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Poetoftheway Aug 2017
"the ever shifting light of ourselves"
(a poem such as this)

For Jamadhi V.


at 11:09am,
the phrase arrests itself, then assertive,
ungently demanding fulfillment,
implanted, it cares not my whereabouts,
it is a child~phrase, inexact, mysterious,
wanting its breast milk feeding immediate
no matter where my presence visible

but to me, it stinks of familiarity,
for my shifts, my redrawn shapes,
exhausting, giving me cause to grieve,
write poems such as this,
which I regret both
before~after conception~completion,
written in a fevered misery of fervor,
no one ever likes it and its witnessing

as light ever shifts,
it consumes, extinguishes, reignites,
poorly lit, revealing dregs and dustbins

better then to sit in the darkness
the one you call,
getting it over with...



*the swelling and the spume

for Lucy:

who gave me the title, three poems, a compliment, and the X Factor {inspiration}
the spume, the sea foam concentrate,
a greener white
by the the salt and the souls of the
million dead organisms,
that are are the compost of its formation,
it, watches the poet, who watches the spume,
come ashore for its final act of
immolation by evaporation

which is why the random act of
an unseen ministering force,
fills my ears with humbling glory of
Samuel Barber's Agnus Dei,^
my fresh reminder that this swelling chest
in this temporary abode of mine,
by the sea, passage is prepaid for my
expiration by evaporation too,
all lambs march to the sea,
returning to spume
Lyrics to Agnus Dei:
^ Alleluia Alleluia
For our Lord God Almighty reigns
Alleluia Alleluia
For our Load God Almighty reigns
Holy Holy
Are You Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb
You are Holy
Are You Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb


"may all my lost lovers haunt me"

for Vinnie Brown

even your kindergarten crushes?

what burdens you seek to retain,
the edgy border of delicious and pain is a raggedy cut line,
as lost lovings rhymes with duality

Once upon a time,
a middle aged man
left the woman he married,
the one who drained and cruel reigned
over the destruction of his-dreams
for one accidentally stumbled into,
the love who blurred his edges as well,
between forgotten happiness and
pain so bad when she grew tired
of his life's complications and the
valises of drama,
she left him,
weeping on the corner of Broadway and 83rd Street

was that 20, 30 years ago?
a memory
from no matters land
the physical ache that marred the hearth in the chest for months and months,
sent him to the doc who smiled sweetly
but gave him, had no, no relief for busted grownup hearts
that had normal  EKG's

and that remains a treasured affirmation to this day of
life's capacity to love that comes with an ingrown danger
of never forgetting

did you know the French outlawed the use of the term
Mademoiselle in '12 (Mlle.)?

I loved that salutation,
calling my one true lovers
with the soft feminism of that address

and still do

and you want to recall
kindergarten crushes?

Mister Vinnie
possesses a lovely contradiction,
holding onto
lost lover sickness
that lives on in good love poems

this my new found poet
is how that he, this aching heart,
fast approaching his shore line for one last return and final departure
repays a sweet compliment,
from one who complements
another man's lovely's insane desire to
never forget any of it


reading love poetry and listening to
Joni M.,
at 3:09AM
never wise,
but always full of hindsight
Keenan Dixon Sep 2014
I think the only time i feel alive is in autumn
I sit outside on a crisp night with a smoke
the wind slowly caresses my hair.
When i sit near a body of water.

When I sip some latte in a public place
I look between the faces
and wonder if these people are happy.
Do they feel alive?
I think i look for my own sorrow.
Ive been sad for so long it feels natural
Ive felt sad for so long that no one seems to notice

Ive spent night on mens couches
with legs stretched out across them
we watch something together.
I just play the part.
I stroke Egos. I smile brightly.
I coo over their meaningless words.
I am just a body.
I am just a body.

Ive drank countless drinks with men.
Ive heard every flattering word.
but I am just a body

We are selfish.
We are animals.
We only look at ourselves

And no matter how much we say
we're longing for love
we always do something to wreck it
we love people who wont love us back

Sometimes i think I love these men.
Sometimes i just want their skin.
I know i mean nothing to them
but they don't mean anything to me either

I am sentimental to emotions and sins
not actual people.

Actually written by Mlle.
Actually Written by Mlle
Fa Be O Jan 2013
her skin was pale,
i guess that's what they mean about french girls;
her lips were red
as they sipped
that fruity little drink
at a second-rate club,
and her
green, pleated skirt
to the rhythm of some song.
i sat at the bar,
looking at my own hands,
brown like caramel,
realized for a moment,
that i could fall in love
with the milky skin
of her calves.
i guess that's what they mean about french girls.
she spoke in english,
with an intoxicating accent
that became more slurred
the more she tried to quench her thirst.
she smiled at me.  
her brown curls bounced on her shoulders,
and she danced
with the Arabic boy
that had been staring at her since
that first day we left the country
for the weekend.
for that moment,
i questioned my self,
i guess that's what they mean about french girls.
Nat Lipstadt Aug 2017
~for Vinnie Brown~

even your kindergarten crushes?

