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I'm trapped in her memory
Like a hamster
Still spinning the wheel,
Every step
Digging into my feet
Like every second
Consumes time
Oxygen In a fire
Slowly being depleted,
But I'm still going
Thinking I'll escape somehow
But the familiar squeak
At every full turn
Snaps me back
A misfired rubber band
And the sting
Startles me awake
Like I'm still on the same bus
And I'm never going to arrive
At my destination,
Every instance I catch my breath
I release my will
To be freed,
Her love like a carrot
Just within reach

APAD13 - 144  © okpoet
I want a swing
To sway between
The moon and the earth,
A hammock to lie
Between Canis
Major and minor,
Let me row a boat
One paddle
The milky way,
Let me pedal
Across the galaxy
On a starship enterprise trike,
I want to race
A shooting star,
Whittle meteoroids
Into beautiful
Paper weights,
Surf the rings
Of Saturn,
And play
Laser tag amidst
All the space debris,
Let me be astronaut...

APAD13 010 - © okpoet
Don't you know
My mop and glow
Is brighter than
A star over Mazatlán?
I'd be more than spittin'
While you're just there sittin'
This ain't just a game
Though it be the same
When they say don't hate
The player when you're just at the gate,
I fill all the stadium seats
And provide all the player's cleats,
Yeah, you get my drift
Like after hockey left to sift
For teeth and glory
Only half the story,
Through blood and ice
I don't just play and act nice,
I am red riding hood's wolf
Watch out or you'll get a hoof
On your forehead wear it proud
The only crown you'll wear in the crowd...
APAD13 015 - © okpoet
I feel like
I'm learning
To live
With a handicap
Disabled I am,
I'm learning to walk
Without you,
I'm learning to speak
Without you,
I'm learning to not feel
Without you,
To strive on ahead
And deal with the world
And the stares
And doing everything
On my own
Without you,
And at the end of the day
After I'm tired of it all
I feel the pain
I feel the broken
Parts within me,
And I know
I'll have to do it again
Tomorrow; healing
Without you...
APAD13 - 047 © okpoet
Your willing slave, faithful servant, loyal friend,

This and more I wish to be until the end,

No one else on earth but God can promise this,

If they say so, they're just full of fizz,

You have but to say just one single word,

I'll orchestrate a symphony or a simple chord,

Where others falter, tumble and hold back,

I'll come through for you; excel where they lack,

To ease your mind of doubts is my desire,

I'll prove myself time and time again; and never tire,

Your fires will always be lit; and your rivers will always flow,

Your deepest secrets and your utmost desires I wish to know,

In your trust I find my greatest satisfaction,

I present myself to you; exposed truth in every action,

If my life were requested of me right now for you,

Not a second would pass; Id give it; forget the queue,

My heart would not stutter; skip a beat;

None would even make it to their seat,

If you were to look into my eyes;

You'd see the love and dedication swell in guise,

That which is solely for you and only your smile,

Let them all try to push me aside, I'll throw them in pile,

A dog may be mans best friend, but you're mine;

I'm glad to be yours too; sorry I had to cut in line...

