toile.
Enfin libre il respire, et, d'étoile en étoile,
Dans l'azur sombre et vaste il laisse errer ses yeux.
Ah ! Quand on sort de là, comme la nuit plaît mieux !

Qu'il fait bon regarder la Seine lente et noire
En silence rouler sous les vieux ponts sa moire,
Et les reflets tremblants des feux traîner sur l'eau
Comme les pleurs d'argent sur le drap d'un tombeau !

Ce deuil fait oublier ces rires qu'on abhorre.
Hélas ! Où donc la joie est-elle saine encore ?
Quel vice a donc en nous gâté le sang gaulois ?
Quand rirons-nous le rire honnête d'autrefois ?

Ce ne sont aujourd'hui qu'absurdes bacchanales ;
Farces au masque impur sur des planches banales ;
Vil patois qui se fraye impudemment accès
Parmi le peuple illustre et cher des mots français ;

Couplets dont les refrains changent la bouche en gueule ;
Romans hideux, miroir de l'abjection seule,
Commérage où le fiel assaisonne des riens :
Feuilletons à voleurs, drames à galériens,

Funestes aux cœurs droits qui battent sous les blouses ;
Vaudevilles qui font, corrupteurs des épouses,
Un ridicule impie à l'affront des maris ;
Spectacles où la chair des femmes, mise à prix,

Comme aux crocs de l'étal exhibée en guirlande,
Allèche savamment la luxure gourmande ;
Parades à décors dont les fables sans art
N'esquivent le sifflet qu'en soûlant le regard ;

Coups d'archets polissons sur la lyre d'Homère,
Et tous les jeux maudits d'un amour éphémère
Qui va se dégradant du caprice au métier :
Voilà ce qui ravit un peuple tout entier !

Bêtise, éternel veau d'or des multitudes,
Toi dont le culte aisé les plie aux servitudes
Et complice du joug les y soumet sans bruit,
Monstre cher à la force et par la ruse instruit

À bafouer la libre et sévère pensée,
Règne ! Mais à ton tour, brute, qu'à la risée,
Au comique mépris tu serves de jouet !
Que sur toi le bon sens fasse claquer son fouet,

Qu'il se lève, implacable à son tour, et qu'il rie,
Et qu'il raille à son tour l'inepte raillerie,
Et qu'il fasse au soleil luire en leur nudité
Ta grotesque laideur et ta stupidité !

Molière, dresse-toi ! Debout, Aristophane !
Allons ! Faites entendre au vulgaire profane
L'hymne de l'idéal au fond du rire amer,
Du grand rire où, pareil au cliquetis du fer,

Sonne le choc rapide et franc des pensers justes,
Du beau rire qui sied aux poitrines robustes,
Vengeur de la sagesse, héroïque moqueur,
Où vibre la jeunesse immortelle du cœur !
our old appendages are our contemplation of our peripheries.

these minor playthings we do not touch
anymore. rusting alphabets moored
to the toppling refrigerator door. we have always been the curious kind;

before the sun sets, stills itself in unperturbed solace, we the lonely hunters of ourselves sift the word
and the ordeal: the last aureole perishes
  and here flowers the nightly pulchritude.
our age are servitudes circling around
  with elliptical utterances. we have no crutch but our brittle bones slowly chiming in the music of something we
avoid: only too well a mercy we cannot
  bequeath nor receive.

