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P Chartier Feb 2013
Isn't it strange, how you explain to me
you don't want to be with me anymore
but after that moment, you are

kind again, sweet again, everything I
want and more... again. And how is it
that when our bodies meet, the rest of the world is
much smaller than you and I. And how could it be that we are years apart
but magnetic like no other, I can feel your pull.

How is it that you want to see me now, and I know you wont leave me
to bits all scattered across my room. And if I could explain
any of what I'm feeling right now to you I know you would be

and act as if none of this matters at all
because we are "just friends now"
Friends that kiss, fight, love, scream, ****, cuddle...
but just friends.

Those words have humor in my mind. I can't even think about us being "just friends"
or maybe I can with time
but you are lying next to me half asleep
and I can't remember the last time I wrote poetry while a friend was
sleeping next to me. I can't remember the last time my fingers
were not keeping up with the thoughts in my mind, or the last
time you rolled over with the sunlight hitting your face
and you lifted your upper body, and brought your lips slowly together for a kiss.

I can't remember the last time you and I were able
to spend the weekend at my apartment
without having to leave, because of breaking glass and
nails scratching chalkboards and not your back in the heat
of the night.

And then I stop remembering everything of our past, because what I have
looking me in the eyes on this bright sunday morning
is is the warmest place I could find my heart.
Vulnerable, scattered all over the show;
One man sees life while another man died.

At least dance all around my naked body,
or should I be clothed?

I don't feel natural these days anymore.
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i have found a pond in the tree line. its filled with life that has the natrual beauty that sweeps me away. thres a cat that just sits an the pedistool watching the colorfull fish swim around. his is so patiance just watching the fish swim around with just ceriousity and no attempt  to break its posture. the water rippes when the wind passes threw the majestic trees. to me this is a safe haven to me where i can  escape the ******* in life that only want to make me go insane. this place i have found has a pond and a warm hot spring that is wonder full to just ley your mind empty from all the negitvity that swollows you hole. my insanity clears away when i just close my eyes and take in this beauryfull place. its my safehaven to escape so im never going to tell any one cause its only place i can have my mind be cleaned.
my mind emptying out of negitivity
Rory Smith Mar 2019
Today I sit here in a room watching shows of doom and gloom, Rain and it’s sounds wetting groups of dog hounds, The gritty street turned to wet and dark, Water on knives those who choose to end life’s, Yet still, Rain, Beatification in every drop, Natrual and Nice like Suger and Spice, The news gives the blues the wet has turned red all these events I’m truly fed up, Another gloomy day will me and my friends live to stand another day, These are the days where the rain is now blood and it never rains, It always pour deaths on the street to survive in the streets is grisly a feat, But after all it’s just that.

Another day in the thread of history.
Hello guys, I’m Rory Smith and I will release poems weekly every Saturday.

— The End —