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Sir Loin Jun 2016
How could I not sit there besides you and stare into your infinite eyes
Epiphany after epiphany
How could I not want to spend my entire life getting lost in your entity and never wanting to come back
I heard it's only cliche to those who haven't felt it yet
How could I not love every fiber of your being
Every inch of your skin that I have kissed
Every lash on your eye
Every measure of step you take
The pitch of your voice
The twitches when you sleep
Our sweat that drips while we make love
I want to sleep in your ribcage and act as every vital *****
Keeping you sane
Keeping you safe
I never want to come back
I want to be under your possession
Under your skin shelter
Til my very last drunken night
Thinking of ways to make you smile
Thinking of ways to croud the space above your carium with memories
Memories of us under the influence of every bitter taste of alcohol
Under the influence of eachother
Becoming more and more intoxicated with every kiss
Gripping your hand tighter
Feeling the skin on your lower back
Never been more blissful
Kissing your neck with a handful of your hair
Grasping your thighs and Kissing the ground you walk on
I've never been so idealistic in my life
You change every thought I've ever had
And I love it
Tonight I write how much I miss our cells growing within eachother
Our shadow in the inner side of the side walk
Pokeballs and wings
How much I miss everything in between
Everything that represents you
How could I not want to spend the rest of my life intoxicated by your essance
To my one true love
I use to spend my nights dreaming of dreams that where miles away but ever since you left us I have spent my nights trying to catch those z's as if they were a Pokemon and I was Ash Ketchum but I'm all out of pokeballs and I'm all out of those pills that helped me sleep so now I'm sitting here thinking warm milk and ocean sounds will put me to rest but I can only sleep after I've drowned my sorrows in all this smoke or after I'm 10 shots in and if you were still here you'd smack that bottle out of my hand but now me and insomnia are bestfriends until the day it all ends and we are together once again

— The End —