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Jeff S Sep 2018
...And kirchéglise(Notre) dame
   o u r l a d y m y l a d y
encyl-able, Pope or Pope or popedeux
and vindicate the waysteland
   My caska is openclosed!
(pews is pause is putride and prodigious)
Et tout-en commun?Gizerly pharaoh HA
lf gone.
Source-error of Oz
and dust, and dustinction

   god pull downwhich?

or fleurs-de-litigation.
Vini, vu/gesehen, conquered/konkeri?
And tot
And mort
and trunks gefallen.
Fantast-asy—I flail.

S e m p i ternam.
Courtney O Nov 2017
I stayed looking at them eyes, fixed on him
wondering about you
understanding the world
spinning around
Mother married a fascist I call father
And I'm the uncomfortable offspring there

And him, oh him
He was a reflection of you
A sad, painful, lively reflection
He reminded me of you. But he's no you.

Eyes openclosed tonight.

— The End —