© okpoet
Yes I am an onion;
The more you peel away
New layers grow in their place;
I make many cry and they stop
They can’t take the truth I exude;
But it’s not just them suffering,
Sometimes I do too;
Finding out they don’t
Have what it takes,
And I continue as I am
Alone yet not lonely;
Independent yet not arrogant,
Happy yet not lost in bliss;
I learned to play hide and seek
Since I was a kid; But
I played all by myself,
I hid more than me;
I buried my true personality,
Slowly it’s been peeking out;
At least it has with you,
So know; this is a steep
Mountain I’m climbing
And I’m always looking down
Not afraid just aware,
That you’re the only reason
I look up at all…
© okpoet
She can feel
The thought
Blooming within her
Flowering mind
That will never wilt,
Dew of life
On her
Crown of petals
Hiding the thorns
Within her soul,
She'll spill nectar
Hungry hummingbirds
Static watchers
Of this beauty,
Releasing sweet
Her aroma
Upon the breeze,
But careful you
Lest her truth be
She's a Venus flytrap
Ready to ensnare you,
Handle with care...
© okpoet
Rocks below
Sky above; hello
I say upon a breeze
Hoping it'll get to you; and you won't sneeze
At it; and if you do
Will it have tickled you
Like a feather?
How's the weather?
I hope that this
Upon your time does not diss,
This note like tumbleweed
On gusts of thoughts I took heed,
Always on my mind
You are, impossible I find
Not to think
About whilst I take a drink
From the murky pool
Beneath me, a fool
Maybe; I may just be
If signs are not obvious to me,
Stubborn until infinity
Even if I cherish anonymity,
But there's only one of you
In all the universe and like Bloo,
A friend like you even if made up
Still exists in my heart forevermore; buttercup...
© okpoet
I personally
Love food comas;
And cookie periods,
And gumbo
Exclamation marks!
The're the best!
And semicolon pies,
Oh man...
And peach cobbler
They're perfect
With scoops
Of delicious vanilla
Question marks
With a drizzle
Of caramel
Quotation marks,
Oh no!
I'm going
Into an
Anaphylactic shock
From the forward slash
And back slash
Layered lasagna,  
I'm going comatose!
Quick! make me some alphabet soup!
© okpoet
She is all kinds;
Of stunning,
Exquisite intrigue;
Sultry crude substance,
She is bequeathed of delicate allure;
She is,
Raw beauty;
Unpolished titillating elegance,
Unfettered natural charm;
She is provocation,
Captivating distraction;
Deviation of one's resolve,
Without so much as a casual glance;
Riveting seduction,
A Mona Lisa of subtle sweet temptation;
Yet unpolished,
She shimmers and radiates through the haze;
Unlike fool's gold she is genuine tangible truth,
A magic act of unquestionable splendor;
Waiting lurking smoldering essence,
She is --
Rapture divine; beyond words...
© okpoet
I'll love you
From silky smooth
To wrinkled,
From sane
To senile,
I'll love you
From sandy blonde or brunette
To ashen grey or balding white,
From twenty/twenty
To glaucoma,
I'll love you
From hushed whispers
To hearing aids,
From skips and hops
To rascal scooters,
I'll love you
From fast food and coke
To ensure and depends,
From broken fingernails
To fractured hips,
I'll love you
From baby boy
To great grandchildren,
From skydives
To rocking chairs,
I'll love you
From glitter
To pill reminders,
From off the lot
Until rusted into the ground,
I'll love you
From now
To forever,
From hello
To the grave...
APAD13 - 058 © okpoet
They'll ask
Of me,
Where is she?
Your significant otter,
And I'll answer
I know not
What's become of her
Like a balloon lost
I did not hold on tight,
And we'll look to the sky
As if there
And sudden
She'll appear,
She'll come back
They say,
And I'll agree
Half & halfheartedly,
Hoping upon hope
Behind my forlorn smile...

APAD15 - 010 © okpoet
Where to find the words?
When all the wells
Have run dry,
My inspiration
No longer
Out of the dark corners
Of my addled mind,
The fountains
That yielded
All my sentiments,
Have translated
Into muted syllables
That no longer flow,
As if my need
Has been quelled,
Yet I am more parched
Than desert dunes,
Cold barren wastelands;
And there is no mirage
To even hold me over
Until the next rainfall...

APAD14 - 001 © okpoet
I haven't seen you
In forever
And I'm constantly
Finding myself,
Trying to remember
Like I'm afraid
I will eventually forget
And you'll come up
Like an old song
On the FM radio
That I hardly ever
Listen to,
Top hits of long ago
That feel like another life
When I thought
Nothing else
But of someone else
Outside of me
From within me
Trying to get out
Just to find you,
And now I'm slipping
Like soap from your grip
Will you ever catch me again?

