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shireliiy Nov 2015
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B'Artanto Aug 2019
Tepat di hari kedua sebelum akhir Agustus, entah repetisi yang keberapa kali--aku bertanya pada aku.
Sedang aku meninggalkan apa yang aku tunggu, sebagian lain dari aku membiarkan apa yang datang menuju.
Tepat di peralihan pagi dan khotbah Jumat, ia datang lagi.
Yang harusnya kubiarkan pergi sendiri dengan maunya
Ntah akan kusambut kembali atau nanti menjadi babak tercanggung.
Ntah, kali ini jawaban entah telah ditolak sepersekian lebih awal sebelum ditanyakan.
Aku menolak mengikhlaskan apa yang aku sendiri tidak tau apa inginnya.
Melalui percakapan rutin beberapa kali sehari, seminggu dan sudah masuk separuh tahun.
Tepat menuju penghujung hari, aku membiasakan apapun ia boleh lakukan. Aku biarkan semaunya menghirup-hirup apa yang sudah dilewati.
Agar jika pada bagian akhir yang awal nanti ia tak salah langkah, kembali kesini atau mengantar kabar lain yang lebih ia senangi.

30 Agustus 2019
Semihten5 Nov 2017
on the limits roam
a toy in the hands of the winds
drifting into the unknown
live rutin

who will make the choice
ask us question
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2019
a drinker's ultimate rubric...
           and while listening
   to "conspiracy theories"...
  well... we know that
the luftwafe
    ingested: pervitin
    when doing night raids
on London...
   the english commandos
went into war: drunk as
a skunk... might be:
  jolly good humor to boot
  (die krupps: nazis
                            auf speed)...
but for the love of
god, i don't know what
came over me during
the past 3... 4... 5 days?
   i stopped talking,
             slept for about 14
hours... skipping the day's
worth of sunlight...
   went to sleep with the shy
sun of sunrise
   and woke up during the night...
i thought that changing
the music i usually use
to k.o. myself to sleep
was wrong...
    so i switched from
the hellraiser II soundtrack
by christopher young:
i can really butcher that soundtrack...
i mean: on repeat,
night after night...
    like someone with
a fetish for mechanical drill sounds...
so i tried the alternatives...
poliça (shulamith)...
         good... in being awake,
but also forgetting you're
        some sort of elevation
from portishead...
   rotting christ (rituals)...
even the screaming doesn't
sooth me...
      then the ultimate
condender retribution
for the fued between
   the dandy warhols
   and brian jonestown massace...
nothing but: seminal...
then i had to quench my
love "affair"
   with northern lights -
choral works by ola gjeilo...
no good...
   2 days pass, 3 days pass,
4 and then the 5...
   i'm in limbo...
  counter to anything that might
resemble either
a social, or a political animal,
more: schatten-ratte ghoul
        than a happy-to-go-to
monkey shaman...
the breaking point comes...
   drank enough
  to put a horse into a *******
         persistent in
my pedantry of keeping
to strict spelling...
            but not eating so much...
then a chance discovery
in the kitchen...
  took a bite into a sausage
that almost made me gag
with some HP sauce...
           looked at the plastic bottle,
and read the following rubric:

                                              % RI
vitamin A        400μg          50%
vitamin D           10μg         200%
vitamin E            30mg        250%
vitamin K            75μg        100%
vitamin C         225mg        281%
thiamin              4.0mg        364%
riboflavin           4.5mg        321%
niacin                   54mg       337%
vitamin B6          5.4mg       386%
folic acid               90μg         45%
vitamin B12        9.0μg       360%
biotin                   180μg      360%
pantothenic          18μg      300%
calcium               120mg        15%
magnesium          80mg       21%
zinc                        12mg      120%
copper                  2.0mg      200%
manganese          2.0mg      100%
selenium               30μg       55%
chromium          120μg        300%
molybdenum       80μg       160%
iodine                   100μg      67%
boron                     2.0mg
amino acids       1000mg
      - L-leucine      400mg  
      - L-isoleucine 200mg    
      - L-valine         200mg
      - L-glutamine  200mg
green tea extract     20mg
citrus                        7.0mg
ginger extract          20mg
                                                            (they for
                                 forgot turmeric,
            never mind)
olive leaf                  20mg
rutin                         20mg
alpha lipoic acid    25mg
      bitartrate            10mg
inositol                      10mg
lycopane                   500μg
lutein                         500μg

this has to be the ultimate
rubric, to counter drinking fatigue...
pop one of these gram
submarines and
       you can return to
   drinking again...

and then the amitriptyline
will kick in,
hopefuly with some
paracetamol or better:
   and... we're good to go...
for the next couple
of days
having to have
"forgotten" to eat
      something decent...

i guess i'm one of those
people that eat, to live...
rather than
   fine dine and look
up my **** when writing
a food critique
or a restaurant critique...
guess i don't live, to eat...

how else would anyone
deal with these Daesh
    amphetamine knock-offs?
a drunk...
  like in world war II...
armed with a bottle
of scotch... and a decent
vitamin supplrement.

— The End —