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A slight quiver from the bow in your back
I come on strong like a fatal attack
Hunting you down
A hushed whimper in your throat condemns
The subtle undertones of shameful whims
Cutting you down

A silent breakdown in the guise of guilt
Laying waste to a temple built
Crumbling down
A lucid dream where you all four come
Expecting nothing, but for me to run
Gunning you down

So, it has come down to this
Sinking further between your lips
Holding your hips I aim to fix
This memory with another hit

Self-soothe with a fading bruise
All there is left of you
Leaving you down
Tip off the cops in this ****** plot
Left unpursued with a final thought
Burning you down

So, it has come down to this
Sinking further between your lips
Holding your hips I aim to fix
This memory with another hit
Erase her graceful face
Erase her staying taste
Erase her hopeful trace
Erase her
Erase her

(Ich möchte sehen, dass Sie sich für Ihre Unwissenheit brennen. Ich will sehen Sie spucken Blut, du verdammte Hure. Es gibt nichts, ich will in meinem Leben, außer dich leiden sehen aus erster Hand. Ich könnte glücklich sterben wissen Sie nahm das eigene Leben, also, wenn Sie wirklich wollen, mich glücklich zu machen, dann gehen ******* do it. Ich werde weinen gottverdammten Tränen der Freude, wenn du weg bist, dass eine Garantie ist. Gehen Sie weiter und hassen mich, weil ich krankhaft bin, aber dieses realisieren: Sie wissen nicht, Scheiße, und du wirst nie, du Fotze stur. Ich werde dich in der Hölle zu sehen.)
Ken Pepiton Oct 2021
Part 2 read first leaves one wondering tense…

Plucking seeds from threads so twisted…

Division deceptive guess I know
you know

I know a man, caught up to third heaven

on behalf of this man, this sentient being
living in me, by fi
do or die,
- I shape as story formed from facts
- as mirror neurons bher witness,
- yes, we saw, as fate
- might have it
- a mote in one's own eye
- detected with the beam in the gleam
that bit herein
therein sof-ein, tic
we are in
the book of life, as opposed to one of the
books in life, though
as we know, although, you may doubt,
knowing doubt is so good, it is hard wired.
whether in or out of the bubble we breathe,
I have no knowing, un re prove able,
as a witness of truth being known, I know
nothing of the daily habits Plato had,
or even if he hated that name, it signaled shame,

what if it were not shoulders broad,
big ol' Hoss Cartwright
or Mean Joe drinkin' m' Coke, big as an Ox.

A castrated bull, you see, in a world lit
only by fire, every boy knows how oxen
are made
to pull the plow, bulls are made for cows,
and hides.

--- okeh, reproven, this is that, we have
a salty trail forming,
tear tracks.

These, in ever after ever before,
these lead to lost souls, soulds, sold ones, yes

this is the good we may do, should we wish
Tom Cruise never replaced
Marshall Dillon's brother, in the Mission Impossible
Drama reoccurring phenomenon, we see it
the impossible mission accepted

Great Red Spot, drifting in the swirl force
upon it
as a point in a sub-known-use of story per se,
si, no, se we know,

---- real time, long past, save we know, all things
and defracts, signs found in faces or traces of tea,
we make up what we wish you
to leave
be true,

do, and say, I did. That's done. Amen.

And Forrest looked behind him,
-- in the future, we have links, you may see
what any true heir of wind would wish to see

View of Monument Valley in Utah, looking south on U.S. Route 163 from 13 miles (21 km) north of the Arizona–Utah state line.

From <>

however Fustus wit' d' Mostus namesake, a fact
I was aware of due
to John Kenworthy, who played ball with Roger Staubach,
and was a clerk-typist Marine in 'Nahm, he stressed,
while telling me of learning the knack
the key to the short story, which is

Know the story before you tell it.
Covey, the Mormon guru of success habits, said
Begin, with the end in mind.
In mind of that, I think, I remember Brenda Lussier,
had a meme, in the form of a poster, same thing, really.
It says, as it remains memish once it functions as a meme:
If YOU aim at nothing. YOU will hit it.

compliments of adult children of alchoholics, non-profit
meme makers aiming to make it all better. Small print.
New medium, new means to inform ways. Practice unceasing being, until I can't imagine more....
Star BG Mar 2018
She walks among the trees
in beauty     with grace.
Moving with voice
to make the wind
and leaves
She whispers into ears blessed
by her blanket of sound.

She is love inside natures landscape.
Golden yellow shadows in pond.
yellow rays that move from sun.
Golden voice echoing to cause birds to listen.

Se ta nahm Ja Se Tanahm Ja Hanuman
balances on strings that vibrate divinely.

She is a traveling musician
A gift on a day from Mistress Moon.
The moon that always shines
to open hearts.
dedicated to Mirabai Moon a grand Kirtan singer
alia Dec 2024
Jeder Blick in die Ferne gab mir ein Stück von dir zurück
die Luft so hoch oben fühlte sich anders an
und die Unendlichkeit im Horizont schien das Nächste zu sein, wie ich jeweils wieder zu dir sein könnte
doch ich konnte die Vögel nicht mehr ertragen,
den Wind in meinen Haaren und alles, was die Natur mir zur Schau stellte
nicht wenn sie mir das Einzige, was ich jemals mehr liebte als sie, nahm
nicht wenn sie mich dazu verdammte, jeden moment nach dem zu suchen, was nie wieder gefunden werden konnte
und trotzdem konnte ich nicht wegschauen
sie entriss mir jede Hoffnung wieder und wieder,
doch war sie auch die Einzige, die sie mir zurückgeben konnte,
wenn auch nur für einen Wimpernschlag
es war, als vergiftete ich mich selber Stück für Stück
aber es war wunderschön

— The End —