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Jackie Mead May 2018
There was a youn lady called Pru
Who declared she had nothing to do

So she set about putting it right
And got into a bit of a fight

You see she wanted to make it clear
That she had nothing to hide and nothing to fear

She was incredibly rude and loud
What she said hung in the air like a heavy cloud

She wanted to set up a stall, selling buttons to one and all
She seemed to have found her call

But she said to a woman who purchased six small ducks
That the woman was bang out of luck

For small was not her size
From her hips to her big blue eyes

She continued with her speech
That made it clear, small was out of the woman's  reach

The woman began to cry
Pru began to sigh

People began to gather
Everyone got in a bit of a lather

A gentleman happened by
And asked Pru why?

Why did she feel the need, to put the woman down?
Pru began to consider and began to frown

That was not her intention, she was misunderstood
She had just meant that small was no good for the woman's hood

Pru and the woman shook hands
The council provided a band

Someone brought scones and jam for afternoon tea
And everyone sat down to eat at about half past three

Now Pru and the woman are friends
And this short story is soon to end

But first I just wanted to say
Thanks for reading, have a good day
Trouble sleeping
Donald Guy Nov 2012
wandering the Commons, quietly listening
   to the sounds of Childish Gambino

Looking for the sixteenth time for
   An escape from the Pru
Sipping a glass of Sam Adams Boston Brick Red
at a corner of WHISKEY'S on Boylston

Stopped in at Ben & Jerry's on Park:
   Bought a cone of  ™
Paid for it with
my Bank of America® VISA® P L A T I N U M   P L U S ®

Checked in on  foursquare and
   read the protest tweets on
my verizonwireless® hTC® ThunderBolt™
with Google:
                #NYPD collapses on #Sanctuary and begins arresting clergy and occupiers
                inside. #D17 #Re-Occupy #OWS
                _Retweeted by Occupy Boston
           @OccupyWallSt Links to sanctuary/clergy violations?

Erst I wandered the sights
and thought of thoughts

Tweeted a picture of the “pro-corporate” march
Pictured Headlines:

Area Cop Arrests Area Man for Obeying Traffic Signal
"Didn't anybody tell him that's not how its done round here?"

Cell of Young Idealists with ties to
Low-Level Terrorist Organization Busted & Detained:
Found Plotting the Grassroots, Digitized, Non-Violent Overthrow of the Status Quo

City upon a Hill: “Whose city?! Whose hill?!”

~D.B. Guy, 12/17/11
A poem which "properly" involves a bizarre amount of formatting. See
Sue Birchmore Jun 2014
It was Lou and Pru and Daisy and Sue
All snug as a bug in a rug in the pub, safe and warm by the fire,
With a card-game to win, and a nice little gin,
Just as heart could desire.

But when girls sit together, there’s always some blokes
Who just can’t let them be.
So it starts with the jokes,
Then the leers, and the sneers, and the breath full of beers,
And hands wandering free,
And the loud, raucous laughter.
“So what are you up to, girls? Is it a hen-night?
We know what you’re after!
It’s a looking for men night,
When girls go pubbing!”

Pru grabbed a fire-iron from the rack,
She hit his shins with such a crack,
Then clocked him on the head.
“Nah, it’s girls’ poker night,” she said,
“We’re going clubbing!”
Matthew James Apr 2017
He said to type into Google "why does school make me"

Search results -
Why does school make me...
Wanna die

Educating the mind without the heart is no education at all. Aristotle

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela

Bright new buildings,
Inspirational quotes,
Like Aspire and achieve
and dream and believe!
Opportunity knocks? Opportunities missed. Opportunities lost.
This new building, less like a blank canvas,
More like a sterile factory.

Sad, depressed, cry, wanna die

Here's your target, here's your grade
Here's the progress that you've made.
Here's your number, here's your label,
Here's the proof of what you're able.
Step it up, you must try harder!
Learn to be better from your face partner!

Sad, depressed, cry, wanna die

Here's a pen, this ones blue,
For all the work you've got to do.
Here's a pen this ones green,
For all your errors are obscene.
Here's a purple, this one's progress,
For all the errors you've got to address.
Here's a pen, this ones a sword.
Stab your neighbour when you're bored.

Sad, depressed, cry, wanna die

"I wanna be a poet"
But you can't back a laureate.
"Art keeps me on the right path"
But your pathway leads to double math.
"I need music to understand my existence"
You need a Humanity in your condition.
Aspire to what we want.
Achieve what we allow.
Dream of a future where everyone's the same,
And always believe in what we say.

Sad, depressed, cry, wanna die

Here's some music to calm you down.
Now get up and move around.
Give your partner a big high five,
Lets show ofsted how you thrive.
Catch the ball and answer this,
Miss the ball, then take the ****.
"What a loser, you can't catch."

Next time, you catch it.
"Here's the question..."
Loser didn't learn the lesson.
"Next time learn it, do it better,
You're an A grade, that's your letter"
No more letters now a number.
"I'm a person not a number!"
"That's your third strike." Going under

Sad, depressed, cry, wanna die

Now you're out and down the PRU.
"You didn't do what we told you to,
Now we'll give you extra Art,
Let's go out and race Go Karts"
Not because "Every Child Matters"
"Now your progress doesn't matter."

Sad, depressed, cry, wanna die

False. Fake. Fraud.
Green for growth but no room to grow.
Thinking time but no time to think.
Forced reflection but no space to be.
Safeguarding but never free.
Every child matters?
Every child... except you
Bryana Twice Sep 2015
after a few bottles o’ Tom
at the world’s end
I start talking
to Karen whose fingers
were freezing at first
& Pru
a friend o’ hers.
But it was Karen  - woollen  
Australian -
who started
wanting my pockets  
in the mitre
who began teasing me
with are m’ hands cold? Are they?
as we steadied each other
on the slippery cobbles   close.
It was Karen
who started
whispering warmly
on a wheel
o’ ice groaning :
we kissed once in London
& almost there again
I replied:
I know!  was  Xmas Eve
Heathrow somewhere

a royal mile in the snow
was all it took to thaw   *I know!
Went to Edinburgh for Snogmanney early this year.
The names in italics are pubs. This poem is really about a pub crawl.
Evan Stephens Jan 2019
Economy dusk
of idled exhaust
& worn brick street -
Boston's signature
scrawled with a river.

Traffic's tusk
thru Copley frost -
Pru's moon's fleet
over Boylston ligature.
Wind shaves with a shiver.

— The End —