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CapsLock Dec 2014
I'm exhausted from this rutine,
I need for my soul some medicine.
With a slow pace time passes.
Am I a sheep among the masses?

Every day at six I'm awake.
Portal quote; don't believe the cake.
So why don't I just walk away?
We both know I will, but not today.
Dedicado a Zousen support.
Krusty Aranda Sep 2013
Walking down the busy streets in downtown Madrid,
a father gives his hand to his son.
Alone as they are.
No mommy.
No wife.

They walk through the crowd. Faces just come and go.
The father's rutine this kid walks in awe.
The kid suddenly stops as daddy asks why?
He answers "Look, daddy. The princess of stars."

The father, confused, tries to find said woman,
but fails to see what his offspring just saw
for this princess does not wear fancy clothes or a crown.
She doesn't have a royal court or a gown.

The kid's eyes are glowing with joy and excitement.
He finds it hard to believe what his eyes just saw.
The most beautiful woman ever to stride before him.
The princess he's heard of in many stories before.

Dad doesn't understand what's special about this lady.
She wears high heels, bad hair and few clothes.
Cigarette in hand, red lips selling pleasure.
Sad look in her eyes, and in her heart just hope.

The kid lets go of his father's grasp.
Runs towards the lady with a smile on his face.
He says "Hello, my fair princess. I don't wish to bother,
but may I have one kiss? One I can't erase."

The lady, surprised, asks "Me? A princess?
I'm sorry, dear, but I'm quite the opposite.
But I'll give you a kiss for being such a gentleman,
and treating this lady like no man ever has."

She leans towards the kid. His eyes filled with joy.
She imprints the silhouette of her lips in the sweet boy's cheek.
Father catches up with his darling son,
and excuses his kid for any trouble caused.

She says, in the sweetes voice "I'll have to thank you.
Your son just came over and brighten my day."
He looks up to her, and they share a quick glance.
What happened next I'll tell some other time.
de kloge mennesker siger at det er farligt at bruge,
iskoldt metal,
for at føle sig levende.
men bare at gå igennem livet som en,
rastløs rutine,
uden at leve overhovedet,
må da være mindst ligeså farligt.

uhåndgribeligt, fragmenteret
   tunnelsyn, papirsfly, sammenkrøllet note
opmærksomhedskrævende intethed
larmende stilhed

sukkende sindstilstand
jeg føler mig separeret fra min egen krop, fra mine egne handlinger, fra denne verden og himmelrummet og tankerne og sidste år
tåge, sumpet, nysgerrigt; hemmeligt
     struktureret tilintetgørelse
frakoblet virkelighed
rutine-kunst, ikke fra hjertet eller hovedet men fra hånden
udslukt, for nu
vi vender tilbage efter vi har fikset de tekniske problemer
nu: afsted til IKEA, discountmøbler i dårlig kvalitet som alle alligevel køber

verden smelter sammen omkring os og vi vil ikke indse det; ikke SE DET
menneskelig fejhed, menneskelig fejl
terrorangst og global opvarmning og fattigdom og ****** up

som mininum
   hvis det endelig skal være, så skær mig dog helt væk; fjern det hele
ikke endnu
er træt af at lave noget - er træt af ikke at lave noget
det hele står stille og kører med 300 km i timen på én gang
livet er som en sky
flyvende, himmelen er ikke blå
jeg er! jeg er! du er! vi er!
min verden er aldrig blevet set fra andet end mine menneskelige øjne
vestlig, menneskelig kropslighed

skyer, man som barn troede, var håndgribelige totter vat; men som i virkeligheden bare er kolde, våde og gennemtrængelige vand-konstellationer

virkeligheden er både det allermest vidunderlige og det mest skuffende
en bizar periode, nogen kalder den '2.g'
mine digtes fokus
er blevet bredere, mere abstrakt og mindre detaljeret
jeg kan hverken passe tankerne i en kasse eller sætte en rød tråd (sorry)
at separere handlingen fra den, der handler
mennesket, uspejlet i sine handlinger
handlingen, uafhængigt at menneskelig magt
at prøve at være over det hele går simpelthen ikke
nogen må stoppe mig
stop mig!
stop samfundet!
stop jordkloden!
stop Tiden!
      det stolte og det sårbare
det kan godt være at der på den ene eller anden måde er opstået en sammenhæng og en kausalitet i dette: det er skam ikke med vilje! trust me! mine tanker er en grødmasse! : )
Gymnasiepoesi Sep 2014
et stille øjeblik
mens musikken dunkede og folk dansede
drevet af lyster
eller rutine?