  so breakable and false, this what we
do, these that occur permitting desires
  to speak blandly of themselves.
the hazards of the existing numerals
   and their foreboding syntaxes:
how we burn bright and fade out,
   all of this briefly shattering
after a colossal fall – its trenchant elegy
   repudiates with contrapuntal music.
eyes, the contraband of visions and
   stifled breaths reared in capitulations
like tailgating a beast on the tractable road
     to snare it to its death, yet untold.
The Beit Hamikdash temple raised crowds after receiving crucibles that descended from the confines of the Duoverse, bringing praises that sustained high temperatures that the major star returned with immeasurable distances in its annals of light, gutting itself in the ravages that converged thousands of illicit that were not able to bear light in wicked after completing them. The sedition was vitiated towards those with the sight that was thrown from the temple, shining in the Vexillum motto that brought all the legions from the garden with all the Falangists, invoking comfort to the last soldier who had no balms to warn them in billions of years light, for all who exhorted the name of the Mashiach. The trans-angelic conception was making vows on Patmos by admitting that the fight had not offended the twelfth men of the Meshuva, appropriating altars that were suitable to support on their feet that have been ..., and that have been aligned umpteenth times from Egypt to Patmos, when canopies heal them from fruitless heartburn, in which oblations resurrect from what serves those who are served, in this way all bronze and iron armor were requisitioned and sheathed in the quagmire of Hades, from which the animals went out to graze on dog days that turned into herbs of Gehenna, witnessing expiations that were curled through meadows, when sheep and rams have been seen that undulate on plantations as if they were devotions that dry the beam in everything, with what is obtained in his true faith of the ministry of error and error conceived as a universe that is subtracted from the clister of the Iblis converted from the lung of the Colosso de Apsila a thousand times, until all s the disobediences of those who slumber with useless geniuses, being neat beings that strip them of the fig tree like winged specimens, rescinating one that will be delimited by the end of it itself when approaching the sink.

They looked with suspicious fear at the sliced thumb of a ministry that sent everyone to lament over uncaused injuries, but the entelechy made a relief of resilience, sending those who have to fight for lost lines in annals of past life, hardened by the Kashmar that bears the exulcers of its dying star. The Aeonium as foliages carry the Biblidacea species of the lullaby of the Vernarth Garden on the Eudicotyledonous axon, where the aquatic ones will bring sub-shrubs with regal pride that resists the albardín of Judas, appetizing in its ****** as an affliction of YH VH of the Mashiach (Yod Hei Vav Hei), constituting Northwest Africa, with succulent etymology when trying to transfigure into diasporas of harassment of the body that make a simple arrangement in basal rosettes that drain nirvana, and that fragrant toast the flowers that are faithful servitudes with androgynous light that all the sacred names of the Moshiach matriarchy profess in what Is and Is not! With a little chalice desoldered from the base, the collector was grasped and adhered, which reaps its sunken follicles, in particular of its luminous atrophy repaired in the scarce flashes where only a Mashiach will put nimble bifurcation photons for others who assiduously do the brush on his macula altar of the cult cluster hybridization process.

Taxonomy innovated with crass predestinations after the eruption of the Colosso of Apsila, wanting to uncover living cells from the succumbed ones, when Kairós ruled the Sven Tzora flint in those that were to be toned, which was softened by Aeonium flowers as it grew on stones that were a hundredfold in size. Judas's footsteps after putting the leash on his neck generating stained, and away from the Garden of Vernarth, resigning protruding fingers in his right hand with the connecting ruse that made him stick to the knot, closing his deadly phalanxes and flooding the scaphoid with coagulated blood black, who had never been lowered from the inviolable lineage in songs of her death ...! He confessed to the Lord in putting care about it when his mother spoke to him of the vision in El Manyi, by twelfth spirits that led him along his disciplic shoulder of stoning, towards the thick palace where no one lives, only noises would silence the one who speaks worth seeing his apostasy.

Patmia moaned of its lines not sheltered in wayward stars with pale shades, and gentle automatons that freed themselves from their convenient matrix, where no affection has been contemplated in eternal individuals who were torn from the eternal celestial sky of Patmia, now it will be necessary to fill new reformatories of the same eon, behind fetish parapets and intervals of organic matter, giving drink to their cattle and fodder for the lost, among so many who are only servants of those who survive against the followers, until the finite point in which all will have to surrender. To the Ophiucus of the thirteenth ladder of Judas, being ruled by his lateral right discernment with the costly salvation, then the dimensional right hemisphere will be the house that will have to replace him in Aquarius, with evanescent compassionate tragediography, after being cursed in his skillful ascent slipping away by a self-generated destiny. Extensive and limited fiefdoms debased themselves of their greatness after the beauties of the aurum were exhibited, restraining themselves from the invisible third of the transient of breath never guessed. Syntagmas crews facilitated their angelologies by allowing Cereola or Plum to the great darkness that will empty everything from its entrails, with pictures on the first cusp that took the golden diametral segment of the "V", resounding in Nativity prior to incorruptible perspective approaches from a streak that was stowed at forty-five degrees with the affinity of the tangent.