APAD13 - 129 © okpoet
What will bring
Us together
If not a hook
And a fishing rod?
What will keep
Us together
If not duct tape
And krazy glue?
But the line
I cast long ago
Remains slack
Not long enough
And the bait
Long ago lost,
The cap
On the glue bottle's stuck
Won't open
And the duct tape
Has lost all it's strength,
So I walk
And wander
Then I sit
And wonder
How shall I try
To reel her in again
How shall I proceed
To keep our hearts
Bound together
So that no distance
Will fade us
From each other's minds
So our love
Will make the oceans
Seem but a teacup
Between us...
APAD13 - 068 © okpoet
I will never replace him
But I can eclipse his memories,
He like the moon
Still casting shadows
From the past,
And I the glowing orb
In the sky shining fierce
And bright
Trying to blind you
To all that he was,
But you wear your shades
And I can't pierce through,
Still reminiscing
Thinking there was
Maybe something
You didn't do
Didn't try,
And so if
The light fails,
Then I will try
And warm your world
Until you peel off
The heavy coat
And layers of regrets
Weighing you down;
Letting you welcome
The sunrise of our future
And watch the sunset
Close on the past
You're moving on from
As I'm here to be
Your steadfast friend under the sun...
APAD13 - 055 © okpoet
Simply stunning
You were,
A glint of sun
Radiant ray,
From your
Sapphire smile
And diamond eyes
I was blinded
Blind sided,
As a  fiery ball
Just beneath the visor
A lingering sunset
The shape of you,
That pierced
My windshield
As I sped down
Not taking my eyes off
The view,
And would I crash
Still entranced
By your intense
Focused tractor beam,
Interrupted only
By the words
That I couldn't hear
And all I could do
Was nod and smile
And nurse
My wounds,
Soon to be
Further scarred
By the likes of you...

