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Westley Barnes Jul 2015
Fragmented embers of the evening light casting shadows on
the outline of your preferred wanking pants.

Rathmines all blue and black outside
with stern encroaching trees reminding
of your parents
(and what they might be expecting to do now, as opposed
to what you're doing)
encircling empty Doritos packets submissive to
console lights ever glowing
Stacked shores of ruin against life's pursuing

And mocking you in  the corner
The amp that laid echoes to a thousand bands
thought of that never were.
Figurehead of a thousand conversations that led to kisses
never so sweet as those felt and remembered
in this dungeon of worn out ego and instilled fear.

Home to one hundred nights of solitude
sans reprieve or want of care
with the stench of student bachelor
left hanging in the air.
Holly Salvatore May 2013
This is for all the men
Who tell me I am beautiful
I can't hear you
Through all those years
Of being an ugly duckling
This is for my dog
Big blue eyes
My baby snugglebug
Sniffing for donuts
Chewing my hands in the morning
And the nail biters
And the chefs
Who lose fingers to the meatgrinders
And the farmers
Staking lives
On a drop of rain
I am vain
This is for the men
Who have faith
I am not the ****** Mary
Just another pretty face
Another lacy thong to take off
This is for the underwear makers
The firecrackers
This is for the characters
Who explode in the night sky
Like the fourth of July
And ordinary people
Are blinded by the colors
This is for the mothers
And the big brothers
And the Prozac poppers
This is for the bees that have stung me
I've eaten their honey
And my cakes would not taste
So sweet without it
This is for the surgeons
And musicians
And fishermen
For the men who have bought me dinner
And never seen a return
On their investment
This is for the beards
And chest hair
This is for my little sister
Who is finally growing up
The word "love" on her tongue
And this is for America:
Land of the free
Home of the mancave
Beauty is only as deep
As your mineral rights
The copper and coal mines of your eyes
Beauty flies as high as kite
Melts away like cotton candy
After a baseball game
This is for the men who called me beautiful
For all the beauty in the world
All the beautiful
This is for you
So I sort of got "Shake the Dust" stuck in my head and then I got this flow going and I started feeling pretty and this is what happened. You're all gorgeous. I hope you like it.
Dia davina fan Jan 2016
Real questions I've been asked by the 3 year old I care for
Dia do you have a mancave
Dia did you get new toilet paper
Dia are those antlers for the cheese
My answers respectively are fairly straightforward
No I don't but I sure wish I did
Yeah I got the really soft pillowy kind thanks for noticing
I have no idea if those antlers are for the cheese but I don't see why not.

I am generally confident with the answers I provide
However once in awhile she asks me
Dia do you have a ***** today
And I'm stumped because the answer Josie
is so much more complicated than no
Because I want to say someday you will learn how that no matters every single day in more ways than I can tell you
That no has everything to do with the way I take up space
That no is my mother's refusal to buy me bow ties in favor of silver necklaces
That no is the cringe in my heartbeat when people call me a lesbian
That no is the source of fear I carry as a shield when I *** in public restrooms
That no is what I use to bind this chest to prove something I can't prove with a yes to that question
A no is the answer that sales person gives when I ask for those shoes in my size
That suit in my size
That body in my size
The mirror in my eyes
I've had a home in the lies I've told instead of no

The world asks that question every single day and I never have the right answer
It would be so much easier if the world asked if those antlers are for the cheese.
-Dia davina
Travis Green Jan 2022
How gay can I become in his presence?
Why is he so boldly defined and enticing?
Why do I taste his enchantment on my tongue?
I am hot and ready like fresh, delectable pizza
Imbued with flourishing sensations of his spectacularness
I want to take majestic pleasure in him
Embrace his eternal flames of bliss
Soulfully submerged in his mancave of ardency
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
in OUR bed
in the coupe
under the stars
next to the fire i build you
on the desk
on the floor
up against the wall
on the kitchen table
on the hood of my car
in the pouring rain
on the beach
in an elevator
on a rooftop
on a bridge in the park
on a bench
on top of a mountain
in a theater
in the shower
on the dresser
on the sink
on the steps
on a pool table
in a hammock
at halfcourt
on a baseball field
in a hot tub
in the rapids
on a paddle board
on a horse and buggy
dressed as a Viking
on a bear rug
in a furniture store
under the fireworks
in the mancave
in front of mirrors
in a luxury hotel
in a ****** motel
in a castle
on a washing machine
in front of a fireplace
on an airplane
on a bed covered in rose petals,
white, pink and red
at sunrise
at sunset
under a rainbow
under a waterfall
under a full moon
in a tent
on a boat
on a ferris wheel
dressed as a clown
in a limo
in the ocean
in a pool
in a bathroom
on a bar
in a cab
as the ball drops on New Years Eve
at Burning Man
all over the world
for the rest of my life
this is where i want to make
sweet, passionate love to you
I cannot wait to check them off 29
Travis Green Mar 2022
Caught up in his radiant enamoring mancave
His arms wrapped around my body
His mouth meshed to my fetching fragrant *******
Relishing them like exquisite, incandescent pearls
Lick and kiss my *******, like ripe, tasty grapes
Slide his fingertips upon them and tease them more
Drown in my smooth chocolate pools of bliss
Let me be his tender dreamy story to delight in
Travis Green Jun 2022
I find incredible, delectable pleasure in you
In marveling at your maple brown sugar afro hair
In your smoking macho ***
Ardent prominent Romeo
You infuse your coolness in me
You give me growingly unrestrained
And delightful emotions

You make me erupt extra
Delectable gaylicious enchantment
In your fragrant vagrant mancave
Where your untouchable tenderness
Travels around me deeply
Makes me concede
To your dreaminess
To your elemental gentle masculinity
You sink me in your supremeness
Your benevolence, your iridescence
Your lyrical, mystical allure
Travis Green Dec 2021
I can feel his rhythm in my chest
I can smell his wintergreen scented breath on my lips
His movement is magic in motion
I find him to be highly entertaining
I admire his assertiveness and creativeness
His swagger is staggeringly the most badass
His essence mesmerizes me unconditionally
I dream of him unrelentingly

I hunger for him to explore my body
Kiss me, feel me, taunt me
With his penetrating dark-brown eyes
***** my firm, glowing skin with his hands
Swirl his thrilling tongue around
My sexalicious, silken *******
My hard and sensitive *******
Electrify my frequency

Slow stream inside my being
Spit on his fingers, put them inside me
Devour me like a hot, milky coffee
Sweet talk to my heart
Make me dance like a slender and graceful ballerina
Graze his thick and exquisite beard on my palms
Let me feel his ruggedness
Get wasted off his impressiveness

Set me ablaze, my radiant king
Guide me to his hypnotic mancave
Make me sparkle like a galaxy of stars
Make me become possessed
By his studalicious sight
Be my summer dream
Make me believe in every authentic thing
I have seen in him
Travis Green Feb 2022
I was consumed with overpowering passion
Staring at you profoundly
Like an exhilarating roller coaster ride
You were highly intense and fragrant wine
You penetrated my mind
I was overly drunk
Immersed in your stunningness

I thirsted for you to ******* creation
Awaken all my innermost thoughts
Send me into an unmatched rhapsody
As we twisted our bodies together
I felt your sensational locs, your tasteful lips
Your charmingly chiseled cheeks
I could feel your stimulating heat over my skin
Your body rested against mine

I was in a deeply hypnotic zone
Lost in uncontrollable excitement
As your skillful hands moved all over me
You had me in your deep underground mancave of enslavement
Your amazingness overtook me
Anais Vionet Oct 2022
It’s Sunday morning, my watch shows that it’s 33° and 5:58 am. Surprisingly, half of us are up and motile. My excuse is that I’m scheduled to volunteer at the hospital this morning.

