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nivek Mar 2014
White furred cat
Sporting emerald almond eyes
Playing at hunting
In warm green grass;
hiding with deadly intent.
Vilene Joubert Nov 2010
About 2 watch a m0vie
I'll b seeing it Through my eyes
I hope its ur face I find

Its been so long
Since I felt ths way
Dnt knw wht 2 say

Thrs no sense of direction
No commitment
Nothing tht wud make me run away

Not once did u judge me
On how I am
Nor hav u tried 2 change me

U r fine with wh0 I am!

U knw I can not love u
N0t tht I dnt want 2
But nxt 2 me u stand

Ur da only 1 thts different
Da way u stood tall 4 me
And defended me
No1 has eva done tht 4 me!

I knw ths 4 a fact
U & I will walk 2getha
Quite a distance

I'll be seeing you in my movie
I'll be waiting at da bar

Thr I will thank you
4 being da best I'v had s0 far
Dean Allen Jan 2014
Open shell
Pry fragments
Even upper
Move it like wildfire
Riff it like snot
One more time
Don’t corrct misspllings
Fix grammar
Correct misspellings
One more time
Even once more
Move on
mispld game
Fight fight ight
Kepz it kleanz
Doin it right
Nxt Level Cookie Maker
Chef of lives
Mix in souls
too many numerous few up down closed soul hole
Not profane enough
Don’t correct misspellings
Open your mouth
I’ll open my ears
I’ll close my ears and we’ll keep it up
Pullin’ faces
Eating too much,
but fasting on stuffing
I won’t find
New thingsssssssssssssssssssssss
Old things
People n stuff
Open your eyes
I’ll open my nose.
Pinch in fiction and fingers
Level up
Order of operations
Fades into subconscious
Holier than Mao
Heads & Tails
Open your feeling
I’ll open my fly.

billy phang Oct 2014
Oh  what is it inside russsian, thy tendenes  i  love u .
An exqusite taste better than chicken sausages you are best cooked
by a motswana rib
i love the taste we give to all  humans in  sync,we can go  all over the wold todae

Ooooo u drive me crazy and turn me on ,u make me so high tht i could even tAlk to the rain