APAD13 - 120 © okpoet
Beauty in her possession;
Is a power no mortal or god can wield,
She demands obsession;
From her stare no one can shield,
As she takes and consumes man's soul;
With a touch proves his demise,
A whisper his death's toll;
A stare eclipsing the sunrise,
This power she bares to all;
Unbeknownst to her and yet,
From winter to fall;
From the morning until sunset
All those around her; prisoners become;
Subdued by her charms,
All are taken captive; spared are none,
No warning; no alarms;
This is her virtue,
Spilt forth from her smile;
And little is left to go through and sift,
Of this carnage seen mile after mile;
As she continues wielding her beauty,
Hypnotic; entrancing; a call of duty...
© okpoet
I'm talking to her
About all the things
Like it's all brand new fur,
Freshly squeezed juice
Of yesterday,
Learning how to play
Again; add a new bruise,
What tomorrow brings
Is old expectations,
But I'm still anxious
Looking at the door
Not even 59 past 4
Somehow time has become
All the more precious,
Looking forward to coming home,
Giddy like a little gnome,
Muffled greeting
Playing dumb,
Please repeat again
Making sure it isn't hallucinations,
I suppress the joy bleating
From within, no gloat
Most grateful am I then
Like an Eskimo
With a brand new coat,
If only the world could know...
© okpoet
I liked you
I'll like you
I like you
I'll like you
Day after day
Even after every
I'll like you
From every
New year
Every leap year,
From time
To time
I'll keep
Liking you,
Because hey,
What's not to like
About you?
I like you
Even if you don't
Like yourself,
I like you
Even if you don't
Like me,
But I really really
Love you...
APAD13 - 108 © okpoet
She was once a spirited soul
Trekking along all alone,
Many she crossed paths with;
Some left an impression on her
Some good some bad;
But no one stayed for long
But one friend or two,
Yet none of those that came and went
That walked away; crawled away
Or were kicked away,
Left without a searing pain in their body,
They felt the suffering of her loss
They would never forget this regret,
One day she found another
Who could not be chained down;
Who felt the ties but fought them;
Until even he fell but only on one knee,
He would walk alongside but not with her,
Because under her strong independence
Laid within a submissive acquiescence,
A heart longing to belong; and there was one
Who had the only key to her beating love,
And as she surrendered herself to him
The collector had finally been collected...
© okpoet
I still do
Find a smile
When you come around,
Not real like physically
Being there next to me,
But the kind of
Coming around
In my head,
Like there's a carousel
In my skull
And somehow
I'm standing
In one of my eye sockets
Watching it turn
Sometimes so fast
It's all blurry
But the colors
And the lights
Amuse me to no end,
But I'm just serious
And then it slows
Just enough
That I can see you
A different outfit
A different thought
And I laugh...
APAD13 - 056 © okpoet
You've left me a good feeling
Like from a high I'm reeling
I'm leaning back
No longer out of whack,
Got the notes in my pocket
Like that picture in your locket,
Telling me where I'm headed
Like a map in my head embedded,
Fate is a funny thing
You never know what it'll bring
Round the corner
Like another's country's foreigner,
We'll see what lies ahead
For now I'll continue to break bread
As I wander heart in hand
To a promised land
Hoping to find my one true calling
As I hold on to my faith to keep from falling
Into darkness and despair
As I part my hair
I'll smile at my reflection
Heading out into an unknown direction...
© okpoet
She fell from the skies
Couldn't keep floating on the lies
Pretending to be
What everyone wanted to see
An angel with papier-mâché wings
She was a Lamborghini riddled with dings
But to all she was a hottie
Driving around in a stolen Bugatti
Saying all the right things in your ear
If she couldn't have her way shed a tear
All those around her wanted
To give her all she desired undaunted
None the wiser
The next burst from this geyser
Could obliterate them all
It seemed she would never fall
From the clouds she rode
Even as her halo no longer glowed
Because all were blind
None the secret could find
But all this caught up to her
Only so much could be hidden
Behind the sheer gossamer
Of their eyes a veil eaten away by lichen
Truth be told she was still a breath taker
But the joy ride was over for this faker...
© okpoet
Every morning start, I awaken
Ready for the full day unshaken,
That is until my tummy rumbles,
Desperate for food my hand fumbles,
For the keys to my car to go,
Forth to work, one thing I know,
There is something I want,
Making this feel like a jaunt,
Once there rushing in through,
Looking for something to dig into,
Finding my favorite delight,
My mouth full, gone is my plight,
Thanks to you that is,
Since you bring my taste buds bliss,
You keep my hunger at bay,
Make my willpower to diet sway,
You give me reasons to expect,
So many options to elect,
From neat sweet treats,
Sandwiches made of whole wheat’s,
To fresh select eats in my dinette,
When there is none I fret,
Awaiting you so I can berate,
About all the things I could've ate,
Ask me reasons, I don't know why,
As I wrote this I let out a sigh,
Thought I'd speak my mind,
In spite of the daily grind,
This is my ode to you, vendor man,
In me you have your greatest fan!
© okpoet
The record is
Wearing out
My tattered heart,
Playing the tune
I've hollowed out
Of my ears,
Bleeding deaf
From the pain
I've sought
To relieve,
A silent buzz
Has settled in,
Screams in
The echoes;
They repeat
My sorrow
Over and over,
This track
On a loop
That will never
Break my fall,
For her
Love is the artist
And life is the DJ,
Remix my fears
Into an empty
Dance floor,
Sober I am
And I cannot
Turn off
The Disco lights...
© okpoet
There's just
A few knots
Left in her head
Before she loses
Her mind,
She's had
More than just
A couple of knots
In her back
From carrying
The weight
Of the world,
She's got
Just a few knots
Of words left
She'll write down
To explain why
It's come to this,
She's just
A couple of knots
Away from unraveling
Just enough
To hang from,
At the end of her rope...
APAD13 013 - © okpoet
In between me and you
There are volumes untold
We the bookends
Kept the stories within,
Pop up books
And color by numbers,
There's still crayon splatters
Across the pages,
Folded corners
And still wet edges,
Wilted bookmarks
And underlined sentences,
Highlighted passages  
And crossed out paragraphs,
Pressed in between some layers
Are dry roses and leaves,
Memories that left the letters smeared,
And though our stories may finish
And remain unpublished,
I just want to tell you
Our love was volumes
With no bookends...  
© okpoet
In the depths of sad
I found I had
But one smile left
Crooked though it was
It still had the hooks
Sharp as could be;
To hang all my worries
Upon that smile
Nailed onto my face
Centered under my sad sad eyes
A bowl to hold my tears,
This was my smile
I wore proudly,
Until it crumbled
And broke off,
I rummaged again
Tried to find another,
Sifting through
The dried up shards
Of my heart
And all the torn up
Rotting compost heap
Deep within
My chest,
Foot locker
Of my soul...
APAD13 017 - © okpoet
She drains me of words
Like at the end of a bath,
And I'm left with the stopper
Dry as a prune
Until I can
Once again
Replenish my thoughts,
Come again
Under my shower
But I'm just a mist
Lightly saturating
Her once more
Like the moisturizer after
But she shaves and dries
It all off,
What of it all
Has she absorbed?
I can't be coke
Left to go flat
Crushed soda pop can
In the sun
Unable to redeem myself,
Won't you give me a nickel
For my love?