Leong just came up from the basement fitness center, she’s all sweaty. “I hate that metal music those giant guys in the weight room listen to.” Leong said, slipping her shoes off.

“That music makes me feel so hot, It has such energy.” Sunny shivers, slipping-into a sweater.

“I don’t understand old music.” Sophie said, spreading butter on a piece of hot toast.

“What does THAT mean?” - I had to ask - thinking she meant “classical music,” which I love.

Sophie explained, “My English professor played this old song for us - it’s old - “The times they are a changin”, by Bob Dylan? It’s an AMAZING song”

“You’ve never heard THAT?” I asked, dubiously, but slobber-knocked if it were true.

I never LISTEN to old music,” Sophie shrugged, “it sounds so flat and one dimensional - I can’t stand it,” she winces. “I like spatial audio, binaural and object-based dolby atmos, you know - lossless and three dimensional.”

“Don’t get technical with me,” I said, as if offended, while gathering my gear,

“But you watch Carol Bernett and all those old TV shows.” Lisa said, “What’s the difference?”

“Video?” Sophie argues, with an implied “HELLO,” as if that one word made everything obvious.

I missed the rest of it, my watch beeped, it was time to disco, I had stops.

I can’t deny Peter and I are sync’d these days. Have we fallen in love? Maybe, but I think we’re still upright. He doesn’t tease me about my fear of heights, bugs, the dark, and cheesecake - anymore. He overlooks my crying during movies, streams and pet-reunion videos. It’s reciprocal, of course, I let him hate salad dressing, ketchup (just odd) bananas and chocolate (can you imagine?), I let him help me with homework and I try to ignore his awful bro-act, around his bhessys.

I’m going to Peter’s to watch football, later, ‘cause I love my NFL. The doctoral guys have a notorious “mancave” situation setup in their basement where they red-zone, kaber, or blare shley emo-core at 120db. I flat told Peter that when my watch alerts to harrowing audio levels - I’m outro.

But between you and me, these guys make THE best BBQ (they slow smoke briskets or something). I’d probably just go upstairs, put on my noise-canceling AirPods, read (with the smart girls) and wait for the **** eats.

Monday’s Halloween - Happy Halloween everyone!
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Notorious: something unfavorably famous

slang & terms..
motile = when an organism that can move at will
slobber-knocked = when an idea hits you so hard that slobber sprays everywhere
time to disco = when you have to go
stops = appointments, places to be
streams = streamed content - TV shows, Tiktok, Youtube or social-media.
bhessys = best friends
red-zone = a football channel that jumps from game to game all day.
kaber = obsessively play video games
shley = mindless
emo-core = emo/screamo/******* - headbanging music
outro = a state of departure.
BBQ = if you don’t know what bbq is - you haven’t lived
**** = wonderful, swell, tops
Sam Steele Apr 2021
My wife said ‘I’d like a new kitchen’
And I had a Saturday free
With ambition designs for the project
We both had a wild spending spree

We picked up a range made of flat pack
And then went to the café to eat
The choice of hot food was extensive
And we both had a Swedish meat treat

My mancave was short of some gadgets
So, I thought I would pick up a few
You know, gizmos I’d need for the project
You can find in a big B & Q

Like chrome plated long nose snipe pliers
With a bright coloured high friction grip
A high-powered well-balanced hand drill
With a full set of carbonised bits

To help with the cutting and drilling
I bought me a fancy work bench
I got several adjustable spanners
And an American style monkey-wrench

With devices galore in my kitchen
A heart full of hope and a song
The flat pack was open and waiting
And a belief that nowt can go wrong

The kitchen was stripped of its cupboards
(Destruction sound so much like me)
The skip filled with trash and detritus
The air filled with cursed deities

The cupboards assembled, but wobbled
With left over dowels and screws
They collapsed right back into flat pack
And the air turns a little more blue

It can’t have been too many gadgets
So clearly, I needed some more
And after a hot steamy cuppa
I bought most of the rest of the store

I picked up a taper pin punch set
The label said “high tension steel”
I don’t know if that makes a difference
I just thought that it had a nice feel

Who needs a wall grooving chisel?
I don’t know but had one to hand
A magnesium carbon disc grinder
In case I was tempted to sand

I tried ultra-thin premium somethings
A large milling thingamajig
A jig made for holding a widget
And widgets from small up to big

By midnight the flatpack was kindling
There was no Sunday roast the next day
There were no scrambled eggs Monday breakfast
For a week we just ate takeaways

Come Friday raw bacon and sausage
Were beginning to look appetising
The wife gave me fairly blunt warnings
That showed her blood pressure was rising

It was time for a nail gun and ladder
And extension bars for my all sockets
It was taking so long I bought knee pads
And a tool belt with 15 large pockets

The riveting gun seemed quite boring
But I just loved the boring device
I had not a clue how to use them
But simply to own them was nice

Counter sinks for sinking the counter
A compressor for compressing some air
I also bought 3 different augers.  No reason
But because they were there

With the credit card pushed to its limits
And a month filled with heartache and trouble
I was craving hot food or a cuppa
From a kitchen all gadgets and rubble

But every contraption just vexed me
I was starving and then lost my cool
I condemned all of the useless devices
My wife just blamed one useless tool

We had not had a hot meal in ages
Since the meatballs we bought at IKEA
I guess gadgets are pretty much useless
If the one using them has got no idea
Regarding yours truly
he experienced setback
amplified by Luddite propensity
nostalgic longing for simpler age
bring back horse and buggy
better yet find me a mancave
and/or apprise me
ideally via email
Flintstone web page modality

allowing, enabling, and providing
excellent linkedin access
whereby augmented
and/or augmented reality
telecommunication simulation
delivers, exports, and ferries lame poetaster
to small town America
a place that time forgot and

the decades cannot improve
within which dwell
strong women, good-looking men
and above average children
Wobegon place name
preserving lifestyle
exhibiting voluntary simplicity
though aforementioned fictitious locale
fires up imagination as does

a place called Willoughby
flourishing along outer limits
of twilight zone
buzzfeeding outlier zee
crème de la crème confabulist
this side of Schwenksville
hankering towards... nebulous
body, mind and spirit synchronicity

courtesy sweat of mine brow equity
acquiring alliance, cognizance, existence,
guidance, intelligence...
think **** Proenneke
alone in the wilderness survivalist
jack of all trades
I would live free,
yet nevertheless die

ill equipped to captcha victuals
and/or drink
to stave off hunger
and/or thirst respectively
one twenty first century beastie boy
heavily dependent upon
urbanization, mechanization,
industrialization, civilization
to savor creature comforts

climate controlled environment(s)
courtesy finite fossil fuel extraction
**** sapiens scourge upon planet Earth
me metaphorically on par
one more human parasite
zapping nonrenewable resources
thus desirous (yet helpless)
to forsake consumerist lifestyle

yet lack ways and means
to toil physically
to wrest good n plenti
juicy fruits of labor,
which initial premise
as iterated with poem title
dramatically off tangent, yes?
The date of the celebration
(the second day of February) coincides
with medieval feast of Candlemas,
and its pre-Christian predecessor,
Imbolc, a day also rich in folklore.

An old Scottish prophecy foretells
sunny weather on Candlemas
means a long winter.

The tradition is recounted in this poem:
As the light grows longer
The cold grows stronger
If Candlemas be fair and bright
Winter will have another flight
If Candlemas be cloud and snow
Winter will be gone and not come again
A farmer should on Candlemas day
Have half his corn and half his hay
On Candlemas day if thorns hang a drop
You can be sure of a good pea crop.

Punxsutawney Phil is the focal point
of oldest and largest annual
Groundhog Day celebration,
held in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania,
every year since 1886.