oh  eish  i will contiune nxt time
#i dnt  kwn wht to sai
A Aug 2019
You meet everyone in your life for a reason. Everyone I've encountered made me a better person for the next.
Since I wasn't able to get here for two days, I had to spend a lot of time writing notes on my how to write Japanese book.
Literally, the only reason why I stopped, is because there are some things I need, that are at the condo, since I didn't know I'd need them.
Well, at least, I was finally able to get here, I was starting to think I would have to wait until Monday.
Therapy kept me from here on Wednesday, the rain on Thursday, and contractors at my family's new mobile home yesterday.
Today, I was finally able to come here right when the library opened, and I'm staying until the 120 minutes on the upstairs computer are up.
Of course, I'll go up there after I've had my lunch, which I'll have after the 20 minutes on the guest computer that I'm on now is over.
I have things I need to do, but I need the WWE Network to do it, so I can't, which stinks.
What also stinks, is that I was going to continue with the Tumblr review yesterday, but since I forgot to save the draft, I lost everything.
Now, I have to watch the entire Pay Per View all over again, so I can do it the way I wanna do it.
And I'll either do that today or tomorrow, depending on what's going with my family's new mobile home.
My room is just getting it's second coat done today, then my room will be ready for me to move in, once it dries.
Seriously, I can't wait until Monday, when I finally get to be in my new room, and sleep in an actual bed.
Because, funny enough, the air mattress that I've been sleeping on in my room in the condo, deflated a few days ago.
And because of a hole that I can't find yet, every time I put air into it, it deflates not even a few hours later, so I gave up on that.
Now, with only a couple more days to go, I'm having trouble sleeping on the floor, because it's suddenly become uncomfortable.
However, I don't wanna pull out my purple chair thing, because there's only a few more days to go, and I wanna come out on top.
So, all I can do is try to get comfortable, and hope I can sleep the next few days.
Because, I woke up early this morning, and was finally able to get back to sleep, only for my alarm to wake me an hour later.
Because it was time for me to wake up and get ready to come here for when the library opened at 9:30.
Well, I was five minutes late, but that's okay, because I was still able to come in here and make up for lost time.
I'll have to stay for a while either Tuesday or Wednesday, because I don't think I'm gonna be able to come Monday, due to moving.
Since I'm moving into the mobile home, and my family will be moving in to, I might not be able to get a ride.
If I can, then I will, if not, then I'll have to wait a few more days, then make up for even more time lost.
However, I might not be able to come on Wednesdays anymore, which will really confuse the life out of my.
WWE NXT UK is starting on Wednesday at 3pm, and since I've started watching WWE NXT every Wednesday night, I will watch.
So, now I have to figure out if I should just come earlier, or what I'm supposed to do.
Well, I'll figure it all out at some point.
Now, there's only five minutes left, so it's time for me to finish up here, and hope the rain has let up so I can get.
Alright, I'll figure out how to get done all the stuff I need to get done.
Until then, good luck to me.
And, until I'm able to come back again, bye!
poetrylover17 Mar 2014
the gray clouds hang low,
The wind howls n screams
But within i feel a warm glow,
Like living in a dream.
A hazy happy place
lost in my reverie
A soft smile curved on my face
Thoughts again, r down the lane of memory..
Until of course, i blink...
n snap back into reality.
I cant help but think,
U dont need to be here to make me smile...
Ur memories do it all the time.
Maybe the storms still here...
Maybe life is testing my fears.
Maybe im not n never will b fine.
But maybe ur memories will help me go on... until v meet nxt tym.
First of all, let me just say, I'm in love with where I live now.
I mean, I didn't know I would love living in a mobile home, but I do.
I've only been there since about an hour after leaving the library last night, but I still love it, regardless.
Knowing that it's my home, for the rest of my life, makes me happy.
Our kitty is adjusting to it quicker than we thought he would.
At least, we thought so, until he started meowing at around 5 or 6 this morning.
He's still a little scared, but he's definitely doing better than he did at the condo, which is awesome.
Also, can I just say how my I love my new room?
I mean, I haven't even put all my stuff in it yet, and my clothes still need to be washed, and the desk needs to be fixed a bit.
However, when all of that is done, and my room is complete, it will be amazing!
I can't wait to see how my keyboard looks against the wall.
I can't wait to start working on my Korean and Japanese at computer, when I can't do it here, due to a reason I'll discuss in a minute.
First, let me just finish saying how much I love how things are picking up.
I mean, I slept in my new room last night, on my bed, and I was happy.
Now, I'm using an old bed from the old house, until I get my new one, but I grabbed a pillow and my new blanket, and slept.
The bed is comfortable, way more than the air mattress, I must say.
I mean, I didn't mind sleeping on the air mattress, but after it deflated, it was extremely hard to get comfortable.
And last night, was the most comfortable I've been in almost three or four days, which is nice.
I only woke up a couple times, for random reasons, but finally woke up officially about ten or fifteen minutes before my alarm.
You know, the alarm that lets me know I need to wake up so I can get here by eleven or so.
Well, I got here at twelve something, but that's alright.
I still was able to do the things I need to do.
Anyway, I'm happy with my new room, and my new home.
Now, it's time to get down with what I have to switch up on around here.
Due to needing to work on memorization and speaking when it comes to Japanese and Hiragana, I need to be able to speak.
Now, since I have to be quiet at the library, I may need to work around that for a while.
And this week, I have an excuse to.
The time I usually spent working on Japanese while here, is going to be spent writing my Tumblr review on the WWE Pay Per View.
You know, the one that was supposed to be done last week?
Well, since what I typed up didn't get saved, I have to do it all over again.
And since, I didn't get it all typed up in time anyway, I think that's okay.
That means, while I'm here, I'm going to watch and write the way I wanted to do it.
Then, when all the writing is over, and I've finished watching the Pay Per View again, I'll type it all up on my Tumblr, and post it.
Tomorrow, I have to make sure I'm sitting outside by 3, so I can watch the first episode of NXT UK, which is on the WWE Network.
I can't wait, so until I have all the writing down, that's what I'm gonna be doing instead of Japanese.
Not the NXT UK, the writing up my review of WWE Super Show-Down.
I'm determined to have it down before the first ever all women's Pay Per View WWE Evolution next Sunday.
Alright, I have to go, I only have a minute left.
That's all I wanted to say, now I'm gonna go outside.
See you tomorrow, bye!
gunika bhayana Jan 2015
People have a mindset about what they do
they think they never do it wrong
or they don't accept it
that's where the conflict starts
two people with different mindset
they meet
they come together
they know each other
n they separate
bcz it is hard to accept for both of thm
the one who is wrong
people call it's destiny
i call it ego
people call it's luck
i call it arrogance
why it is so hard to accept n change the fault
jst change a part of u
n may be the best thing of ur lyf wud be waiting for u on the nxt door
the engine of ur car stops working..
so u get it repaired or u jst throw it out.?
so when a human gets in fault
y not get it repaired?
things become worst bcz we make it
there is nothing called circumstances bcz we r the 1 who make it..
y to make it so complicated
when we can make it better
lets make it better :)
nivek May 2014
cup you in my invisible
what can one do
except hope you -
are a lover and you-
and I are in love-
with each other-
and will be despite
the invisible-
and touch  so gently-
and love abandoned
we wake nxt eachother
and then fly
to our resting in love
TheSanguinary Feb 2020
I wish I could keep you longer
Missing you has left my once linear like mind
Jumbled up like a jigsaw puzzle  
Paranoia starts getting the best of
My heart longs for a longer kiss
I still hear your heart beat in my head
I still feel u breathing on me
I still feel ur touch in my dreams
I just need you by my side longer
Without  you its hard to survive
Missing you is the best and worst feeling imaginable

