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Amber Jun 2016
Your words were like *****,
Nummed my pain.
Your touch was like Xanax,
Calmed my aching soul.
I swallowed my Xanax
Took my shot of *****
I was becoming addicted
Addicted to you
To my drenched Turtledove.
Sorry to see you in such a state,through my bedroom window,

Drenched and rather confused by the sudden flush of rain,below.

Surprised by this painful view,tears came promptly down in a row.

There I stood,like so many in this world,witnessing,facing tragedies,

Becoming nummed by what I saw,speechless by the realities,

Of wars,aggressions,deaths,hunger,homelessness,and all lossess.

As I stood glaring at the outside world,I retreaved my reasoning,

Within a short while,our glorious sun,imposed his presence,loving

As usual his smart amazing surprises:now the rain:now the sun.

Us two,little Turtledove,have regained warmth,safety,and conforting

Conditions,thanks to our faithful sun.Sadly the wars are still acting

Destroying our fellow people's dreams before our own eyes,with fun.

Kindred spirit like yourself is difficult to find,Turtledove.

Arshiya Noor May 2019
A night that changed the alignments of my stars.
A night that changed the meaning of my existence.
I realised why this universe had made me wait for this.
For this which was so 'ecstatic',
For this which was so 'unsullied'.

I stood on a land of roses
Sky of spring sun
And squall blowing my hair, it's fluanting
It heard someone saying it's the most beautiful thing on Earth.
That was my 'land'.
That was my 'to-be home'.

Bricks of promises
Cement of love
Colours of trust
And furnitures of a bit of lust.
People admired the house
But I loved the land.
It was there all 'lucent'.
It was there all 'proud'.

The spring brought a garden of Tulips
Yellow Daffodils
Purple crocuses
With yellow butterflies crowning them all.
It was the 'bliss'
It was the 'peace'.

In a blink July turned to August.
Skies got harsh on us
Rain washed away the Daffodils
And land got swampier.
My house trembled
Promises broke and love got washed away with rain while trust faded away and lust,
It was just a 'fancy'.
It was just a 'showpiece'.

I was oblivious to the fragility of my house
My brittle house couldn't even withstand the monsoon.
And here I was, befret of my house, my only house.
Weaker than never before, shattered and scattered.
Monsoon went on for long, quite long
Washing away all the cement of my love and hue of trust.
But I was there 'holding the land'.
But I was there 'witnessing the disband'.

Winter came
Froze everything
Nummed my mind
Cracked my skin
And did everything it could to make me leave my land
And I.. I gave in
I left.
But on my way I saw deluged land getting parched.
My land is here
And spring is near.
It was an 'indication'
It was a 'direction'.

Seasons weathered me down
But I planted the bricks again.
But this time it was just a batterd repugnant house.
No colours no furnitures
Just a house.
But it was there
But it was there.

— The End —