Members of Phil’s “Inner Circle”
claim he is now 137 years old,
(rumor circulates this one groundhog lived
to make weather prognostications
since 1886, sustained by drinks
of "groundhog punch"
or "elixir of life" administered
at annual Groundhog
Picnic in the fall),
hence thanks to said magical
life-extending serum
they feed him each year—
and his predictions
one hundred percent accurate.

Coincides with astronomy's
first cross-quarter day,
marking the midpoint between
winter solstice and
spring (vernal) equinox,
which will occur at 5:24 PM on
in Northern Hemisphere
Eastern Standard Time
Monday, March 20, 2023

Small consolation old man winter
spans fewest days
of all four seasons,
especially when

A powerful nor'easter
will develop in western Atlantic
beginning late Friday,
(February third two thousand
and twenty three)
bringing heavy snow,
strong winds and
coastal flooding to parts
of the East Coast,
but there remains
a larger than usual amount
of uncertainty in forecast
for this storm.

Yours truly remembers
when spry Jack (****) Frost
(just yea high -
both arms stretched to sky)
came early, left late and bossed
zealous vernal equinox
rattling barenaked lady branches
obviously inapropos
to budding friendship.

Now (courtesy global warming/ climate change)
mother nature experiences feeling strange
within valleys and atop many mountain range,
wherein goods traded away on stock exchange.

Fortunate concerning yours truly
versus daring to brave
inclement treacherous weather
getting stranded in the process
(possibly becoming gratefully dead)
risking life and limb venturing forth

amidst near whiteout conditions
creating debacle perilous and grave
shoveling snow lest he get buried
he can remain holed up
(in tandem with the missus)
snug as a bug in his mancave.

While nestled inside warm abode for awhile
(at least until temperature upwards doth dial
safely ensconced against elements (of style),
I stopped at metaphoric woods edge
trekking until... for no rhyme nor reason
the poetic metered equivalent,
viz another mile
then stopped for coffee break

burst of energy gave me cause to smile
fording imponderable stream of consciousness
impossible (airy) mission to dodge regarding
aforesaid daunting task to craft worthwhile
poetic endeavor to entertain anonymous readers
gleaning how one bard (with his shaky spear)
evokes fiction being snowbound
as if cast adrift within Siberian exile.

Straightaway I continue writing askew
aware how literary trademark modality
characteristic of one hapless wordsmith
unwittingly indelibly embedded
analous to mine Caucasian
versus swarthy melanin hue

man automatically confers eligibility granting
innumerable known mighty opportunities
(privileged skin color - how unfair)
bigoted prejudices shade those
either hashtagged as black,
naturally copper toned gentile and/or Jew.
Travis Green Mar 2022
In your naked mancave
Is where I become lost
My senses are smoldered
By the bright amber flames
Of your ravishing magicalness
You sheathe me in your sensual heat
You bite every part of my flesh
As I gaze into your sparkling sultry eyes
Glazed on your captivatingness
sandra wyllie Feb 2020
is where we meet once a week,
discreetly. Where he works with his
hands to create, shape me and
the wood. Though I’ve a few splinters

he needs to trim. I stand outside the double
doors, waiting for him. Anxious as a bucking
horse. But playing it cool. Not so he thinks
I’m the wood for the fuel.  I could have come

around the back, or any other door many
have traveled through before. But no. I wanted
to enter his private part, the one with the saw
and the drill. The one where he performs all

his skills. The one where his wife leaves
him alone. The one where all the others
do not go. The one where the sawdust
snows. I like this clandestine place –

there’s nothing sexier than a man in his cave.
Gratitude suffuses me today
at prospect to plumb the depths
of a fledgling friendship
(respecting fidelity to wife)
even one bound
within the parameters of cyberspace,
I feel courtesy your amazing grace
figuratively stitching omnipotent binding
with virtual satin and lace
proceeding cautiously to experience
belonging to human rat race.

Night and day, a thrashing
like an invisible whiptail
surge van hail,
doth swell me *****
excruciatingly, doggedly blackmail
capriciously be-numbingly,
aggravatingly assail
mine conscience in
what paltry pale
capacity of this gamboling male,
I can "pay forward,"

whatever means shale
be moost apropos avail
to offset bewail
ling (internal psyche doth ale
hankering) against utter
lifetime (mine) peppered
with emotional, physical
and social destitution
bereft, viz fail
ling to maximize inspiration
reverberating as vibrant detail

lacking even justa minimum
desire to live
(visa vis no way
discover ring, nope nar even
"FAKE" king minuscule appeasement
of my body, mind,
and spirit triage during)
hell...shove (shelve) aside
such gloriously noble benighted role,
amidst upending folktale
re: King Arthur and His Knights

of the Round Table
futilely searching for holy grail,
where steadfast conviction
emboldens this heart and hale
spirited mindful,
sincere hard drive spurs
(neigh saying horse
sense of mine),
where ambition saddled
to air (dan sing) quailing,
yen propelling (yours truly),

with sincere humanitarian,
(i.e. blood driven)
philanthropic spiritual zeal,
I tried to unveil,
this reasonably rhyming thumbnail
sketch poetically versatile
within this spurious verse despite
any trials undermining travail
rather mine heart felt genuine
motive fueled by impetus
to contribute within e kale

logical, fizzy hollow gee, humanity,
with integrity, magnanimity,
and quality fervency,
while still adept, adroit,
agile, and alert,
(cuz America needs more lerts
to become great again)
ironically steel tougher than
nine inch rusty nails,
duh pleating ability dovetail
to bug (or wug) gee wholesale.

Adieu from Matthew Scott Harris
who tapped out this message
while holed up in his mancave
situated within Southeastern Pennsylvania.
Travis Green Jun 2022
I want a compelling melting hot macho starboy
In my world, in my headspace, encased in your radiance
Your inescapable incandescent captivatingness
***** your glowing dopetabulous chest
Kiss and squeeze your thrilled tips
Embrace your waist, taste your shape

Control your pace as your ***** hot gazes
Daze and shake my gayness, as your hazel
Beardacious engagingness inveigles me
Knocks me sideways, sets me ablaze
Has me caged in your mancave
Where I gape at naked, pure arrays
I can’t turn away from you

Just to look at you sends my existence away
Makes me hanker for your high life
Roll up a blunt and get crunk with a hunk
Pull up to your **** station as my creation instantly erupts
Feel your lusciousness linger in my guts
Feel your seamless stinging steam stream
In my dreamy divine dimension

True smooth *******, you are a thriller on the real
You make me feel so lit in your grip
So far gone in your tempting and delicious charm
Boy, you are a seemingly endless and resplendent king
A straight-up go-getta that bewitches and freezes my system
Got me so soft as butter, I stutter in your lovingness
In his sweet golden closeness, I am so strung out
Hypnotized, impossibly drawn to your automatic narcotic charm
Hub bomb bin hubble emotional wreckage
tell tale signs of internal war
ah, there moost be lifelong conspiracy
afoot for a Galician voar

try as I might to Lyft myself
out of penury...this Uber
scribe reckons way back when,
my life took a irrecoverable dee tour,

tis neither pity nor philanthropic succor
this poor man asks,
but just the chance to roar
(albeit within structures of silence)

shaky psychological scaffolding
built from shabby and poor
Scottish matted Harris tweed
material re: mailhouse order

