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Andie Beier May 2013
entertain me
well i'm glad that you could
for a while
then i got to takin' it to heart
but it's all
i really had

jesus sighed
when was YOUR last
tell 'em about the one
when you saved
yourself from me

it's beyond me
in a flash, you have made
this go away
but it's got to be my fault
your perfection leaves  me

jesus sighed
when was YOUR last
tell 'em about the one
when you saved
yourself from me

so your angel wings got ripped off
and you fell
back to earth
so your angel wings got ripped off
and you sailed
crashing earth

all that we've lost
in this place...
be like your cause
with your grace

slowly, remove
everything labling you
cut it all off
if its attached to you
slowly, remove
everything holding you back
get it off, tonight
this is your chance to be
godlike... godlike...
******* mistakeless
gets you so off
every reason to...

eliminate your heart
from this

breathe like you did
in the old times
would you have known
if i deterred
from telling you
you were so sweet
come like the wind
was so afraid
i will keep you
falling to earth
was never your choice
god, you're so sweet
distance became
your lasting excuse
play the shy card
we all demand
the **** that you never knew
and you are so...
aurora kastanias Jan 2018
Details shape perspectives killing time
classifying experiences drawing lessons
from the past to live a fleeting
present wrapped up in comfort offered
by the most illusive conviction we are
ensuring a mistakeless future laying

the grounds to understanding.

People hurt others and themselves, a fact,
have and will do so again, might as well
rationalise and take notes, categorise offenses
under text book notions of human psyche.
To pseudo comprehend, believe they surely did
it out jealousy or envy, inferiority complex, greed,

fear of rejection, of commitment, fear
tout court, latent ancient traumas, alcoholism,
loneliness, inadequacy, stress, lack of fantasy,
defence mechanisms, revenge and rage,
frustration, Freudian mums and dads to blame,
poverty, miseducation or in vogue bipolar

mental disorders.

Newly labelled manic depression justifying
the indefensible, falling under the taxonomy
of psychological disease. Victim of one’s mind
or coward in disguise? And if evil be an illness
would it follow that, with no fault comes no crime?
The catalogue complete, what is left a bunch of notes

recorded in the abyssal perplexity of tired
brains, aged bones. A life spent studying flaws
instead of standing in awe in front of All.
While if, zooming out from details to focus
on bigger pictures, homes become nations,
neighbourhoods Earth, individuals Humanity,

the Universe,

partial essence of which we are, traveling
without moving through mysterious space
under mystic laws we call, Natural.
Do they determine who we are? And if,
ridding of the catalogue I am reborn,
a newfound meaning looking far beyond,

to see amazing little creatures stubbornly survive,
to live and endure, prove we are
much more than complexes and fears,
ambitions and diseases, corrupted thoughts,
but a miracle of feelings, eager to learn,
only beginning to become,

aware of itself.
On details and prejudice

— The End —