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the poppy is a flower of rememberance day

to remind us of the soldiers who gave there lives away

to fight for king and country to make our country free

knowing they could die for there bravery.

many they were young died before there time

never got a chance to even reach there prime

many soldiers died just to set us free

to give us all a future they would never see.

we must show respect every poppy day

to the ones that saved us and gave there lives away.

give each one your blessing and a poppy to

remember those who died who gave there life for you.
a poppy is a  flower an emblem of the war
for the ones that died to give us peace once more
so we can remember they didnt die in vain
they gave all there courage so we could live again
a tribute to the many from every different race
how they died with honour and make the world a different place
we must show respect for all the ones that died
if wasnt for them all our peace would be denied
Earthchild Feb 2014
Think about it this way
You're complaining of not having a valentines today

Some children dont have a mother on Mothers day
No one to teach their child to bake
No one to braid the 6 year old girls hair
No one to give dandilion bouquets to.

A child who doesnt have a father to love on Fathers day
No one to teach them how to play baseball
To ride a bike,
No one to teach him or her to pitch a tent

A child sits in a foster home on Christmas or even on Thanksgiving
His or her only wish is to have a loving family
Have a chance to believe in magic
Have a home
A big feast displayed out infront of them.

Or maybe someone sits crying on Remeberance day,
because they lost their husband, dad, mom or big brother
You cant get back someone who is gone
A child may not have even met a past family member.

Look at it realistically.
Sorry it ***** but I had to rant.
Erin A Reed Feb 2011
So we met with Fate
And looked him in the eye.
So we killed the sleeping dogs
And left them there to Lie,
Whiteness burying the black,
Remeberance forgetting:
Truth is in a salad bowl
held in heart-shaped setting
So we watched the days go by
And eventually lost  track.
So we through the wolves ourselves
And then lay there in a stack,
Bound head and hand,
Our sanity exceeding
The wariness of will,
And souls bare bleeding.
zen Oct 2018
When does the window shut?
when the wind ceaces to weigh?
or when it gets too cold?

here i am a catylst
of a console in creation
in the mind of minds of the mindless

in the seas of self i find the solemn soul
swimming to a coral reef
in rage of remeberance.
Holly Mar 2015
Why am i always chasing after
Stars out of reach in the sky?
When my  wings are broken and useless,
And i dont even know how to fly?

Why do i stare at the heavens
And wish for angels in the clouds?
When im trpped on the cold earth
And rooted  firm in the desolate ground?

What would the galaxys want
With a wandering soul in the dark?
When there are comets amongst the planets,
That leave sparkling trails in their hearts?

Ill cut out of sail from my dreams,
And crash my cracked ship in the sea.
I doubt there will be any stars in heaven
That shine in remeberance of me.
Altug Aug 2018
simpler hours- parcel of delicate childhood recollections.
flaking by the sweet, solemn whispers of remeberance.
a longing seed who seeped from my juvenile soul and drug itself directly below its feet- feeding into the loose dirt of our starving earth.
giving animation to the trees that mutate into robust vines- who bergeron and persistently haunt the hollows of my head- thriving ceaselessly.
serenity cowards and curls back up into itself.
Tiffany Marie Apr 2015
He was perfect
Josh McClain
19 kind fun
And he was into me
He said he was in love
With my walk talk and at the time my purple and orange hair i wasnt falling for it he was so meant for me but two days after meeting him he was in a car crash hitting a car in front of him causing a casscade of cars to pile and crush him underneath he died November 24,2014 to days after my birthday.That's why i traveled the world to visit his grandparents in boston and his mother and father in arizona i lied im sorry the arizona boston thing wasnt for fun it was for his remeberance party i lied cuz i was,depressed im sorry thats why im more mature because thats what he wouldve wanted i need more support now more than ever
Message me privatley if any questions
Thank you
i sat and watched the bikers as they went passing by
a tribute day for dave organised by si
they came in there thousands from many miles away
riding in to barrow on daves special day

i sat there and watched so did many more
a turnout by so many ive never seen before
showing there respect for a biker passed away
they all got together made  it a special day

they should be so proud of the tribute that they made
it will be a memory that will never fade
so thanks to all the bikers organisers to
and to si and everyone may the lord bless you

thankyou all
today from a barrow boy
caroline Jan 2018
everything always comes back to me in a wave of overwhelming remeberance
and it's at this time that i try to dissect my life and what the **** my purpose is
K603 Sep 2013
Therefore I don't know you. Maybe I met you once with someone else and found you lacking.   So I don't remember, a No name like yourself.
Or are you just forgettable?  Many people are like that, they're forgettable.  And maybe you are of such a person.
You're of No use to me so you'll only come and go.  I won't remember your name a day from now, why should I when you lack.  You lack brains, beauty,  grace, elegance, everything.  Not a bone in your body is worth remeberance and it is surely. A waste. I will not remember,  nor do I care of your name.  For you are forgettable and thats not in the game.
Nicky B Nov 2017
a non forgotten thing
of remeberance
and it scares to the bone of such sights
and  every day is another photograph
dont forget your poppy on rememberance day
remember all the soldiers who gave there lives away
using all there courage on the battle ground
in the heat of a war raging all around

fighting in the trenches in the wind and rain
risking  life and limb to set us free again
many soldiers fought so we could live once more
set our country free and put an end to war

remember all the brave on remeberance day
how they went war and gave there lives away
salute them all with pride. wear your poppy to.
how they give there life to give a life to you

— The End —