(same as me bartered bride)
assembly required blueprints defied
comprehension, and thus...only my
into whoosh shin as singular guide,

which puzzling quandary sorely
tested frustration, I could not hide
overstressed mental cogs, and
wheels issued steam from inside

the bowels (ah... oh...
moving) within this, nor
thorn prickly human being, more
or less condemned to live
in this mancave, where folklore...
I don't believe that bupkis,
about some ****

rubble, but...nonetheless,
yours truly unable to account
for this...friggin landmine miss fore
chin, where nuttin boot

this misanthrope jammed
in a hole like EEyore
moost all bajillion years living in the dark...
as if... yeah ****** in the core

of a black hole, thus
the best available
explanation given destiny did ride
me roughshod into the maw of despair,

now no matter these gnarled
arthritic hands unable to...
ugh...heave **...grunt
purportedly nada so easy slide

anatomical pieces together
according to schematic
drawing, aye tried,
hence best this crabby hermit vied
to be condemned remaining separated
(since birth), sans
webbed world infinitely wide.
Countless instances submitting poems
finds me racking
quite a hefty collection of rejections,
the responses lacking
disappointing voluminous vicious
venomous vitriolic backing
quite the contrary,
the prefabricated responses

unsuccessful at hijacking
my "FAKE" toothy gumption
(since I wear dentures) lip smacking
bite size packing
not exceptionally appetizing,
but definitely wanting
with more pungent acidity stinging
(albeit figuratively) painfully digging

into the essence of all bone marrow,
asper this humble,
who will brazenly continue entering
competitions until scathing
character ridiculed of course including
unsolicited yet denigrating
words clearly, definitively,
and flagrantly insinuating

this prolific entity among
basket of deplorables wasting
his precious energy and time crafting
ambiguous, horrendous, and
nebulous word mangling
poetic endeavors attempting
to garner plaudits generating
infamous, notorious, and

sanctimonious renown diluting
the medium, which
August pantheon replete
with posthumous scriveners
reputations eternally outshining
any facile, infantile,
and juvenile laboring
in my unbiased opinion

far more deserving
of a simple bland communique
devoid of any ripsnorting
flagitious, malicious, and
unscrupulous character assassinating
(mine), which continuously insipid sending
(to yours truly) said
tactfully gentle turning

down efforts requiring
nose to the grindstone painstaking
efforts, which witness shuttering
myself within this
mancave, barely surviving
on thin gruel necessitating
copious blood, sweat, and tears with
nary even a shopworn reprehensible glint

bombarding, condemning, and defaming,
hence such determination bedeviling diligence
to espy acceptably blistering
excoriating, and insulting
nauseating mean opprobrium
meted out to me
until such outpouring
of vindictiveness acquired,
I will continue logic bending writing.

Wherefore art thou to find (even *******) critique?
Forecasting to thunderous applause
fast as greased lightning draws
upon futuristic atmospheric gewgaws
hot air emanates out these slackened jaws
spluttering courtesy indentured maws
armed with four footed tall paws
gesticulations resembling horizontal seesaws.

Humidity felt across every square inch
covering these lovely bones,
which pores will dribble perspiration
bracing for onset when
meteorological conditions
spell utter lethargy, I unroll the welcome mat
and present global warming!

Every year I seem less tolerant
when oppressive climate
(specifically merciless heat waves)
blasts one anachronistic, dogmatic, and generic
garden variety weatherbeaten **** sapiens
reduced to torpid inert state.

Central air conditioning quickly
found this creature comfortably acclimated,
who defies, contradicts, bumps uglies...
up against rugged individualist,
yet he meekly professes
spouting ideal survivalist ethos
admitting actual propensity as
nothing else matter
barely distinguishable traits differentiating
yours truly among braggarts
visited by the unforgiven sandman
exhibiting all talk no action.

Analogous to weather scorching
the blackest soul,
a similar aversion exists
toward severe wind chill factor temperatures
plunging mercury way below zero.

When regarding conditions linkedin
with extreme heat index
smothering Perkiomen Valley,
this bloke (residing what seems
since time immemorial
at Highland Manor Apartments) burrows
when heart touched by fire
into sixty degree Fahrenheit
fella climate control mancave,
thus adieu go doldrums
figuratively strait jacketing
yours truly no more.

Unlike luxury to chill out (literally)
back quite scores of years ago
central air conditioning absent
imposing grueling hardship
no deliverance afforded tender vittle Earthling.

When referenced human (me),
he formerly (passively) weathered
humid, hot, and hazy
dog days of summer,
during his boyhood at 324 Level Road.

Said storied estate with manicured formal gardens
lacked luxuriating aforestated amenity
regarding cool (temperature wise) climate control
introducing anonymous reader
familiar or otherwise
regaling modest literary versatility,
whereby yours truly average bloke
Fahrenheit dealt with temperatures
registering bajillion blistering degrees.

Especially upper level housing bedrooms
about half dozen steps above landing
suddenly experiencing indisputable
scientific principle hot air rises
undermining ability to function,
no more active matter rendered lifeless,
but rather equally inert think deathlessness
as an inanimate object
mainly cuz estate - complex edifice
formerly christened "Glen Elm"
built approximately turn of

twentieth century abode -
once encompassed
one hundred plus acre demesne
unfortunately long since razed
(initially intended as summer retreat)
preceding never incorporating
said modern HVAC conveniences,
now no modern building
lacked fantastic amenities,
plus ability to tolerate hardship
much more omnipresent
before yours truly

racked quite numerous
orbitz round the sun
versus now, when
greater sensitivity prevails,
I admit pioneer spirit plummeted,
and if forced to forego
custom tailored environment
would be immovable prey,
for even the most
harried styled counting crow king carrion,

which admission would
only present challenge
predicated on severe disruption
compromising being hermetically
sealed, linkedin, cocooned...
within man-made dwelling
hardship analogous no name brand
garden variety slug
essentially homeless snail
shell lacked with mew cuss.
Central air conditioning quickly
found this creature comfort acclimated,
defies, contradicts, bumps uglies...
up against rugged individualist
I meekly profess to idealize
admitting propensity nothing

distinguishable differentiating
all talk no action no less tolerant
than aversion to extreme heat index
burrowing into sixty degree Fahrenheit
climate control mancave
quite divergent weathering

humid, hot, and hazy
dog days of summer,
when boyhood at 324 Level Road
lacked luxuriating aforestated amenity
first poetic line
introducing anonymous reader

familiar or otherwise
regaling modest literary versatility,
whereby yours truly
dealt with temperatures
registering bajillion degrees,
especially level housing bedrooms

about half dozen steps above landing
suddenly experiencing indisputable
scientific principle hot air rises
undermining ability to function
no more active rather equally inert
as inanimate object

mainly cuz estate complex edifice
formerly christened "Glen Elm"
built approximately half century
preceding incorporating
said modern HVAC conveniences,
no modern building lacks,

plus ability to tolerate hardship
much more omnipresent
before yours truly
racked quite numerous
orbitz round the sun
versus now, when
greater sensitivity prevails,

I admit pioneer spirit plummeted,
and if forced to forego
custom tailored environment
would be immovable prey,
for even the most
harried styled carrion,

which admission would
only present challenge
predicated on severe disruption
compromising being hermetically
sealed, linkedin, cocooned...

within man-made dwelling
hardship analogous no name brand
garden variety slug
essentially homeless snail
shell lacked with mew cuss!
Travis Green Apr 2022
I was really impressed with his incredibleness
How smooth-spoken he was
How deep, deft, and debonair he was
A hot, flawless showstopper
A magical, mesmerizing marvel
He shined bright in my city
Imbued with white inviting lights

His heavenly ghettoness galvanized me
His sultriness and smoothness
His delectably **** smelling scent
Sinewy soul streetness
I was convinced that he was the one for me
Grippingly thrilling irresistibleness

The thought of fusing with him
Stayed on my mind daily
Ready to caress every expanse of his limbs
Seep into his rhapsodic rhythm
I longed to press my tongue against his vibrant divine lips
Let his enchantment run through my veins
While my hands clutched his tasty muscled chest

