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Zay Bliss Apr 2014
I did see her! I did!
I was just walking by mellowfully,
Upon seeing her, so shocked, a trick?
My mood changed rapidly,
This feeling for a while, it will stick,
Her voice, her hair,
Those colored eyes, it was penitrating.
Her look, her stare,
This, it was so mesmerizing,
An Angel,
She walked beside me,
My cage was fragile,
And she helped set me free,
Without a sign,
It all changed so suddenly,
The light turned to dark,
My heart crumbled as it fell apart,
This mesmerization was all too bad,
Now she stays inside me and I can never run,
For that angel, look again,

It Was A Demon......
Tarryn Klaudia Oct 2012
Smoke collaborates in the air

slowly, silently suffocating

mezmorized by its beauty

get near and be burned

it lasts long, both pain and pleasure

searching for someone tp bring pain to utmost measure

only the brave and strong can defeat this knight

but so easy and simple, for its only a light

blow, blow till your very last breath

trying to defeat it with everything you have left

blow, blow keep on breathing

dont loose your breath

keep on breathing

dont loose the fight. dont let it take over

blow blow with all your might

dont give up, cause it will take your life

once its gone, the pain isnt over

‘your left in the dark, with no direction, with no light

left in the dark, but youve won the fight ?

keep,keep, keep going back, back to the lighter that ignighted that light

once your breath is caught and youve got control

you start again unaware of your morals

you get close and you get burned but youll never know

for you have not yet learned.
midnight prague Oct 2010
I wish for nothing
but to scrape the inside of your pit

I want to cry my tears out to this parchment; you see
Im immersed in my complete edherence to something
that is so much smaller than me

and what is smaller than me

you were shining
and you were immaculant
in my shade you were the sun that
bare me to have any kind of shade
in my thoughts I stray abosloutley mezmorized by you
and everytime thoughts would come into place
my passion towards your infinite darkness grew

I wish to go so deep into you
to know your skin from the inside out
to reveal your being
speak to you of it without a doubt
I want to teach you
about yourself
to know of every cell,
your movements and your health

I am a animal in a forest
placed from a humble abode
I feel that this is my true home
taken out of my world
and brought so abruptly
so sincerely
into yours
Xan Abyss Sep 2017
Your eyes are fire burning bright in the night sky
A warning I should heed but indeed, I'm too mezmorized
To turn away, face away
Escape into a love that's safe
instead I evade the soft light of day
And follow the trail of smoke to my grave
Just to spend a single day in the
Insidious grace of your embrace

Your Love fills my heart with bliss in clouds and waves
But your absence hurts like cigarette Burns, inflicted by a paramour in a fit of jealous rage
And the leftover pain seeps into my veins and seeks to drive me insane in my solitude, drowning in thoughts of you, where only death is real and only memories remain

But the moment I met you everything changed
I was no longer the monster
my past had tried to create
And though beauty may fade as suffering stays, and lingers through every recovery stage
None of the love you and I shared
Will ever mean nothing to me

Hope is for madmen who seek heaven in the Abyss
And I will love you forever  
even if this is our final kiss
Our farewell to bliss
I'll love you
Until we're both in the crypt
Found an old Poem in a notebook from years ago. Hated most of it, so I kept the stuff I liked and scrapped the rest. Added a little bit of updated content for the context of my relationship with the subject today.
Chalsey Wilder Feb 2015
Oh death
How could you be mean to me?
You took my whole world away from me
Now I'm in this barren land
This place is just full of white sand
No trees
No twigs
No cacti
No life of any kind
No warmth or any sun
No cold or darkness
What is this place?
Why was I trapped here?
The day my father died I was stuck here to sleep
To cry
To be mezmorized by my memories and imagination, and by the fictional books in the small library
Everything here is isolated
Everyone here is medicated
Ah, dear universe. If only you could slow your pace to a crawl. Then all would be mezmorized even more so than those of such brilliance as you. The difference is that they walk to their destination and you pant because of the energy wasted. Stars explode and become a black hole. Your love is now dead. You tire because of the things that make us gawk in awe and wonder. You feel alive once more and smile. An explosion occurs and no one couldve realized  that the super nova of a cluster of stars could be so myriadly beautiful. Colors upon pastel and cyrilics and water paints. The pungent array spreads far and wide, seeping into the dark void that wishes to be filled. When that expanse is quenched, it explodes yet again and again. The same material as before explodes and is revived. You are the universe that I want to die with, alone in this dark expanse. Never ceasing will my want be and my jealousy. All the stars and the nebulae could never seem more astonishing to my senses as you! Ah, but if this love should slow to a crawl and stay that way forever, may all those who look upon you stay a moment's worth, and smile at your array of stars. I love you. Now live and never again explode and become that black whole that feels so alone in the dark expanse of the cosmos. I love you. So no matter what, notice my smile and reflect it once and a while. Brighter than any sun shall you be, if all you do is look at me, and see what I'm trying to provide. I may be a dwarf whit star compared to you, but your still in bloom, being A nebulae of numerous and wonderful heavens. I love you. Never forget that.
*latin for "five"
weighed in by heavenfelt likening bougios to the anthropomorgical outlaws

could it be dexterous fingers?  just cold horseshoes on a hym of time

without a doubt, the effectively noted numbers, only so many to buy or catch

perhaps yarn that won't stick with duct-tape?   maybe a giant thimble for yarnsales that edge out vooddoo

where do their mezmorized scripts, jaunting through lucid dreaming for hours only to find taste for sugary cereals

loved in an elevator?  try smooth jazz
Ray Aug 2020
Have you ever been lost..
Staring at a candle
Counting the cost...
Of all your scandles

Mezmorized by the flame
The smoke..
Driving you insane
Killing your brain..
Every thought..
Emphasizing the pain..

But why this?
Why not that?..
Why bow..
Why take of your hat?..
When greeting
Or meeting..
Or seating yourself..
Defeating the purpose of being rude..
Why not heal yourself?..
Why not be ****..
And show them who you are..
All your flaws..
All your scars..

Caused by the flame..
The fire..
The burning desire to feel nothing
But everything..
To burn..
And keep your flesh flawless
And lawless..
Unbound by the order of men..
Of ordinary people..
Bound by my love for life..
And love for who I am..

Never changing..
Always flaming..
Yours truely..
Burning cruelly..

— The End —