Vernarth's vision approach was subdivided into three hundred and sixty firmaments, giving undaunted competition to his cyclic stealth, also worshiping stealth quantum itself, asserting trans-dimensional quantum millionths for its stirrups, and worshiping immaterial dimensions, of which the Peri Kosmous paternalized. With three hundred and sixty lanterns that will refer to the awareness of the stolon of the Aeonium Virgineum in the garden of Vernarth. The channeling will resemble the generalities of the Apostle Santiago lighting lotions of the Virgineum in his discreet habit, full of Capernaum pollen, uprooting large notches and thick actions with oversized stolons in the expanding universe, along with the annals that were deconfigured into uncontrolled units. Blackish, spatulating and welding the limits of the universe of Patmia, united by expectors that sprouted from the Colosso de Apsila when its pectoral was abrogated. Simultaneously through its mouth, the secretion would make the entire island a sub-species that would ignore the cognition of hatred of internations and dogmas, given the discharges that denoted climatic changes that were creating the intensity that was noted in lack of wisdom, polarizing pubescent stages of geological and theological maturity, in the intricate dichotomy of the Colosso that brought a direct relationship, concealing the upper and lower northeast and the sub-lower world of Vóreios, which was adding minutes to devour, and that will express the purest change of the axial. The expletive of climate change was establishing itself in the Kassotides Omphalo, which is nothing more than another symmetrical purge pectoral of the Colosso de Apsila, enthronement of the previous superior superficial major, leaving the other anterior part of the sternum with the physical enclave, irrigated by arteries of the Bumodos and the Eygues, zoning subcutaneous macro conformations, and analogously making the Valdaine that comes closer from the narrow streams with the Ibex in Chauvet, of Wonthelimar.
Battle of Patmia Part V
Le Soleil, le foyer de tendresse et de vie,
Verse l'amour brûlant à la terre ravie,
Et, quand on est couché sur la vallée, on sent
Que la terre est nubile et déborde de sang ;
Que son immense sein, soulevé par une âme,
Est d'amour comme Dieu, de chair comme la femme,
Et qu'il renferme, gros de sève et de rayons,
Le grand fourmillement de tous les embryons !

Et tout croît, et tout monte !

- Ô Vénus, ô Déesse !
Je regrette les temps de l'antique jeunesse,
Des satyres lascifs, des faunes animaux,
Dieux qui mordaient d'amour l'écorce des rameaux
Et dans les nénufars baisaient la Nymphe blonde !
Je regrette les temps où la sève du monde,
L'eau du fleuve, le sang rose des arbres verts
Dans les veines de Pan mettaient un univers !
Où le sol palpitait, vert, sous ses pieds de chèvre ;
Où, baisant mollement le clair syrinx, sa lèvre
Modulait sous le ciel le grand hymne d'amour ;
Où, debout sur la plaine, il entendait autour
Répondre à son appel la Nature vivante ;
Où les arbres muets, berçant l'oiseau qui chante,
La terre berçant l'homme, et tout l'Océan bleu
Et tous les animaux aimaient, aimaient en Dieu !
Je regrette les temps de la grande Cybèle
Qu'on disait parcourir, gigantesquement belle,
Sur un grand char d'airain, les splendides cités ;
Son double sein versait dans les immensités
Le pur ruissellement de la vie infinie.
L'Homme suçait, heureux, sa mamelle bénie,
Comme un petit enfant, jouant sur ses genoux.
- Parce qu'il était fort, l'Homme était chaste et doux.

Misère ! Maintenant il dit : Je sais les choses,
Et va, les yeux fermés et les oreilles closes.
Et pourtant, plus de dieux ! plus de dieux ! l'Homme est Roi,
L'Homme est Dieu ! Mais l'Amour, voilà la grande Foi !
Oh ! si l'homme puisait encore à ta mamelle,
Grande mère des dieux et des hommes, Cybèle ;
S'il n'avait pas laissé l'immortelle Astarté
Qui jadis, émergeant dans l'immense clarté
Des flots bleus, fleur de chair que la vague parfume,
Montra son nombril rose où vint neiger l'écume,
Et fit chanter, Déesse aux grands yeux noirs vainqueurs,
Le rossignol aux bois et l'amour dans les coeurs !