Feel him sizzle as I enamored his masculineness
Make him shudder in his mancave
As my mouth traveled the sensual symmetry
Of his glistening steel brick abs
He was a creative dream lover in my eyes
A top-shelf treasure thrilling through my heart

I needed his rich earth honey in my lungs
Trail my exhilarated fingers over his
Hot flamboyant tattoos
Put my mouth on his luscious chestnut brown *******
Revel in his impeccableness
Rest my hands in his thick dark brown afro hair
Drive my hands over his immaculate back’s roadmap
Sweet pleasurable kisses on the nape of his neck
Massage his monstrous stunning shoulders
Wanting to give him the best treatment ever
Travis Green Apr 2022
What I wouldn’t give to him in my life
To wake up to see his lovely shining face in my sight
To be enfolded in his sweetness and supremeness
In the wings of his dreamy treasured derivatives
Take me away into his mancave where I can behold
His glowing succulent square roots

Enthuse me with his soothingness, move me with his coolness
With all the great ingratiating equations
Reverberating unfailingly in his mind
Drown in his captivatingly heart-stopping bassline
Let his catchy creative rhythm use me
Feel his brilliant poeticism stream through me
Like clear warm water, like southern homemade ice-tea

He got me stupefied, drugged-out, in the twilight zone
Dreaming of his stupendousness, his impeccable
Compelling masculineness, forever flourishing
Like a gorgeous tropical forest, unconquerable
Artistically alluring lyricist, rare crash-hot debonairness
He brings out the gayness inside me

I shine like a delightful sprightly sunflower
Abundant and radiant as tall, towering trees
I delight in his expansive intelligence, his treasured mindset
The unbelievably inventive metaphors, similes, and
Alliteration he utilizes with his wordology
My ardent starlight prodigy, my magical, marvelous phenomenon
A delicious, seamless, and limited edition
That deserves an Oscar for his stellar performance
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
out of hibernation,
sans mancave, I will climb
specifically at 5:59 Post Meridiem

eastern standard time,
when calendrical, celestial,
and chronological prime
airy factors mark

onset of temperate clime
mitt, also coincides with
'super worm equinox moon,'
to this Earthling, would appear
no larger than a dime

though ironically enough,
said satellite of Earth
closest to this oblate spheroid
whatever esoteric tidbit may be worth,
yet unwittingly inviting once in a
blue cheese moon opportunity
to espy with naked eye lunar dearth

of life, nor feasible conditions
warrant sear ching colonizing ahoy
by an adventurous space cowboy,
but perhaps convenient

launch pad to employ
entrepreneurial minded profiteers,
whether Jewish or goy
establishing other worldly
getaway to enjoy

reprieve, asper burgeoning
hardy madding crowd
populating nearly every square inch,
sans third rock from the sun, a proud

arrogant, defiant, haughty,
et cetera species predominantly cloud
ding, glomming, mucking, et cetera
exploiting courtesy manifest destiny

bajillion year old planet as if endowed
by divine creator to trumpet "FAKE"
supremacy, tis not white in my mind
declaring might equals right unbowed

credo selfishly amassing untold wealth
ideally at expense and health
of every others by fiat, force and stealth
consigning subjects to slavery
in an effort to rule global commonwealth,

which self centered
aggrandizement that ball
(pockmarks most visible hall
of the moon tin king)
did not return my call

and thoroughly explains
without rhyme and reason
why what appears as face on lunar surface
actually migrants of Stonehenge vestial wall.
By: Sue S. Side

Amp pull ease just sparked insight,
I suddenly became aware,
(actually self actualization
came ohm to roost - dare
ring with mighty stir since this

Earthling orbited thru the atmosphere
back in time many a passing,
quickening, and rip snorting year),
how my current psychological,
neurological, and emotional despair,

sans crafted - plane vanilla
existential plight grounded, nixed,
and shorted former spunky,
quirky, and goofy boyish air
snuffed out, hopscotched

(along buttery, bow jangly rocky
unlevel road i.e. skeletal derriere)
extinguished courtesy nihilistic fanfare
with counterproductive antiwelfare
of self, when just a tendershoot, nothing

boot bag of unlovely bones when bare
grim reaper das scythe
did to hunker down
specifically anorexia attired
with trademark black hoodie wear

firmly entrenched, would
not budge, clear
out, nor disappear
matter of fact arrogant behavior
cannibalistic ornery rode

roughshod, and cavalier
dauntless demeanor debonaire
leaving body electric
in utmost disrepair,
lo parents trumpeted

state of emergency
and sought out consigliere
one Doctor Ted Goldberg care
fully applied his deft, heft,

whence nervosa finally left
after quite long stretch of time
not without a fight,
and permanently sear
my esprit de corp

undermining foursquare - buzzfeeding
every epidermal micro hectare
*** tent lee loosed pendulum
within pit of mine being, a nightmare
minimally livingsocial, linkedin

to tomb ma birth family prepare
ring to die just on verge of puberty
analogous to bot sized
wrecking ball lob
bing within me tummy scare

ring the Bejesus
from those who begat me
nonetheless felt immense care
and concern helpless, and lacked app
nowadays accessible within sphere,

viz zitting world wide web,
now holed up in mancave sitting here
reflecting how I sabotaged
vitality, virility and vim stunting
maturation across vast swath of yesteryear!
(boot exhausted tending Milan Collie)

If only father time could... but
yea right Matthew Scott cut
your losses, accompanied
with sinking feeling in gut
ready to vent off steam
start fire next time and burn

(billy me I merrily Joel King),
down house i.e. mancave hut...,
in tot, while yours truly emulates
one among many talking heads
with tongue doth jut
out mouth making nasty ****** feature

at reflection nut
tin much else
except, perhaps try to put
gear into overdrive any
remembered magmatic
lava lee fragments

to pull this mad man
out of figurative rut
nothing gainsaid verbally taunting self
with expletive epithet
more colorful than tut...tut... tut.

Chalk permanent heart wrenching
pinteresting kindling horrifying
devastating loss regarding
opus magnus extremely cross
at yours truly, nope no ace

in the hole, hence best bet to
down bottle of tranquilizers
with swig flask of ***** to brace
transcending after life netherland,
where angels plucking harps
magically can exorcise

Manhattan goose stepping
quite pheasant hunched mountebank
Norte worthy dame
giving bankable chase
courtesy cloistered chaste
siren of Titan (on the

order of Mrs. Doubtfire)
hoop fully abducts me than
willingly, meticulously,
and compliantly doth erase
every vestige of writings.

