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Nigel Morgan Mar 2013
this small lake where only the breeze is present on
the water’s surface where only the ducks and moorhens
chatter about us silent hills and the shadows of clouds
passing  passing dark shapes passing over the snow streaks

horses suddenly four dark cobs sturdy travellers’ beasts
grazing a golf course gentle souls quietly padding
moving close by inspecting us for food I touch a coat
black as black as short as the sheep-clipped grass

distance everywhere spreading out into a haze of a lowering
sun fold upon fold of field and pasture walled tree-lined
disturbed by dwellings grey stone white-walled even
red-roofed disappearing into trees nestled next to barns

flow of the hill the hills flow long stretches of stunted grass
upwards to nearly snowlines where fissures of white fingers
reach down towards the sheeped grass a few tops nearly
mountains brilliant white

suddenly finding troubled thoughts are nowhere gone away
left somewhere perhaps on the train journey north passing
out of the windowed view and now just the present present
resting in the cool to breathe cool air

strange that so many images now mind-snapshots conjure
past-thoughts sharp memories your blue figure almost
motionless sketching with charcoal and finger ends
kneeding texture into the paper so still still

the track beyond this farm is an unrolled pattern towards
the higher hills across the meadows winter has almost
drained of colour to disappear the once green becoming
nearly neutral but going further before a surprise in store

a valley revealed after reaching the hill’s brow there a
river’s part-song flows across a tree-accompanied edgeland
before a sleight village there’s a road one vehicle
passing in the half hour you sit and draw

there is colour here autumnal shades though nearly spring
the earth sandstone-red bracken fit to be burnt and there
very distant a line of smoke following a crease in  the
southern hills rising and spreading horizon-ward

every time birds crows starlings gulls lift from a field
a wood a hillside my heart lifts with them to glide with
unexpected joy that this should be so that such movement
should make this landscape sing

walking westward sunward into the sun’s setting haze
distant Lakeland distant Ullswater somewhere in the
gathering purple corrugated sheets of rising hills in the
almost empty sky promising a cold night

and later in the warmth of resting as the sky reddens
and dusk falls the snowdrop rich woodland from our
window captures the westward light and birds roost
as we roost on our bed we might not sleep in tonight

but we are to stay and later walking the night-dark road
leaving the small town behind the stars bend down to the
very edge of nearer horizons the cusp of close fields so
sharply bright bold alarums of once-worlds everywhere

to see you sew is to witness peace I often imagine dream
of close my eyes to see those quiet fingers press and touch
and move so later I bring my own fingers into a play of  
unclothing to stroke and press and bring close

and morning there is frost fielded to a curve of a pasture
edged with what seem to be trees but are distance-belied
falsely distant felt too close extraordinary I pull the curtain
just a little to gaze that I see it so

my darling there is more and it is more than I know how
to place on the page my notes now run to not-quite sense
but I discern to be full of walking’s pleasure to grasp a
freedom paced together to tread to be under the soft sky still
Appleby-in-Westmoreland is a small market town in the Eden Valley famous for its annual Horse Fair attended each June by over 10,000 travellers from across Europe.
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
The Riche brothers and sisters
compile the remainders
of Manchester City programmes
from 1958 onwards, rusted staples asides
in a shuttered room,
Moorhens and crab apple bloom outside
keeps their e bay cottage industry bearable,
residual poverty waxes and wanes,
children always inheriting Granddads' stuff.
Antony Glaser May 2016
All those  Moorhens  I want to befriend
for 50 p worth of grain.
Before  long  the settimg Sun will  smile
at this speck of  kindness
Hadn't we all heard it  before
kindness  begets  sincerity.
By the  night, if I stayed out long enough
all and  sundry would  be gliding,
planning  an extra gift for  those  moorhens
Olivia Kent Dec 2013
Walk by the River!

Cob and pen dance a rhythmic waltz over the rivers gentle flow.
The mallards bob for apples.
The moorhens check for a little bit more.
Sat on the boughs of the bare necked trees.
A bird cries out.
Sounds like a sneeze.