Je crois en toi ! je crois en toi ! Divine mère,
Aphrodite marine ! - Oh ! la route est amère
Depuis que l'autre Dieu nous attelle à sa croix ;
Chair, Marbre, Fleur, Vénus, c'est en toi que je crois !
- Oui, l'Homme est triste et laid, triste sous le ciel vaste.
Il a des vêtements, parce qu'il n'est plus chaste,
Parce qu'il a sali son fier buste de dieu,
Et qu'il a rabougri, comme une idole au feu,
Son cors Olympien aux servitudes sales !
Oui, même après la mort, dans les squelettes pâles
Il veut vivre, insultant la première beauté !
- Et l'Idole où tu mis tant de virginité,
Où tu divinisas notre argile, la Femme,
Afin que l'Homme pût éclairer sa pauvre âme
Et monter lentement, dans un immense amour,
De la prison terrestre à la beauté du jour,
La Femme ne sait plus même être courtisane !
- C'est une bonne farce ! et le monde ricane
Au nom doux et sacré de la grande Vénus !


Si les temps revenaient, les temps qui sont venus !
- Car l'Homme a fini ! l'Homme a joué tous les rôles !
Au grand jour, fatigué de briser des idoles,
Il ressuscitera, libre de tous ses Dieux,
Et, comme il est du ciel, il scrutera les cieux !
L'Idéal, la pensée invincible, éternelle,
Tout ; le dieu qui vit, sous son argile charnelle,
Montera, montera, brûlera sous son front !
Et quand tu le verras sonder tout l'horizon,
Contempteur des vieux jougs, libre de toute crainte,
Tu viendras lui donner la Rédemption sainte !
- Splendide, radieuse, au sein des grandes mers
Tu surgiras, jetant sur le vaste Univers
L'Amour infini dans un infini sourire !
Le Monde vibrera comme une immense lyre
Dans le frémissement d'un immense baiser !

- Le Monde a soif d'amour : tu viendras l'apaiser.

Ô ! L'Homme a relevé sa tête libre et fière !
Et le rayon soudain de la beauté première
Fait palpiter le dieu dans l'autel de la chair !
Heureux du bien présent, pâle du mal souffert,
L'Homme veut tout sonder, - et savoir ! La Pensée,
La cavale longtemps, si longtemps oppressée
S'élance de son front ! Elle saura Pourquoi !...
Qu'elle bondisse libre, et l'Homme aura la Foi !
- Pourquoi l'azur muet et l'espace insondable ?
Pourquoi les astres d'or fourmillant comme un sable ?
Si l'on montait toujours, que verrait-on là-haut ?
Un Pasteur mène-t-il cet immense troupeau
De mondes cheminant dans l'horreur de l'espace ?
Et tous ces mondes-là, que l'éther vaste embrasse,
Vibrent-ils aux accents d'une éternelle voix ?
- Et l'Homme, peut-il voir ? peut-il dire : Je crois ?
La voix de la pensée est-elle plus qu'un rêve ?
Si l'homme naît si tôt, si la vie est si brève,
D'où vient-il ? Sombre-t-il dans l'Océan profond
Des Germes, des Foetus, des Embryons, au fond
De l'immense Creuset d'où la Mère-Nature
Le ressuscitera, vivante créature,
Pour aimer dans la rose, et croître dans les blés ?...

Nous ne pouvons savoir ! - Nous sommes accablés
D'un manteau d'ignorance et d'étroites chimères !
Singes d'hommes tombés de la vulve des mères,
Notre pâle raison nous cache l'infini !
Nous voulons regarder : - le Doute nous punit !
Le doute, morne oiseau, nous frappe de son aile...
- Et l'horizon s'enfuit d'une fuite éternelle !...

Le grand ciel est ouvert ! les mystères sont morts
Devant l'Homme, debout, qui croise ses bras forts
Dans l'immense splendeur de la riche nature !
Il chante... et le bois chante, et le fleuve murmure
Un chant plein de bonheur qui monte vers le jour !...
- C'est la Rédemption ! c'est l'amour ! c'est l'amour !...