Thoroughly cooked duck, dogged
dully dilly dallying gent
realized errors of
his ways, where bent
crooked right hand pinky the chief
hankering provocateur leant
admission (for one adult) cogent

tam o shanter donning Brit with scent
tum mental affectation unable to console
yours truly, who feeble
effort non poetic event
merely hoped to muster
even lame to assuage
smoldering ire, wherever
sense and sensibility went.
Travis Green Apr 2022
I love the way he stares at me
With his meltingly soft and soulful eyes
How he takes me into his enchanting inner delights
To behold his artistic allurement
His brilliantly intense and dazzling expressions
Exceedingly sensual, reverential, and fragrant
A ****** loving spectacle

He lures me into his rich and gorgeous wonderland
Where I marvel at his immense dreamlike magic
Delight in his deep endless strikingness
He is my shining light of glory
My ardent sparkling source of satisfaction
Tremendously shimmering like a great green grassland
Like the rich golden sunshine in the summertime
My splendidly warm, charming, and southern lover

I am so enraptured by his assertiveness
His immersiveness, his masterfulness, his perfectness
So soft on his magically penetrating notoriousness
He has me blissfully happy, in love with his misty, magical realm
Smashed on his sheer magnetic attraction
Seamless instinctive dreaminess

He makes my mind pulsate
I see stars in his compelling stellar sparklingness
I am attracted to his ambitiousness and sagaciousness
How he makes my gayness scintillate
Takes me away into his majestically exhilarating mancave
Where he overpowers my world with phenomenal propelling force
Travis Green Apr 2022
I want to taste his blossoming
Hotness in my throat
His crunk country funk
Streaming in my lungs
His luminous lissome lusciousness
With his great embraceable structure
Milky mesmerizing flesh
Seamless fineness

He fills up the space
Within my vessel
I drift into the relentless
Smooth slow jams
That plays in his treasured mancave
I crave to sway with him
Comprehend his sensual dreams
Lean into his enrapturing extremes

Such a brick booming beauty
With a voice that can command
The infinite seas and wind
Supreme inked dreaminess
Thick proliferous beard
Glistening whiskey brown eyes
Smooth, sable, and wavy hair

He is my soul’s musical prodigy
He sparks my gayness
He unlocks the buried blissful treasures
Preserved in my heart
I want to be romanced endlessly by him
Let him rub my body
Clutch my voluptuous perfumed *******
Etch his wet dreams against the surface

****** my hot private parts
While my hands hold on to his mighty desirable arms
Hear my moans rise  triumphantly
I want to stay lost in his enchantingness
Utterly powerless, allowing him
To take control of my vessel
Travis Green Mar 2022
In a world where it’s just you and me
I feel so thrilled to chill with you
To be in your incandescent presence
Marveling at your enthralling chocolate flesh
Lusciously ample cascading dreadlocks
Clean supreme glistening goatee
Impeccable manly lips
Compelling consuming eyes
Oh, how they shine like a bright black jade

I drift into your artistical magnetical maze of attraction
With insurmountable desires lingering in my mind
You are my passionate magical obsession
You sheathe me in ravishing red-hot dreams
My love for you mounts
I can imagine you thrusting deep inside my tight tunnel
Lift my legs in the effervescent air
Tantalize my world with your incredibly girthy Excalibur

My body spasms sexily, basking in the thrilling action
Zaddy, you make me call out your name
I am wrapped up in your whirling wind of winsomeness
Your storm of passion, your libidinous masculineness
You **** me so wildly, stretch out my chamber
You are so uncontainable
You grip my hard burning ******* tightly
I moan, “Ahhh ****, give it to me Zaddy”

I clasp your long-dominant arms
Relishing the riveting ride
How you grab and smack my tasty taut ***
Rub your hands against it
Look at me so erotically
Such a mesmerizingly made man
You incarcerate me in your mancave
Ram your solid striking snake deeper inside my wetness

I scream tremendously
You kiss my lewd lips
Your bewitchment beats me
My heartbeat incessantly increases
You go harder and harder
So much fire in your empire
You utter out, “FUCCCKKK, YOUR **** IS BOMB”
Your deep seductive voice makes my mouth water

Your thick tameless torch teases my walls more
I look at you in complete bewilderment
As you burst your bright pearly paste inside me
My legs shake to the thrill of your gripping thugness
So intoxicating, so tastefully treasurable
With your world inside me
I will cherish this moment eternally
Anomalous earthling inhabited
mancave quarantined
cocooned gamesomely
knowingly protected travesty
impossible mission sidestepping,
thwarting, zapping
eventuality, inevitability,

opportunity utilitarian death
crowning glory fêted within
netherlands immortality
granted courtesy biological
proliferation offspring re
vitalizing, restoring,
requenching spent human lives.

Self sequestration commenced
instant (karma) fertilization set
narration mein kampf within
womb mommy dearest,
she within prime ovulation age
begat me in utero un-
aware how existential crisis
(mine) linkedin metaphor

whereat sanctity housing
yours truly during embryonic
/fetal development + vital
placental lifeline keyed into
present day self (christened
Matthew Scott Harris) still
analogously tethers (as
iterated above) outward adult.

He considers metamorphosis
child to adult incomplete
early during carefree preschool
boyhood heavenly bliss
short lived spunky spontaneity
squelched after first grade
February 28th, 1968 marked
turning point pronouncing
significant psychological

cleavage figuratively pitched
emotional, mental, and
spiritual withdrawal symptomatic
psyche quashed, torqued,
and wrenched full blown cycle
logical gearshift hijacked,
though undoubtedly propensity
inherent since... birth
genetic/chromosomal aberration.

Especially when fatherhood
food me gifted with beauty
full daughter diagnosed at
tender age developmental delay
within asperger's syndrome
thankfully Shana Punim, (a
person's face endearment
appellation - chiefly in Jewish
use) eligible recipient

to receive early onset supportive
services, which initial diagnosis
undertaken within her
first birthday, thus staunching
immense struggles later.
Supportive services incorporated
battery audiological, cognitive,
emotive... tests to help pinpoint diagnosis.
She underwent cost free

(needs based) therapy - most
times resistant and noncooperative
(nonresponsive) to
engage whole heartedly,
but bonding with facilitators
wrought budding relationship
with concomitant trust.
Participation with therapists
and class/campmates (the

latter structured summer programs
pertinent as she evinced
able bodied/minded
to benefit with stepped up
socialization (interpersonal
interaction - or lack thereof)
immediately apparent as preschooler,
but got bolstered
thru confidence building activities.

All thru k-12th grade
our cherished progeny
benefitted being streamlined with
classwork (and take home)
assignments custom tailored,
plus after school
remedial programs boosted flagging
shortcomings allowing,
enabling, and providing laudable

transformations, whereby
she began (to assert herself in
making major decisions),
now at age twenty one (born
February 4th, 1999) lives
with few housemates in Bend,
Oregon while matriculating
at nearby Community College.
Travis Green Jul 2022
I want to swim in your smooth pool of enthusing cool
Cocooned with a blooming groomed coup
Groovy salubrious dude, you are such an enthusiast
That I immensely love to indulge in
I have a mad hypnotic crush on your thugness
The lushness in your ruggedness
The lustfulness in your toughness
Let me massage and rob your body

Spoil your core with the hottest chocolate lollies you adore
Delight in your bright, swagged-out style
In your **** significant dreaminess
Steamy supreme gent, you are in the prizable diary
Of my heart, my shining dynasty delight
My untouchable lucky charm
I am always hungry for your hunkiness
To rub your body down in sound
Resounding poetry that engrosses your dopeness

You are my lollipop lover boy
I crave to cater ample amorousness
And exhilaration to your mancave
Feed on your heavenly city-bred delectableness
Discover great liberation in unveiling your nation
Such melting hypnotic kisses
Narcotically mind-altering massages
Let me spin your thought-process
Hold you captive in utter lust

Make you struck up
Hung up on my infectious mesmeric homosexualness
Let me alter your axis
Consume your attractiveness
Send thrilling tingles through your lovestruck limbs
Cause you to enter into the deepest compelling trances ever
March twelfth Ded Moroz
struts his white stuff
first real substantial puncheon
found Jack Frost in his glory,
he haint no longer morose nor gruff,
cuz series of fortunate meteorological events
found crystalline precipitation hoary.

I revel watching
the bit torrent of snowflakes alight
upon the greensward;
a cold wind bloweth and doth bite
any exposed flesh of daredevil
(the re:noun Evel Knievel of verbiage)
weather beaten soul
trundling with delight
inured to brutal cold
all fours seasons excite
contemplative character
asked me to ghostwrite,
thus a reasonable rhyme yielded
courtesy wuthering height.

