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Creepstar Mar 2016
You cannot commit suicide
Because its not a crime
When you can no longer hide
Knowing you'll never be good enough may as well stand as a sign

Block the view of all hope
take the rope,take the rope

When you can't even talk about it

"Nobody would miss you"
Repeated like a mantra

Nobody actually cares
They just want to give out false hopes and trap you in snares
I'd rater be mauled by bears

The light of life seems nothing more than a glimmer
Coated in a shadow so dark it consumes
Relentlessly eating at happiness

I can laugh
Becasuse I'm a joke
You can laugh too,
I couldn't be any more broke"

"I can sleep
But never rest
Drink myself deep
To help with pressure in the chest"

Standing in the eye of this storm
Knowing a step in any direction
Only brings me closer to death

"I'm fine,really"

Slam the door
*I won't be a burden anymore
You cannot commit suicide but you can commit to it
Ruika Jones Sep 2015
You say that i don't do what you say,
you say that i don't care,
but what you don't see,
me crying in a suffocating pile of regret,
the fact that i am constantly at war,
in a war that most times takes my focus,
so sorry that i forgot one thing in a list of five,
the sound of a bottle pouring alchohol sounds like bliss to you,
but to me it sounds more like the night that she told me to **** myself,
maybe i am a melodramatic fool,
but you cannot say,
my cousin getting beaten infront of me while i was to scared to say anything,
does not involve me,
and you saying that i don't care,
does not make me perfect,
it's more likely to be more amunition,
coming at me with a taser,
you told me you weren't okay with it,
but you didn't try to stop him,
why do you never stand up for me,
even after all the **** she did to me,
you react so much to me not doing my chores,
and everyone always tells me to relax,
i'm sorry that you would rater drink wine,
And I'm sorry you'd rather smoke ***,
But for this Destiny I am not,
I am nothing but a suit of armor waiting for the next person,
Waiting for the next person to use me,
But as little children painted with the perfect life,
Stop to tap or bang or just admire,
I turn my head away,
Because I cannot feel guilt for something I'm not involved in,
But this armor is painted silver,
But underneath is a paper wrapped heart,
That has so many dents,
And so many craters,
That it looks like the moon,
Cascading over the water,
The water that I am drowning in,
Am I really the guilty one?
J'hiberne jusqu'à ce qu'il soit temps, perfide,
Contemplez-moi, impies,
Le jour du jugement est ici !
Courez par centaines,
Car seule la quarantaine
Peut vous soigner.
Peut vous sauver,
Seul l'exil
De la prévisibilité infernale de la ville

J'ai arraché les pétales de toutes les fleurs
Des cloches sonnent à toutes les heures
Pour ceux qui sont malades de pleurs,
Que ne peuvent soigner aucun docteur.

Je rempli les terroirs,
Je gratte les fumoirs
Je suis le tout,
Je suis le fou

Je suis le vouloir
Je suis le pouvoir
Mourrez sous la loi martiale
Souffrez de la vie impartiale
Macabre moulin à viande tendre
Dans un champ fertilisé à la cendre
Le Minos des temps modernes,
Que l'on nourrit de notre jeunesse
Consomme, vorace comme en ivresse
Consume nos amis et nos frères,
Salit nos soeurs et nos terres

Les mains tachées du sang des atrocités
Que l'on regrette un fois revenue la lucidité
Personne ne nous détruits mieux que nous-même
Personne n'a jamais été sauvé dès son baptême

Je tue les espoirs
Je vole les avoirs
Je suis lucide,

Je suis le rat dans les geôles
Je n'ai plus de contrôle
Même si je fuis ailleurs,
On me ronge de l'intérieur !
Sauvez-moi de cet insatiable creux !
Je salive de tous mes yeux
À la vue de nourritures fines
Dont je suis en manque, j'imagine
La vie n'est que désirs,
Bonheur, l'excès et son plaisir

Que ne ferait pas un homme pour ne pas rater son train
Quand il se meurt, et qu'on lui promet un bout de pain ?
Que ne ferait pas un homme quand il est seul et qu'il a faim
Quand de l'intérieur il meurt, et qu'il besoin de soin ?