Ô splendeur de la chair ! ô splendeur idéale !
Ô renouveau d'amour, aurore triomphale
Où, courbant à leurs pieds les Dieux et les Héros,
Kallipyge la blanche et le petit Éros
Effleureront, couverts de la neige des roses,
Les femmes et les fleurs sous leurs beaux pieds écloses !
- Ô grande Ariadné, qui jettes tes sanglots
Sur la rive, en voyant fuir là-bas sur les flots,
Blanche sous le soleil, la voile de Thésée,
Ô douce vierge enfant qu'une nuit a brisée,
Tais-toi ! Sur son char d'or brodé de noirs raisins,
Lysios, promené dans les champs Phrygiens  
Par les tigres lascifs et les panthères rousses,
Le long des fleuves bleus rougit les sombres mousses.
- Zeus, Taureau, sur son cou berce comme une enfant
Le corps nu d'Europé, qui jette son bras blanc
Au cou nerveux du Dieu frissonnant dans la vague.
Il tourne lentement vers elle son oeil vague ;
Elle, laisse traîner sa pâle joue en fleur,
Au front de Zeus ; ses yeux sont fermés ; elle meurt
Dans un divin baiser, et le flot qui murmure
De son écume d'or fleurit sa chevelure.
- Entre le laurier-rose et le lotus jaseur
Glisse amoureusement le grand Cygne rêveur
Embrassant la Léda des blancheurs de son aile ;
- Et tandis que Cypris passe, étrangement belle,
Et, cambrant les rondeurs splendides de ses reins,
Étale fièrement l'or de ses larges seins
Et son ventre neigeux brodé de mousse noire,
- Héraclès, le Dompteur, qui, comme d'une gloire,
Fort, ceint son vaste corps de la peau du lion,
S'avance, front terrible et doux, à l'horizon !

Par la lune d'été vaguement éclairée,
Debout, nue, et rêvant dans sa pâleur dorée
Que tache le flot lourd de ses longs cheveux bleus,
Dans la clairière sombre où la mousse s'étoile,
La Dryade regarde au ciel silencieux...
- La blanche Séléné laisse flotter son voile,
Craintive, sur les pieds du bel Endymion,
Et lui jette un baiser dans un pâle rayon...
- La Source pleure au **** dans une longue extase...
C'est la Nymphe qui rêve, un coude sur son vase,
Au beau jeune homme blanc que son onde a pressé.
- Une brise d'amour dans la nuit a passé,
Et, dans les bois sacrés, dans l'horreur des grands arbres,
Majestueusement debout, les sombres Marbres,
Les Dieux, au front desquels le Bouvreuil fait son nid,
- Les Dieux écoutent l'Homme et le Monde infini !

Le 29 avril 1870.
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2017
*******! stop censoring my nouns! if you're going to be collective  orientated on demand(!) stop stammering my speech(!) share it: to the adequate vocabulary! guided or governing a disparity? **** me, it always ends up a conclusive statement... either zenith as yes and nadir a no, or in the cru(x): the opposite sentiments.

.                                              you know it
takes two generations?
a white + a blue indian,
(a blue indian half) girl
                       + a white man....
the  babies?
         blue eyed and white
                                                          a­s ****...
  who's gonna complain,
a kenyan?!
of silence!
                   let me learn
a lesson! dogs make better children,
i could fathom a *rottweiler
than a toddler;
      iron coil, and the ask for
a chandelier...    root! veil! err!
                                qoo via v woof!
i still like the idea of interbreeding...
           us bred, with same ethinc parents?
we're called ******...
          how's that, *******?!
     sure, you're half-caste
   calling me ******... ******* half-skin;
poetryaccident Oct 2019
The exchange is condemned
flesh for payment in the hand
while the world ignores the same
as equal swaps have no blame

those servitudes by married states
proceeded by the dating game
ask that skin be exposed
prior to forms of *******

while the outcome is alike
imaginations seek to decry
those outside the prescriptive ways
when doubles standards are in play

purity separate from the price
what’s made right in a thought
curse the ones who provide
just the same in God’s knowing eyes.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20191020.
The poem “Just the Same” was inspired by a meme that stated, “*** work criminalization got me wondering: why is it illegal to sell something legal to give away?”

— The End —