Yours truly breathes deep sigh of relief,
when surprise blizzard came our way,
no matter yours truly solitary fellow
holed up in me mancave yay,
he experiences unfettered glee
for picturesque blustery scene today
eight sleeps before Spring Equinox
glad second rate nor'easter
pummeled Southeastern
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

The near future forecast
bodes well nigh arrival of vernal equinox
when the sun crosses celestial equator
in northerly direction, marking
prime meridian of right ascension.

Fanfare for common man
(think das scribe spinning these lines)
grateful timely notion
kindled inside mine noggin
truth be told - before onset of storm,
I drew one blank after another
and felt at my wits end
regard apropos material to write about.

Methought to soon to post
poem about beware the ides of March,
(approximately sixty one
and a half hours hence,
similar explanation regarding
summoning creative literary endeavor
honoring Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona duit,
thus imposed upon figurative shoulders
(mine) to hash out some
marginally passable verse.

Now attention pauses to take look see
out bedroom window
watching medley of gusty air
in sync with blizzard conditions,
yet yours truly snug
as a bug in a rug
despite not turning on the heat,
and would ye believe
bard of Perkiomen Valley
only donned in ma birthday suit?
Travis Green Mar 2023
His spectacularity is a mysteriously immersing
Wonderland superabundant with hot-off-the-fire creative power
I burn with curiosity to canvass his handsomeness
To taste his inner space, embrace his radiant valiant mancave
Caress his heavenly effervescent manliness

My top-shelf finesse god, I wanna crash into his machoness
Until my homoness jolts again and again
Render my heart and soul bowled over
I gaze at his shimmering sea-green eyes
How they highly electrify my life force

I adore him more and more
To kiss his worshipful watermelon pink lips
Allow my fingertips to fuse to the sensuous surface
Caress his luxuriant presentable beard
Rich rootbeer brown hair, so glossy and groomed

He is a picturesque work of mind-boggling magicalness
A classic splashy masterpiece
I am flabbergasted by his dangerously attractive
And tattooed masculineness
Lured by his gorgeous peach-orange skin

The monumentally mind-bending detail
Of his distinct, grand, and artistic creation amazes me
I press my hands against his athletic *** cheeks
Relish his epically heavenly and impressive stellarness
Finger **** him deep, spank his badass bite-worthy backside

Stroke his awe-striking hardness
Play with his praiseworthy pebbles
Get down on my knees and pleasure him
Allow his manhood to fill my mouth
Let it slide on my tongue

Let his striking low-hangers
Bounce against my jaws
As I taste his unparalleled sensational manfulness
Grip his chiseled vigorous thighs and legs
Slurp on his tip, lick my lips

Swivel my tongue around his thickness
His body joggles the more I enthrall  
His uncommonly charming and red-hot sparkling phenomenality
I swim in the premium, pristine perfection
Of his rugged scrumptious existence

Breathe him into my subconscious mind
The depth of his divineness
As he gets rude with my hot chocolate knockers
Hold them ferociously
Capture my bare daggers with his formidable slick cutters

Make me sweat and shudder
While I eat up his massive destructive magic stick
Make his dopeness float
Make him moan his innermost thoughts and feelings
Send him into a sensual reverent labyrinth of treasured trances

Take him into a state of disorientation
Bring him to his salacious blazing-hot destination
Make him froth at the mouth
Devour his one-eyed yogurt pole
As he shoots his lewd man juice
In my desirous appetizing treasure cave
Travis Green Apr 2022
I have never been this obsessed over a man before
But when I look at your consummate chocolate body
I want to taste your sumptuous sweetness
Harbor your hunkiness in my vessel
Lick your deliciously flavored flesh
So wholesome, worthy, and incomparable

Let me digest your exquisite and luxurious masculineness
Press my hands against your ardently muscular and seductive chest
Circle my fingers and tongue around your dark, taut *******
Taste your masculine magicalness
Slide my mouth against the hardness of your flat, sleek abs

Let me stroke your glistening and reverent muscles
Kiss the magnificently perfect and matchless tattoos
On your broad, robust shoulders
Cover your monstrously massive and impressive arms with my palms
You are so impossibly manlicious, vicious, and vigorous

I want to hold you close to me, feel you sizzle
Like tasty hot bacon on an open stove eye in a frying pan
Like smoked barbecue chicken on a grill
Let me penetrate your mancave
Captivate your flex game
Tame you like a rampant savage African lion

Feel your world judder and become bewildered
Shove my lovingness deeper inside your kingdom of muscularity
Feel you light up like electrifying fireworks
And let your great magical snake spray
Its hot waves of exhilarating delectation on my face
Travis Green Mar 2022
The taste of your juicy masculine smoothness
Makes me crave to burn in your flaming fragrant mancave
Drift into a night of lustrously seductive loving
Filling your body on top of mine
Your stunningly hunky lips against mine
Your fresh suave beard, your passionate ravishing eyes
Your distinguished, triumphant eyebrows

You make me float on high bright clouds in the awesome azure sky
Touch me with your priceless striking eyes
Embrace me, love me, make me melt
Into your most delightful caresses
I want to feel magical with you
Glow in your mesmerizing goldenness
In your splash of magic

Swim in your sultry soothing dreams
Feel your masculine warmth
Sink into your smoothly seducing sweetness
Let your essence slither down my throat
Saturate my mind with your fragrant imagination
Interlace your shimmering ebullient limbs with mine
Take me into a sensual symphony
Where your love flourishes in my life
This health conscious lx year
roam'n, hoodwinking hoodlum doth wear
two pair bullet proof underwear,
(which confession rarely trumpeted),
plus yours truly admits unclear
why tibia long in the tooth fellow,

prevaricates with tongue in cheek oh contraire
good n plenti humor absent clear
sense and sensibility so beware
me figuratively pulling poetic foot
mainly "white lie" fibula I air
discombobulated gobbledygook,

which corroboration ye might declare
choosing to cease reading
feeling in high dungeon as all hell... where,
twitching (bull leave me you) nostrils flare
analogous to spewing dragon
rare endangered species from Zaire

of corpse stewing in dungeon
hooping on wing and prayer
to attend Renaissance Faire,
thus word wizard conjured
aforementioned as metaphorical veneer
cuz, he really sought to pioneer

his breakout poetaster career,
thus far batch
prefabricated rejection letters
posits alternative to forswear
writing another feeble rhyme
relieving anonymous critics

providence beckons I hear
doom and resignation refrain
repeatedly hammering and echoing
within chambers of each ear
mancave best provenance
divine providence especially if nuclear

war rents tentative moments to spare,
which doomsday looms clear,
perhaps half fortnight away
fatalistic mindset, I despair
money woes exacerbate pesky news
sense under_scoring dallying,

dithering, lollygagging... while linear
rise regarding global temperature
gives cold comfort the buccaneer
occupying oval office laissez faire
attitude, hence pennilessness moot
total mortal kombat global warming

further accentuates real Halloween scare,
no trick only ill treatment
unleashed courtesy mutineer
hand over fist handily did profiteer
minting daily another bajillionaire
government coffers bursting

mother earth biosphere square
within uber targeted crosshair
talking heads poles
apart as global warming
melts Antarctic frigidaire
Santa Claus reindeer and elves

schvitz as north pole melts
in short shrift oblate sphere
formerly teeming with life
field day for hardy
indomitable creatures thriving
within most scary nightmare.
courtesy the comfort of his mancave,
I (a mutated batman wannabe)
doth prattle and stump
and display wide whirled webbed
and variegated tail feathers
(also known as rectrices) of mine,
cuz in actuality true bats
as quoted verbatim from Google
“lack tail feathers,
but they do sport tails that vary in structure
and can help with classification.

For example, vespertilionids have tails
that run to the end of their uropatagiums,
while molossids and rhinopomatids
have tails that extend beyond the membrane.

