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Vadim Bravo May 2012
So much ***,
But no free love.
So much laughter,
But no smiles.
So many are killed,
But no reasons.
Meaningless life
In the change of the seasons.

So many sins,
But there is no punishment.
So many missfits,
No establishment.
So many groopies,
But there's no Rock'n'Roll
Standing and waiting
For the hammer to fall.

No thing's forbidden
In the land of the free,
"Everyone for himself"
For you and me.
So many are looking,
But cant find the way.
And Im not even supposed
To be here today.
Mia J Aug 2020
Though my smile is as illuminating as the morning sun,
it grows dim in the night hours.

Even though my lips are full,
they fall flat a lot.

My body is curvy and a nice sight to see,
but there are some days I hate it

Though I wish my skin were lighter,
I love my two tonedness

I know that the realest people don't have lots of friends,
but I wish I had at least one more

See, I'm that girl who knows there's more like her
The girls who acknowledge their imperfections
But still love their flaws
They keep their heads up and make the world their own
The ones who are determined to be the greatest
The ones who never fully fit in
Their smiles go dark but they don't let it stay dim forever
The strong women who look the world in the face
And say, "You ain't ready for me baby"
The big and kindhearted girls who will love you but will know when it's not worth it anymore
The ones who dare to believe that they can do anything they put their minds to
The missfits who were cast aside
But walked back in center with her hands on her hips and kept going forward

Life is something else on its own
But I do my best to make it a better day for myself
I can't stop smiling
I can't stop laughing
I can't stop putting in 100 percent every day
I gotta keep moving
If I ever stop, I'm halting my own progress
And I'd rather not make that my own reality

— The End —