ødelagde et naivt hjerte
som nu græder over den mand, *** aldrig kunne kalde sin

sitrende og boblende vredestårer
over en veninde, *** nu ikke længere kalder
sin eller nogens
- digte om dansegulve
Deovrat Sharma Apr 2018
it  was first blush
of early   morning
as the sun was rising
gradually on  the horizon
around her neck
her faded colored
was flickering
with the cold breeze
she was lonely
on the
park side road
almost dragging forward  
to her right leg by exerting
pressure on left leg
her face
slightly distorted
with the
of pain
she was holding  
a small wooden stick
in her left hand
advancing her  steps
one by one
forward by putting
further efforts
with a
gentle smile
on her
thoughtful face  
on her routine
to walk for half a mile
in the morning
cautiously  keeping
her eyes
down on the road
to put-forth
next step
she spent
almost two hours
to complete  
the exhaustive
herculean task
every day
in her thoughts
she was not able
to assess the ending
of her sufferings
as this rutine
was continued
since past six months
when the doctor
removed eight month's
old plaster
from her left leg
she met
with a fetal injury
in her left leg
at road crossing
if she could
ever be able
to walk again
her mind
gets tired
halt reasoning
suddenly she
noticed a crawling snail
with  her
side by side
it brings a deep smile
on her lips
and completely
covered on her face
it took away
all  worries
she find
full of life
sun was shining
with his full blessings


(c) deovrat - 14.04.2018
Nathan Alexander Sep 2018
I can't imagine a world, with you gone.

The joy, and the lack of loneliness,
I'd be so lost if you left me alone.

She's used to self-harm by now,
It's become a daily rutine,
Her arm explains all of it.

But one day, she gone too far,

She locked herself in the bathroom,
Lying on the floor when I finally managed to break through,
My heart starts going wild,
I pull her in to feel her heartbeat...

Can't you hear me screaming?!
Please don't leave me!

Stop, I still want you!
No, I still need you!

I still love you...

I take her hand, promise I'll make it right,
I swear I owe you for my life,
I didn't even get to make you my wife...

Just wait, I still need you!

A road that feels infinite, there's no sound coming from behind me,
It's like a nightmare, I can't escape from...

Helplessly hoping, the light isn't fading...

Hiding the shock, the fear, and torment in my bones...

They put you on top of that stretcher,
I'm about to burst out, hoping you'll stop laying still...

They check for any vital signs,
Can't you ******* hear me screaming "please don't leave me"?!

Stop, I still want you!
No, I still need you!

I still love you...

I take her hand, promise I'll make it right,
I swear I owe you for my life,
I didn't even get to make you my wife...

I don't wanna let you go,
I never was the least bit strong...

I just wanna hear you saying
"I'm fine, let's go home!", with that enthusiastic energetic smile of yours.

So why can't you just wake up,
And answer my cries,
I want to hold you tight,
Want to hear you say everything will be alright
Not their lies!

A day passes, and a boy named Nate sits there helpless.
Staring at his ceiling, completely lifeless.
Thinking back to his dream,
It felt endless.
He experienced both character's pain,

It was madness.
Ever go so out of touch with reality, that both people in the story that plays through your mind... is you?
ruineret rutine
at fortabe sig i en person, i en følelse
falmende fornæmmelse
flitrende flirten
tabt udgangspunkt
såret er der stadig selvom det ikke gør ondt
uheldet skete stadig selvom såret er blevet til et ar
Ian Apr 2018
Crystal clear faces shatter under the unforgiving weight of rutine.
Feelings once pure and noble, now deranged. Bootprints adorn them, as purpose fades.

Debased; the mud-covered carcass of the man I used to be.

Truths kept locked beneath meat-shaped vaults.
Answers to all and none.
Their absence soothes my mind's ailment,
while sewn shut teeth spoon feed my veins a welcoming dose of cyanide.

Pockmarked stains on the walls and sheets.
Light and comfort are kept wrapped in tight chains;
prisoners of the amorphous grey demons looming over this city of old.

My next step casts its shadow on the moon, for down is the only way up.

And even though hope was convinced to leave by two-faced rascals with no care for our ecosystem, a sketch of its meaning is etched into this crackling skull.
Echolocation is the method of choice then, so as to hope that it's not too late.
That newly formed abominations may one day give its secrets away.

— The End —