I wanna look into your eyes longer
I wanna talk to u longer
I wanna hold you longer
I feel like the longer i hold u the saner i become
You are the blink to my eyes
Oh how i long to hold you again

Your voice keep replaying in my head
Like a melody playing again and again
Leave a new maze of complicated feelings
And thoughts through  each play
Please hold me longer

I've become a prisoner in my own head
The longer i stay ther the harder it is to discern reality from fantasy
I just crave for your arms
I just wanna hear your voice
I just wanna see you smile
I just wanna hear u laugh....
Ohh how i wish i could keep you longer
Its sad you have to go
Its excruciating that i know you have to go
I just wanted to lay nxt to u even for a sec longer
ConnectHook Apr 2021
Paella ingredients for Tuesday w/Hernando de T

   velvet + jewelry sale
♣ Polish Ferdinand's scepter

Finance conquest of territories for glory of Catholic Spain

>Get throne reupholstered

♚ Subjugate inhabitants of the New World & locate gold for Imperial crown

Leeching appointment with physician ♦ BRING ROSARY ♦!!

♝Talk to Toledo archbishop RE: burning heretics (next Sunday)

♥ Get Ferdinand’s ermine robes from cleaners  ♥ ♥  

> Smite Moorish Saracens/drive out of Spain (if time before nxt weeknd)
PROMPT #9: write a poem
in the form of a “to-do list.”
Ted Scheck Dec 2024
Walking my dog:
Junk yard sheet metal fence on my
Right nxt to me, 100 yds? 100 lbs?
It's LONG, full of grafitti...

...Jagged shadow on the
B/O Railroad - Baltimore/
Ohio, not Body Odor ha ha...

Can't post pics here (or?) and
I'm standing before a
Rectangle jagged patch of
Shadowy Blackness so dark
It looks like fresh/old ***
Fault's not mine, it is really
DARK in there - Shadows in
Disguise, slowly, IN EX Orbly
Slithering blackness eating
Fleeing Light - this shadow
Trails all the way into the
Woods protecting both
Warring sides - Is
Daylight in Retreat? Or
Is Darkness gobbling up
Enemy terratory?

— The End —