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Nat Lipstadt Jul 2015
poetry composed in perfect silence
doesn't exist...
for there is no such thing,
perfect silence

there are no
noise canceling headphones,
a coachable prevent defense,
protecting my inner ears from
hearing words forced to the surface,
loudly spoken, up floating
unto the mind's constancy of enraging waters,
the highest definition of
mental disquiet,
the imperfect silence

frag grenades, IED's detonate,
all nicknames for the brain's multi-voices,
all argue raucous,
unafraid of exposure,
over~shouting to be heard,
freely secure in the
seeming silent privacy
of my brain,
mine owned
internecine mental slaughterhouse

and yet,
what I write down,
mine to keep...

my home,
and my mind,
an isle,
an atom of Earth
and flesh cells,
split surrounded by a
broad freshwater river

the isle of the mind
spits fingers of land and voices,
injecting themselves into
the two~sided, belly~soft riversides,
forming bays and coves,
hiding places for
crafty human devices

my poor mind,
mind it well,
as this sailing craft called poetry,
now,  but a tiny ketch
to keep me afloat upon the
river surround,
while avoiding the backwash wakes
of larger enemy ships of state,
those who gladly drown me
for pleasure,
enjoying the pretending-to-be-quiet
internal screams denouncing
the myth of perfect silence

but the imperfect
born amidst
imperfect sleep,
the residual,
mine to keep...
Strolling along the riverside alone
Getting my mind if possible together
Listening to the waters run in passing
Ever beautiful it was  the weather

Away from all and ever peaceful there
Appreciating the riversides natural sound
And wildflowers here and there they grew
In the riversides darkest topsoil ground

Then as if out of nowhere swam alone
A beautiful native wildflower ever so
She saw me looked awhile smiling
Came into shore naked as stars to glow

Sat near myself chatted some of life
Pointed to a bamboo hut not far away
Indicating to follow her walking slow
Her wet hair hung low upon that day

Well just goes to show along river slow
One can find the most beautiful wild flower
It took all day there to examine it careingly
And well into the night to the midnight hour

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Eriko Mar 2017
simply breathing
like the white washed hills
of notorious syllables
spilling, crying like crows
over the gushing riversides
and the spatter of rain,
the soft trickle of fog
scouring the trees under
a blanket of white wash walls,
prancing concrete roads
paved black like mirrors
down into the yonder
and the bristling chirps,
the crying youngsters
of spring awakening,
she greets with that
of a thundering storm
Fullfreddo May 2015
poetry composed in perfect silence
for which
there are no noise canceling headphones,
a coachable prevent defense,
protecting my inner ears from hearing
words forced to the surface,
loudly spoken, up floating
to the mind's enraging waters admixed
in the high definition
disquiet of imperfect silence

frag grenades, IED's detonate,
nicknames for the brain's multi-voices,
all argue raucous, unafraid of exposure,
over~shouting to be heard,
freely secure in the silent privacy
of mine owned
internecine slaughterhouse

but what I write down,
is mine to keep...

my home is an isle,
an atom of Earth
split by a broad freshwater river

land spits on Google earth
can be witnessed, seen plotting,
injecting  themselves into
my two~sided, belly~soft
unprotected riversides,
forming bays and coves,
hiding places for
human devices

my poor mind is my river,
mind the sailing craft called poetry,
a ketch to keep afloat,
while avoiding the backwash wakes
of larger enemy ships of state,
those who gladly drown me
for pleasure
Born May 23, 1950
Recorded on May 23rd
tread May 2013
share with me a life full of apple seeds
and plants. a life bounded only by


old used bookshops - - - bookships.
set sail with me, won't you? set sail
with me to the ends of this mighty
earth and dirt spurs my moments
to perfect oblivion- full, so full. empty,
with such fullness. you are --?-- and I
am in love with you. you are in love
with me. we are in love. like sour
diamonds and tents full of naked adventure,
riversides, mountainview ride into lopsided
beauty- I am yours to keep, darling, if you'll
have me.
and we wondered?


and we wandered?

Ayeglasses Apr 2013
The singular footsteps of the rain stomping on the rooftops.
Dancing down the drain to hit the musical pavement.
Was the perfect symphony.
With the cloud orchestra playing the beats to the moments.
That I savored every note of.

Spinning readily throughout my head.
Please oh please don't be dreaming.
It's much too perfect to be lost in the riversides of my head.
Because there is nowhere else on earth that I would ever choose to be right then.

A cloud couch that lasted a few seconds past perfection.
Irate Watcher Aug 2017
I am bohemio.
Of shrubbery
ridden riversides,
walking above
the line that separates
each to their side.

I am intrigued
by stray dogs,
eye contact, smiles,
and tangled hair.

I am lost.
I am crazy,
especially in other's gazes.

But I think...
it's ok.

It's finally...
Jude kyrie Sep 2016
I dreamed in springtime blossoms.
of an endless gentle spring rain.
In the morning light
which melted the stars and dreams.
The forest was wet and olive green.

I dreamed of Midsomer
of storms of humid charged air.
Where thunder roared
in the staccato burst of brilliant light.
When the darkness faded
and dreams became morning.
The air was clear and fresh
And ozone was all that remained.

I dreamed of endless summers
Of salad days by cool riversides.
When the cool wind blew away my dreams.
All that was left were falling leaves
and Septembers autumn.
Seasons move so swiftly these days
are they but a dream?

— The End —