what burdens you seek to retain,
the edgy border of delicious and pain
is a raggedy cut line,
as lost lovings, rhymes with duality

Once upon a time,
a middle aged man
left the woman he married,
the one who drained and cruel reigned
over the destruction of his-dreams,
for one accidentally stumbled into,
the love who blurred his edges as well,
between forgotten happiness and
pain so awesome bad when she grew tired
of his life's complications,
she left him,
weeping on the corner of Broadway and 83rd Street

was that 20, 30 years ago?
a memory
from no matters land
the physical ache that marred the hearth in the chest for
months and months,
sent him to the doc who smiled sweetly
but gave him, had no, no relief for
busted grownup hearts
with normal EKG's

that remains a treasured affirmation to this day of
life's capacity to love that comes with
an ingrown danger
of never forgetting

did you know the French outlawed the use of the term
Mademoiselle in '12 (Mlle.)?

I loved that salutation,
calling my one true lovers
with the soft feminism of that address

and still do

and you want to recall
kindergarten crushes?

Mister Vinnie
possesses a lovely contradiction,
holding onto
lost lover sickness
that lives on in good love poems

this my new found poet,
is how that he, this aching heart,
fast approaching his shore line for one last return
and final departure
repays a sweet compliment,
from one who complements
anothe man's lovely's insane desire to
never forget any of it


reading Vinne Brown's poetry

and listening to Joni M.
at 3:09AM;
never wise,
but full of hindsight
Ô vous que votre âge défend,
Riez ! tout vous caresse encore.
Jouez ! chantez ! soyez l'enfant !
Soyez la fleur ; soyez l'aurore !

Quant au destin, n'y songez pas.
Le ciel est noir, la vie est sombre.
Hélas ! que fait l'homme ici-bas ?
Un peu de bruit dans beaucoup d'ombre.

Le sort est dur, nous le voyons.
Enfant ! souvent l'oeil plein de charmes
Qui jette le plus de rayons
Répand aussi le plus de larmes.

Vous que rien ne vient éprouver,
Vous avez tout, joie et délire,
L'innocence qui fait rêver,
L'ignorance qui fait sourire.

Vous avez, lys sauvé des vents,
Coeur occupé d'humbles chimères,
Ce calme bonheur des enfants,
Pur reflet du bonheur des mères.

Votre candeur vous embellit.
Je préfère à toute autre flamme
Votre prunelle que remplit
La clarté qui sort de votre âme.

Pour vous ni soucis ni douleurs,
La famille vous idolâtre.
L'été, vous courez dans les fleurs ;
L'hiver, vous jouez près de l'âtre.

La poésie, esprit des cieux,
Près de vous, enfant, s'est posée ;
Votre mère l'a dans ses yeux,
Votre père dans sa pensée.

Profitez de ce temps si doux !
Vivez ! - La joie est vite absente ;
Et les plus sombres d'entre nous
Ont eu leur aube éblouissante.

Comme on prie avant de partir,
Laissez-moi vous bénir, jeune âme, -
Ange qui serez un martyr !
Enfant qui serez une femme !

Février 1840.
Filmore Townsend Jul 2014
scarred and marred of arms
and soul; waiting to heal
knowing can only flip on
owned heel. slip a bit while
rushing with lil' mlle in back-
ground smilin' imperfection
and seeing all loss possible;
knowing, as always, perfection
as the greatest joke. then laughing,
denying self-owned scrying eyes.
then another, her strut offset by
sky way too blue in in an early morning.
body contrasting,
blinding eyes long dead to vision.
À Mlle Emilie Bascans.

Si j'étais assez grande,
Je voudrais voir
L'effet de ma guirlande
Dans le miroir.
En montant sur la chaise,
Je l'atteindrais ;
Mais sans aide et sans aise,
Je tomberais.

La dame plus heureuse,
Sans faire un pas,
Sans quitter sa causeuse,
De haut en bas,
Dans une glace claire,
Comme au hasard,
Pour apprendre à se plaire
Jette un regard.

Ah ! c'est bien incommode
D'avoir huit ans !
Il faut suivre la mode
Et perdre un temps !...
Peut-on aimer la ville
Et les salons !
On s'en va si tranquille
Dans les vallons !

Quand ma mère qui m'aime
Et me défend,
Et qui veille elle-même
Sur son enfant,
M'emporte où l'on respire
Les fleurs et l'air,
Si son enfant soupire,
C'est un éclair !

Les ruisseaux des prairies
Font des psychés
Où, libres et fleuries,
Les fronts penchés
Dans l'eau qui se balance,
Sans nous hausser,
Nous allons en silence
Nous voir passer.

C'est frais dans le bois sombre,
Et puis c'est beau
De danser comme une ombre
Au bord de l'eau !
Les enfants de mon âge,
Courant toujours,
Devraient tous au village
Passer leurs jours !

— The End —