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Indigo Jan 2019
"i love you"
Is at the tip of my tongue
Every time you make me laugh

You make me laugh
Every 6 seconds.

"i wish i could kiss you"
Is at the edge of my mind
Every time you look me in the eye

You look me in the eye
Every 4 seconds

"i will melt or burn or die"
Is at the bottom of my heart
Every time
You're touch pumbs in mine

You're touch pumbs in mine
Every 2 seconds


"I'm happy we're friends again"
   Is all what falls
    From my lips
     Every time that my heart skips

  My heart skips
   In an infinite way
    Through the infinite 1 hour
      That you're here with me.
If life were not so complicated...
Nidhisha kj Feb 2017
Iam extremely delighted
And iam extreamly down at the same time.
Once you said iam mad!
Now I turn out that I have crossed the level I can get cured.
Here everyone looks at me for a shore to safety.
But I remain hapeless as always.
Looking into the days passed by
I realise you are the reason for both my happiness and sorrows.
Find it tough to know why I see your face at night still.
And cannot understand why I run away from you and hide somewhere even  in dreams, why I look at you from far disguising myself.
I see you feeling blissful with a pillor of support and tiny smiles around.
I saw you looking at me twice.
I said myself "head down and move fast".
Ere the curtain comes down
I wish you all the success and blessings.
when I lay here on this hospital bed with nothing to brood
Listening only to the beep sounds of monitors and infusion pumbs
I have asked for apology many times for all the blunders I have done and spoken.
Now I feel to get rid of this instability.
So come near to me but a bit far from this filthily cot
Hold my hand and say, "you are not mad".
angelic rain sniffles insane

dought, no more oof and stiff legs

ek, the moonography

hurdling in spires

ranging and roving

of course, but yes

franticlackld fruit fenzu or lor llifted,
lamenanyed, lettered

sweet, sweet nectar, pumbs, and grapes night

horses and trains


weep me weep me

— The End —