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bownz Feb 2010
Cursive consiergePeace & Love Reign from above, wehave inspired a revolutionhaven’t we. They are just waitingfor the words and me to saywhen. Well pen it looks like we                    have done it again.Inspired the masses that theycan fill their glasses. Justdon’t give in become one ofthe masses. The life has alwaysbeen here we just too eassilyfear the truth of righteousness.Our eyes are now opened repentfrom sin fall to your knees.As you sneeze and all his children in fear oflife after death repeat after  me and say  GOD BLESS..                        You
james nordlund Apr 2019
The rain welcomed me, as it was
I am to be thisgray day.
Unendingly unraveling, seemingly,
They are as the concrete, grey.
My roots, always reaching
The rich brown earth beneath,
Stregthen my stride,
As walking through them am I.
To where or what, I do not know,
For, discovery oflife is stalking.
Yet, I'll be in the moment so,
If and when, I can, I will fly.

In each day I pray to be that I,
What, where, how, when and why.
So, though the Sun's light is masked,
This night, that is their day, won't last.
As, it's direction, clear and bright, does
Glean through the clouded cover of their night.

Still, this walk that's walking me,
Is what reality is to be.
And while these flaming embers glow,
I'll walk this road with reality, so.
Yet, to you I do entreat,
If and when you two meet,
Will you allow for the you to be,
And not recede from reality?
So, that to this day all that have gone,
Leaving you this to carry on,
Will have their potential realized as well,
Let Evolution be the bell.
Thanx to the great group, Orleans, and their great song with the same title, for inspiration.  Thanx to All and Flaming Embers restaurant, as well   :)   reality
kain Aug 2019
theressomuchinthisworldforusallsowhen i hearpeoplesaythatthey want to die irelatebut i dontand cant understandwhytheywantto do this anymore i usedto never behappyanditwashellandivebeentherebutnowimhappyimhappywithmylifei­mhappywithmyselfimfinallybecomingthepersonivealwayswantedtobeican­finallyseethebeautyoftheworldandthebeautyinsidemyselfandi will alwaysseeitafterallthoseyearsofsayingthatiwouldnever be enough ifinallyamenoughand i dont care whatpeoplethink about anything idoaslongasitmakesmehappybecauseiamstrongandiamenoughand i am tired of being someonelsesdoormatbecauseimstill alive andimlivingformenowand i
amnevergoingtosaythati cant dosomethingbecauseicanandimgoingto get themost out oflife
Arlene Corwin Sep 2018
Full OfLife’s Meaning

Health and meaning,
Productivity and goodness,
Each without the other
Pointless, empty, aimless.
Karma is as karma does,
Cause, effect, impact that follows
Following the karmic laws;
Chains of act and motivation:
Like a train into a station;
Moving on - you get my point.
Pointing in and at direction
New to view, ensue, continuing
Forever on.

For that reason goodness pays.
So does purity of heart.
These the simplest of start,
Richest at the end.
(and even in the middle,
though not looking like it then).

This, a facile little verse
Written post a cup of java.
Oversimplified, naive,
Written down with caffeine fervor,
Nonetheless sincere endeavour
To get at a truth received;
The intellect experiential,  never swayed
By morning  coffee’s  coaxing way.

And so it ends as it began:
Metaphysical, material and grand,
Taking effort to achieve,
You and I but motes
And sometimes idiots
Living disquietly in worlds of floods
And wars and riots.  

Just remember, life that’s full of
Health and meaning, creativity and goodness.
Each without the other pointless, empty, aimless.
Life itself, its energy
Was meant to be
Full Of Life’s Meaning 9,17.2018 Nature Of & In Reality; Revelations Big & Small; God Book II; Arlene Nover Corwin

— The End —