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Allison Knowles Mar 2012
tracing my spine with wine
I can imagine a perfect line, inside

opening my throat, a red river rushes
through my drunken esophagus,
parellel to the column of vertebrae
keeping these tight shoulders of mine
off the sticky floor
I sigh in response to,
this floor,
offering me a minute of rest
I wont succumb
to the sweet hum, of apathy
rejecting the proposal to waste more time
with effort I stand tall
preserving the upward position of my skull

emotions I didn't mean to see,
surfacing now

a hot mess, with flushed cheeks
I've become

my spine at times feels weak
a false strength calls out
offering a sense of cheap stability

This time, I refuse
Selcæiös Feb 2018
//I swear I just have the same subconcious pattern every time with just waiting when I'm bordering extinction --
like maybe on someone throwing a lifesaver ?

I'm literally someone's-accidental-bumping away from
falling off this escarpment,
A selcouth flower-drenched meadow just last week,
now all-of-the-sudden barren and pretty grim plateau

On the edge of extinction,
Do you retreat, or put up your last fight?

I feel an urge to dismiss all and jump off the edge.
Besides, Extinction is probably the name of our parellel realm.
and they probabaly say
"be careful! you're on the edge of Reality."//

But that’s just a lone-sweet picturesque visualization from my esteemed friend, Imagination.
Sadly, yes, everything just mentioned was just daydreams occuring while sparking others’ sangfroid.

So when this little Miss Cure-Chaser
finally gets a breath-

n it’s honestly usually more like half;
I realize that I just gave out the last drop
of my spirit’s nature to a stranger

when I realize this,
I also see that
no one paid heed to
the healer in need of healing
bastardized by the Real-Life
Nightmare of Californication

I forget the grace
residing in my survival;
When I’m all dished out,
When healing’s lost my fervor,
Scorching my lovely Fylgja.
Meanwhile my soul’s alongside
taking it’s toll, it’s Californication.

I throw on my once-was, back of the closet
Hot Mess resolution
a Way-Too-Tight black dress
And a shoe-like lace up back.
I turn to the mirror, and as I wink I say **** it.
It’s Californication,
and I’m its ******* Counterrevolution.
my superpower's in that dress.
Traci Eklund Jun 2013
empty notebooks
waiting to bare the weight of thoughts
i lay parellel with the horizon
shifting positions
as the dawn fades to black and blue
where stars divide two worlds with a milky line
where are you tonight

were in fastforward
im feeling ill
the life I lead is passing by me
although I am standing still
pause tomorrow
pause today
pause this moment
darling stay

laughter fills in the gaps
of silence that was left
wrinkled quits keep company
in the space beside my head
where a soul once lingered beneath the sheets
is nothing but a fond memory
His magnetic ocean orbs
Uniform a pulchritudinous corbina
The sapphire and lapiz mix
Parellel falling into a piscena

His arms enveloping me
As we repose into the twilight
We never felt more free
Then I a lady, and he my knight

His charismic, enlightening smile
Parents, nowhere in sight
Living a life of sacchrine exile
Just him, myself, and the moonlight

Fireworks alluminate the sky
As we sit in gentle silence
That night on the 5th of July
Eyes glittering like diamonds

Fuming in bittersweet envy
Is the man in the moon staring down on us
My head on his shoulder lying gently, he stares
Feelings of jealousy, for our everlasing love

Our spirits in perfect concord
Shadowing all that we are
The owls cooing harmlessly
Akin the beating of my heart

Sitting beneath that willow tree
On a bench on the precipice
Where we first fell in love
Beneath those branches, pendelous

The waves beating softly
Gripping the sandy shores
Those stones kicking up the water
That crashed against them evermore

The salty scent of the of the breeze
The aquamarine surges
That span accross the ceaseless seas
Our eyes flickering to the night surfurs

The glittering, flamboyant stars
Begging for our attention
Yet nothing can rip our gaze apart
Both our heartbeats in suspension

His hand grasping my chin
Imploring to my tainted lips
His soft ones beseeching to meet mine
Pledging unity in sealing our first kiss

No god above us
Could tell us we were wrong
No hell that awaited us
Could end this siren song

The melody of our everburning souls
Merging into all that we ever were
Nothing could stop our torrid passion
On that Rode Island cliff, above the shore
We were the generation
caught between country
and Penny Lane

The sheds with roofs of
rusty tin

Turned to streets paved to no end

World War two became the deviding line

The modern day Maginot Line

Time swallows all creating
history pages in high school books

We moved faster than the weather
Like tornadoes from state to state

From Air Force base to base
from war to war

From each other ,
our own 38th Parellel
or Demilitarised Zone
family wise

Now today's Purple Hearts
and Medal of Honors
collect dust in a chesterdrawers full
old photographs turning
brown to age

I still smell the dusty dried straw in the old shed
that the tears will never wash away
I have become a nobody
And that is not a shame,
That is an opportunity,
My opportunity to leave behind all the pain,
Rid myself of the burden or learn how to carry the load
With the ease of photons gliding on the rods of solar loom,
Explosions having sunlight pass through thick air,
Hit grounds and products of their existence-manifests,
Cast Shadows over surfaces exposed, Surf with the aliens, walk with the man,
With the moon and stars and planets a movement
Spiralling to expand the sheet of paper that's a Universe asking to collide, intersect, take a glance at...
A parellel...
Cosmic DNA

— The End —