The dog runs in lunacy all over the grass.
Knocking a little one on to her ****.
Flaming stupid mutt.
Mother so cross has a go at the owner.
Pays no attention to the whingeing old moaner.

The kid she gets up.
She chases the pup.
Pup gets excited.
As child he invited.
Calls him to come and play by the river.
Mother was cross.
Child was not.
And the dog was forgiven.

Mum got hold of the child dragged her off home.
So she could make her daddy's tea.
Mum checked out the child after the tumble.
Found she had a big graze on her knee!

By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
Commuter Poet Feb 2016
There is truth to be found in all things
The old man cleaning ******* from train platforms
Steam rising from ice cold ponds at sunrise
Frost clasping the tall grasses
The orange, pink and blue of morning skies
Glittering sea channels weaving through mud flats
A father and daughter walking to the bus stop hand in hand
Magpies flying overhead, dancing and swooping
Concentric circles appearing as moorhens paddle
A brave jogger running eastwards
My daughter, sleepy, resting in bed
My wife looking at me inquisitively
My own reflection in the glass
I notice such things
And I ponder their beauty
As I try to deeply understand
The nature of things
11th February 2016
topaz oreilly Jan 2013
No sound, no affirmation
we are treading splinters
thumbing a pile of yellowing books.
Ash shaken
so we emerge
resolution at the knell.
Moorhens then flew from the eaves
a blessing in disguise.
Terry Collett Sep 2014
She's pointing
at some bird
on a pond
in a wood
half a mile
from the farm

a moorhen
she tells me

it walks odd
I reply

I like it
like its eggs
the colour
she relates

she's happy
her eyes bright

I watch her
her brown hair
the grey dress
the black boots
thin figure

Daddy says
all creatures
are God's gift

she watches
the moorhens
some swimming
some walking

she has fine
bone structure
a fine nose

I guess so
I reply

we walk near
her hand soft
white near mine
close to touch

don't suppose
a London
boy sees them?
she asks me

I haven't
before now
I tell her
just pigeons
and sparrows
in London
except parks
then there's ducks
and such things

she walks near
the pond's edge
be careful
she tells me
a child drowned
here last year

I gaze out
at the pond
the dead child

my father
said the prayers
at the church
very sad
Jane says

she's buried
in the small
church's ground
I’ll show you
when we're there
the next time

I recall
the last time
at the church
in the grounds
watching clouds
laying down
with the dead.
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2019
When the water melted on the pond
The ducks slept in the green reeds
The moorhens, fluffy black, red beak
Kept close to their mother for warmth.

We hope for the bulbs to shoot bright
Knocking the world with lightening
The colour of sunshine in a paintbox
And all will be well for another year.

Love Mary xxxx
anthony Brady Apr 2018
Pastoral peace pervades fields and dells:
on boughs, in hedges, birds rehearse
their euphoric trills - each note tells
of will to mate in tones desiring, terse.
Sun rays filter through April showers
tinting daffodils with yellow  gold
coaxing to bloom perennial flowers.
Easter lambs bleat from sheltered fold,
eager to stray and play by rising streams
winding over meadows to mill ponds
where moorhens nest and idle angler dreams.
Rabbits appear from cover of ferny fronds.
while in the trees countless leafy voices
sigh soothingly as all of Nature rejoices.

with chaos comes cash n it’s all going down
where some men fish for bikes
and some men fish for hate
where the swans are ******* filthy
and mothered moorhens moor themselves to beer bottled banks
something like jazz silenced by the motorways
of Hayes
the Grand Union Canal
low down crack heads
for the heads of the crack
100 metres of government investment for the BBC news broadcast
100 metres of fly tipped banks
for the BBC news broadcast
the bed is laid
bare on the bank
diversity is through the roof there’ll be a documentary
feet walk limp
to the edge of the bed
the bottom rung to canary wharf and the water’s always clear
just Like jazz if you listen
but the BBC news broadcast don’t

— The End —