APAD13 - 131 © okpoet
She was my non sequitur;  
Like that hottie
From the south of Ecuador,
So nice yet so ******;
But this one was my interrobang
Questionable excitement,
To her laughter my ears lent
Cautious echoes that sang,
Of the skies sunny and blue
Where the beaches were
Anything but mild
And the babes
They were so wild,
Yet the endless raves
Seemed so few.
As she was my turbulence
Distraction under calm seas,
****** cadence
With a purr
Like a swarm of bees,
No other will equate to her,
Why I met her; and never will again
I'll never know for sure, but then
Aren't those the ones we yearn the most for‽
APAD13 012 - © okpoet
No stars or moon;
The night sky is cloudy,
Like the thoughts in my mind;
Jumbled and incoherent,
Will it ever clear?
The doubts and confusion,
Dark and heavy;
Weighing down my heart,
But I'll fly high and above;
This veil of resistance,
I will rise above it all;
On top of the world once more,
Because no pothole is too deep;
Nor any barrier too thick,
That I cannot overcome;
No one can hold me down,
I am meant to soar;
No shackles can contain my spirit,
Not life; not love; not fear;
If it can't **** me,
I will persevere;
Not to be made an example of,
But to lead by example...
© okpoet
You're such a killer
On the mike
You should find a dealer
To distribute you like Nike
On every foot,
Get you heard
On every ear,
Grow a root
Spring a word
Leaves; a gear
While the light
You be burning
Bring the fight
With the beat
Lyricists you defeat
Before they even
Get to retaliate
They get to leaving
Their bridges
Never gonna cross
Slip on frozen ridges,
Fountain coin toss;
Wishes never see
Bumble without the bee...
© okpoet
You're ugly
So ugly to me,
You'll always be
The ugliest I've ever seen,
But before you
Slap me hate me
And walk away
For saying so,
Do you realize
That ugly is just a word
And I haven't let go
Holding you close,
Because no matter how ugly
You think you are,
I love you so,
I want to ravage you
Every minute
Caress every inch of you,
And I'll never ever walk away
Proudly stand next to you,
Because beauty is everything,
And the beholder knows
Ugly is an idea
Like f@ck is a 'bad' word,
And I just f@ckin' love you
Just the ugly way you are...

APAD13 - 26 © okpoet
I'm looking up
At the full moon
Feeling like a fool
Under the midnight noon,
Thinking about how
She changed me
And then she left,
Would my tears
Be like footsteps in the sand,
My pillow the shore
That absorbs my steps,
Realizing how even after
98% of my atoms have changed,
That 2% will always remain
The same because of her,
The imprint of memories
Like ducklings
But I was too soon set free
Into my too calm a pond,
And I tell myself
I should have run away
Whence I came upon her,
Like a black cat,
But what superstition
Could give a heads up
Before I lost my head
My heart and my soul,
I a headless horseman
Ambling through the night
Until the dreaded sunrise...

APAD13 - 139 © okpoet
She looks
In all the mirrors
For the best side of her
She twirls
And asks
With longing eyes
The question
One always asks
Of their reflection,
And no answer
Is ever good enough,
Maybe if she were blind
She could finally see
The true side of her
That the world
Should really see,
The side that shines out
The brightness
Like a lighthouse,
From her soul...