Je vide les armoires,
Je gratte les contoires
Je suis le vide
Je suis l'avide

La limpide clarté
La déchirante pureté
De la puissante nature,
Et de ses créatures
Les plus virtueuses,
Les plus malicieuses.
Célèbre dramaturge,
J'ai ce désir de purge,
De soulager des siècles d'agonie
Et ainsi cloître le cycle de la vie

Rien n'est aussi grandiose qu'un dernier coup de théâtre
Quand on est seule dans le silence de l'audience à l'amphithéâtre
Bien petite compensation pour avoir réprimé ses désirs
Que de pouvoir rêver un peu avant d'enfin s'endormir

Je vide les boudoirs
J'écarte le doute de revoir
Je meurs d’ennui, je suis mort,
Je meurtris la vie, je suis la mort
Duncan Brown May 2018
The small gods of mediocrity worship me
In glimmering shades of opaque vanity
And a quantity of quietly suspended sanity
For believing in me is me deceiving in thee
Cos’ nothing exists inside an empty mirror
Everything is but a shallow showy business
An’ vanity’s the perfect anaesthetic to criticism
It has a certain cachet of symmetrical insecurity
Which protects one from the whips and scorns
Of the too, too solid clever clogging creatures
And their insistence upon a useless authenticity
And several types of other irredemptive features
If thickness was a virtue they’d be geniuses
As things stand they’re an average ordinary
Overburdened by the extremes of modernity
And the necessity to dwell in the sin of originality
No such burden afflicts this untempered soul
A pickpocket in heaven is a smart career move
There are so many treasures in eternal garments
Looking better on me than any famous other
They may have originality but I possess the sin
Tailored to perfection of a finely cut deception
Wrapped in the vestments of deceitful beauty
So befitting on this prince of thieving vanity                                            .
If you have been where I have always been
You could’ve written the Faerie Queen
And several iniquitous verses in between
The fame and fortune of writing anything
It’s a difficult business being someone else
At least on paper and preferably in private
An’ don’t you just love an innocent abroad
Loneliness is always my singular attraction
And sadness isn’t without capricious merit
They’re the essential requirements of being
A phantom haunting in the raiment of deceit
I could shake the scene but only for an hour
Why does everybody know that second-rater
Or some warbling barbed wire singer-songer?
The blowing wind of his twice solid injustice
Denies me my princely literary inheritance
I’ve got more Faust than a beggar’s banquet
I could be them, but they could never be me
So who is the real genius at the literary feast?
That’s the question that they refuse to answer
I’m the prince of all the borrowed tomorrows
And the silver-buckled trampling of history
Who are they compared to me, the thief of faces
A genius at my very own seditious practices?
Skylarks, nightingales and ****** red roses
There’s no purchase there for a born deceiver
Pirouetting upon the landscape of deception
My ancient trade, a slave to modern ambition
And isn’t wealth so comfortably in fashion
Filthy lucre for filthy booker is my very passion
A flattering self obsession can be so expensive
Plundering souls to satisfy a scribbling ego costs
Much more than your average literary bargain
Writing’s cheap and writers are even cheaper
That’s why I became this born-again deceiver
Transient fame and eternal blame’s my passion
Who cares about fifteen minutes of ignominy?
I’ll do it all tomorrow in another stolen name
Addiction thrives by being exposed to shame
Any fool can pen their play or scribe a novel
The romantics always scribble in their hovel
Whilst the past is a very lonely day tomorrow
And written failures drown in present sorrow
But my notoriety is a timeless endless furrow
Ploughed and planted in each passing season
Harvesting the festival of my sweetened treason
And I’m compelled to a very summer’s day
An’ winter springing another written disguise
Favouring my fortune by a winning surprise
Beggaring the belief of a charitable donation
To the swollen coffin of my self infatuation  
Ferreting in the trashcans of the famous
For those half-forgotten reject slips
Nothings too worn or useless for my audience
Even less for my insatiable appetite
To be appreciated as a literary genius
Even if it lasts for only fifteen minutes
In the company of an utterly innocent audience
I’m neither proud nor even vain glorious
It’s just part of my addictive insouciance
I just love that moment in my significance
When I can be seen as someone not average
Not much to ask and even less to deliver
It doesn’t take a genius to be just clever
That’s a joy that I can always joyfully deliver
Twice on Saturday provided one’s a matinee
I will venture on this shadowy way forever
Harming no one except a ripped off author
They should be grateful for the plunder
After all it is a kind of literary flattery
I have standards in my taste for literature
I’d never rob your average written writer
If they’ve mugged themselves, why bother?
A long lost great or an undiscovered genius
Is more my taste and appreciated flavour
New wine is fine but truth is there to be told
I’ll drink anything especially if it can be sold
To any old innocently paying punter
Desperation travels in the company of deceit
And much of it is right up my street
Not quite the boulevards of the ancients
And there I go along the road of the living
Avoiding life’s cul-de-sac dead end
A place to spend a life seriously avoiding
Even if it means inhabiting other people’s clothing
The wearing and the tearing is a riot
An’ God won’t send me to Hades for borrowing
The silken garments of the truly wonderful
But he sure as hell gets mad if I copyright it.
Universe Poems May 2022
A forest of fun
Look for the fairies
That's a daughter or son
Mushroom lanterns ready
Days and nights in nature
Time spent with your children,
that's a rater

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney

— The End —