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Josiah kiprop Sep 2015
I look in the sky all i see is clouds...can they be a sign of has been 16 months since it all started...waking up early morning to just see a blue sky no sign at all....but their is light at the end of the tunnel the weather has just changed their are dark clouds forming at the sky is it a sign or not hope it will rain...rain will make the ungreen green or even make the dead (plants)  bear fruit...hope the rain will not be too much coz too much is poison
Chelsea Avendano Mar 2013
I am a slave to my own emotion,
I cant seem to hold myself back.

Im swimming in a heart wrenching ocean,
for the confidence that my heart now lacks.

I know that im happy today,
And I know that ive shed all those tears.

I know that i cannot betray,
my hard work though out all these years.

I know that im fallin with love,
I know that i have your love too.

Our patiance i know that were proud of,
and our love has been tested by few.

But back in the days of the strong girl i was,
has faded with passion and pain.

Its been shot down with love,
but rebuilt with courage and gain.

I might have grown weaker in loosing,
but youve made me grow stronger in turn.

Its because your love's so seducing,
that i allow myself now to learn.
Dependant on love, i rely on you,
to keep me forever in peace.
So thank you for teaching me all that you have,
I love you babe, to say the least.
xiuhcoatl cualli Jul 2014
this for you angel!
happines from heaven is love with intentions of faithfulness!
dont let no lie bring your brAin cons ions down!
for when you walk with your heAd down , your suffering!
its like living in hell!
where kids die of hunger
trees get turned to paper plastic and pencils!
for you two can write with stones on stones!
dont let the sky your love where your sun is at die in the concrete jungle!
that happiness!
those beautifull mountAins turned to beautifull temples!
we are walking all as one through apakalypse!
covered faces, distintive races as we are imbracing
for were not racing
we got pAtiance and my time is my evidence!
never look at the clock!
shadow around the tre let you know whT time it is,
stars relocating you to your destinAtion!
follow the ants for they are saving all the seeds!
follow the birds for each bird eats a different seed!
follow the jAguar for it will teAc you how to fight!
become one with your mind!
you are here to die, but with someone you love by your side!
bless my daughter mArysol quetzal zaragoza n if this heart mormor kills me body, my mind will live eternAlly
Akash mazumdar Mar 2014
' wat i do now'
Wat i can do now,
tell me pls wat i've 2 understand and how,
m sad cuz u r far from my vision,
many times i just wanna hug u without any reason,
how long i've 2 staisfy my heart,
by seeing ur picture and apart,
form this dammn distance,
which is bcm a fence,
but nvr b afraid cuz my emotions fr u,
will nvr b low but few,
things u've 2 do,
love my patiance my feel,
cuz these r very imp. And real,
fake and real r d 2 things,
nd we can say r the 2 sides of mirror which brings,
some time satisfaction but sum tym sorrow,
but just we must hold our hand so that our tommrow,
will have a great pick-up,
for d way which we r thinking 2 lead,
and our future will bcm a story of love and peace,
and having d best perfection,
and d best peace of satisfaction,
so b wid me,
and forget about the,
and I'll **** them if they follows....
Chelsea Avendano Feb 2012
I am a slave to my own emotion,
I cant seem to hold myself back.

Im swimming in a heart wrenching ocean,
for the confidence that my heart now lacks.

I know that im happy today,
And I know that ive shed all those tears.

I know that i cannot betray,
my hard work though out all these years.

I know that im fallin with love,
I know that i have your love too.

Our patiance i know that were proud of,
and our love has been tested by few.

But back in the days of the strong girl i was,
has faded with passion and pain.

Its been shot down with love,
but rebuilt with courage and gain.

I might have grown weaker in loosing,
but youve made me grow stronger in turn.

Its because your love's so seducing,
that i allow myself now to learn.

Dependent on love, i rely on you,
to keep me forever in peace.

So thank you for teaching me all that you have,
I love you babe, to say the least.
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i have found a pond in the tree line. its filled with life that has the natrual beauty that sweeps me away. thres a cat that just sits an the pedistool watching the colorfull fish swim around. his is so patiance just watching the fish swim around with just ceriousity and no attempt  to break its posture. the water rippes when the wind passes threw the majestic trees. to me this is a safe haven to me where i can  escape the ******* in life that only want to make me go insane. this place i have found has a pond and a warm hot spring that is wonder full to just ley your mind empty from all the negitvity that swollows you hole. my insanity clears away when i just close my eyes and take in this beauryfull place. its my safehaven to escape so im never going to tell any one cause its only place i can have my mind be cleaned.
my mind emptying out of negitivity

— The End —