APAD15 - 016 © okpoet
The anticipation is heavy within me,
Clouding my every thought
I feel light headed as you
Shut off the flow of life
Around me as nothing else matters,
I can savor the hesitation
Between the airlock
Of our lips,
And then it's a vertical wrestle
Across the floor
Shucking off clothes
And then we stop,
That millimeter
Space between
The contact
Of our bodies,
I can almost feel
Your delicate suggestion
Of hairs rise like static,
The first beads of sweat
As our skins graze
Like the first seconds of an ice cube
When barely you acknowledge its temperature,
The first sip of summer's cool lemonade;
Or is it the very finest of wines,
That's no longer here nor there
As I cling onto your body
Pleasurable friction,
Solid yet malleable
Against the bed trestle
And every other strong surface,
I feel the smoothness of you
Against the rough callousness of my hands,
And I feel I could never let go,
No questions words or thinking,
Just heart, need, and want
And crave, and hunger
Salt lick,
I want to deplete you of air
And replace it all with passion;
Sweet, our bodies shivering
Like crack fiends,
No athlete could keep up
In this heat feel
The slightest caress of a breeze...
APAD13 003 - © okpoet
Con besos
Te inundare
Como el mar
Satura la tierra
Sal de mis lágrimas
Sudor de mi pasión
Por todo tu cuerpo;
Los peces serán testigos
De mi amor por ti,
Con besos
Te tatuare
Como la tinta
De todos los lapiceros
Llenan las páginas
De todos los libros
Letras de mi mente
Palabras de mi corazón;
Las tablas de contenido
Serán testigos
De mi devoción a ti,
Con besos
Te envolveré
Como las brisas
Sacuden tu pelo
Aire de mis suspiros
Dióxido de carbono
De mis pulmones;
Por todo el horizonte
Por todos los hemisferios
De la tierra al sol,
El mundo será testigo
De nuestro amor...
APAD13 – 105 © okpoet
With kisses
I will submerge you
Like the ocean
Saturates the earth
Salt of my tears
Sweat of my passion
Throughout your body;
The fish will be witnesses
Of my love for you,
With kisses
I will tattoo you
Like the ink
Of all the pens
Fill the pages
Of all the books
Letters from my mind
Words from my heart;
The tables of contents
Will be witnesses
Of my devotion to you,
With kisses
I will envelop you
Like the breeze
Flows through your hair
Air of my sighs
Carbon dioxide
Of my lungs;
Throughout the horizon
Throughout all the hemispheres
From the earth to the sun,
The world will be witness
Of our love...
Will you
Seep into my nightmares
Like the sun
Breaking through clouds;
And embrace me
Like the shadow
Of the dark side of the moon?
A beacon in the mist
Shining through the haze,
Under cover
Of every night
A ghost of light
Forever making the darkness
Not so true a fiend
I thought I could hide behind
Like a curtain
Before the show
Unveiling demons
In the shade,
Restless in their endeavor
As I drag my pain
A love for misery
Because you only linger
Under a black sky
Never rising with the day
To start again...

APAD14 - 002 © okpoet
I see you from afar
Twinkling brightly like a star,
As your face lights up
Not from the coffee in your cup,
I can hear the pitter patter of your heart
Faster and faster from the start,
As your eyes lock
Tick tock,
Time stands still
Wonder how long till,
You're both in each other's arms
Exchanging kisses like collector's charms,
This sweet embrace
Who would have suspected this the case?
Two lover's hearts entwined
Love's response in kind,
No one the wiser to your wit
Practiced getaways like the perfect skit,
Each day the feeling growing strong
Learning each other like the words to your favorite song,
And soon I hope the perfect culmination
Will arrive to this incantation,
Live for each moment in this dreamy existence
As you live for each other without pretense...
© okpoet
I use to like
The shiny things
The gold the silver
Anything nice
Expensive and loud,
I adored the envy
Yearned for the jealousy;
I saw how the others
Tried to have
What I had,
But those shiny things
Couldn't keep me
Warm at night,
They couldn't protect me,
Listen or be my friends;
They were lifeless
Heartless and emptiness,
And then I met you;
You were shiny too
But it was a whole
Different bling and shine;
It came from inside
Radiated from you
And lit up
From your eyes;
This was not
Fool's gold,
This was a
Lover's soul,
Showing me
What was
Real treasure...
APAD13 - 034 © okpoet
In the chestnut
Of your eyes
I feel like a child
Sitting feeling
Around in the muddy,
Rich and warm
Brown of your soul,
A playground
For my spirit free,
Loose on plaid fields
Dark plains a mystery,
I feel the veneer of you
Like sleek mahogany,
And still I have been
But just in the rings
Of your intriguing orbs  
Glossed in the sunsets
Bronzed sunrises awaiting
For a cheerful welcome,
I'm interrupted by your smile...
© okpoet

— The End —