These species may use their tails
to feel their way around
when backing into crevices.

Other bats, like emballonurids,
have tails that are shorter
than the membrane and rise above it.

They belong to the order Chiroptera,
which means "hand wing".

Bats have long fingers that form wings,
and a thin membrane called a patagium
that stretches between their finger bones.

This membrane, along
with their many movable joints,
makes bats agile fliers” - end quote.

After aforementioned introduction  
regarding why I proudly pride myself
with rare genetic anomaly
that evokes rumpled stilts skin,
I not only feel analogous to
a mysterious gnome-like character
from the German
fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin,
but also parade mutation
like an out of season mummer,
who originally posted
the following lines
of this poem crafted August 15, 2023.

That unnamed demagogue reincarnate
feels gifted to reign supreme
captivates, glorifies, lauds,
renounces, yawps extreme
views bellows dogmatic fulminations
in an attempt to redeem
supposed stolen 2020 capital one bid
and seal lock, stock and tight as a barrel
the upcoming ⁦election Tuesday,
November fifth, 2024⁩.

Which pseudo/quasi hunter
chomping at the bit (biden his time)
will reap grim statistic, when citizens
hopefully cast their ballots
for the first female and biracial president
in the popular vote 'videre licet' 2024 election)
unbeknownst whether Kamala Harris
the dark horse candidate will accrue
majority votes after
ramping up diplomatic repartee
against mudslinging toward her,

whereby her opponent violently stirs cauldron
proffering toxic brew
powerful blend to spellbind public
elixir ration to parlay a view to unleash
vengeance laced with hate speech
triggering doomsday clock to strike midnight
when nuclear weapons
get loosed out their silos on cue
destroying vast swaths of flora and fauna,
most innocent life forms will pay hefty due

to assuage aggressively cruel, enjoyably
growling goal, and indubitably
kick **** mindset
worse than dengue fever will ensue
a combustible domino effect
fueling global horror –
scenario of webbed, wide world I eschew
analogous to kindling tinder logs smoke
jetting up fireplace flue
witnessing sovereign spookiest

magnum opus – engendering, jump/kick
starting, and transforming much of animal
and plant life into goo,
(especially after special prosecutor
Robert Mueller let go some years back)
far scarier than any macabre production
dreamt up by human
frightful scenario hero
she ma, or nog a saké (paltry in comparison)
will rescue us from deadly debacle,

nor any safe haven such as cool igloo
forsooth thee annihilation will surpass
any prior world war, no one will be spared,
neither gentile nor Jew
which all out total mortal kombat,
and attendant dystopian landscape
laying waste organisms livingsocial
will instantaneously undergo cremation,
despite Georgia grand jury courtesy
indicting former President Donald Trump

that rained down as Stormy Daniels
upon his head and up the kazoo,
where flecks of ashes will spread like Kudzu
rendering world wide web
fetid, offal, and putrid
far more noxious than the common loo
yet even this general description
falls far short to where mew
tinny, sans hardy species
(according to Google search);

such as tardigrade, mummichog, and cockroach
decimating, heaving, leveling, poisoning
nearly every cubic inch of Earth
evincing voluminous vaporization
extant eradication emphatically
nixed, punctuated, and radiated
pulverization eviscerating bowels of mankind,
where nary a survivor, especially foreigner
could weather and withstand
hollowed out no mans land

bereft of sustenance or water
where seeds of life
and white lily when coalescence
of oblate spheroid birthed,
nursed, and weaned new
life especially proto **** sapiens
and subsequent kin grunting
with ah and sheepish ewe where
rambunctious fast tracked primates,
yet inherent within genetic coda,

(perhaps poison ingredient bubbling
within primordial soup - steeped qua pew
tarnation housing crucible-
analogous to planetary size
mortar and pestle) queue
sans predestination, where rue
brick, dogma, and fealty
honoring justice slew
by paws of one cancerous,
fractious and idolatrous Lothario,
who opened Pandora Box

(rigged by bobbies shut tight) thorough
lee rendered civilization a footnote
of cosmological history and universal view
where if one eligible voter
ideally chooses alternate
Democratic, but hands down
Republican candidate will clinch nomination,
witnessing elephants to stampede,
the majority will exhale a collective whew
and allow, enable and provide
no end to speculation about
decimation about me, you
and continuance of the human zoo.
While on the topic
of blood kith and kin,
I relate another
fabricated poem about
blimey bloke of a fisherman.

Courtesy webbed whirled wide net wit
cursing thwarted life,
liberty and pursuit of happiness
if eavesdropper, you would discern
nasality – cause uvula split
holed within mancave unit b44,
a regular run of the mill hermit.

Any resemblance between
said character and living persons
purely (off fish shilly) coincidental
material scoured from dregs
of me muss held head.

I shore up a vignette to free
my ("FAKE") grandfather Hymie,
whose scrunched countenanced
evinced beetle that of browed monkey
he spent his entire life at sea
his thick calloused hands
and ruddy complexion
reinforced non verbal body language
voluminous tomes smoothed
nick holed money

to countless years
(spilling into decades)
exposed to salty spittle nee
where watery terrain spewed
raw elements piscine
art finest artisanal blended, crafted, nein
mean feet resources dredged reluctantly
relinquished by mother nature mean
craftily pared within
each trough and crest

found thee old man
with privateer mean
mien whose skin fiercely weatherbeaten
leathery and lean,
epidermis tanned tough
as rawhide, reptilian, prithee
chafed skin to me
not surprising, since
this mariner born,
bred and near lee

schooled within briny
deep ever since knee
high (or so he claimed truth
to swirling rumor), jovially
pleased that his purportedly
learnin' myth writ tik ne'r included
NEVER settn' foot in formal classroom,
his knowledge icy
anecdotes aced, surpassed,
and trounced that of what he

referred to as grenadier landlubbers
green behind the ears – glee
fully jabbing with his
unsheathed scabbard play flea
actually downplaying any exploits,
that didst educate him, 'ee
got taut learn'n survival skills asper
pre ponder hunt via
eddy fied tests frequently dee
siding a life or death outcome,

yet our Dickensian
mutually bonding friendship
via shared exploits while
he dressed not in tatters,
but self made clothes from cree
chores comfortable furs, and though
a striking appearance cut, ne'r
did this ole codger (fit as a fiddle
with tall slender build),
said middle aged man
appeared quite becoming.

An aura, charisma, dogma
amazingly graced stalwart, gestalt,
deportment aie
found added an air
of charming debonair,
esteeming flair, genteel heir
which tasked guessing years old,
aye presumed him
to exit the uterine lair

at least a few score
tours round oblate sphere
as aspect of youthfulness
played across his eyes
one colored green
like a spring day in the country,
the other jetblue sans burnin'
man four score and seven
pearl jam oyster cult year.
Coincides with astronomy's cross-quarter day,
marking the midpoint between
winter solstice and spring equinox,
which will occur at 5:37 AM on
in Northern Hemisphere
Saturday, March 20.

Small consolation old man winter
spans fewest days
of all four seasons,
especially when massive nor'easter
predicted today January 31st, 2021
including within neck of woods
named Perkiomen Valley Pennsylvania.

Yours truly remembers
when spry Jack (****) Frost
(just yea high -
both arms stretched to sky)
came early, left late and bossed
vernal equinox
rattling barenaked branches
obviously inapropos
to budding friendship.

Now (courtesy global warming/ climate change)
mother nature experiences feeling strange
within valleys and atop many mountain range,
wherein goods traded away on stock exchange.

Fortunate concerning yours truly
versus daring to brave
inclement weather
getting stranded in the process
(possibly becoming gratefully dead)
risking life and limb venturing forth

amidst near whiteout conditions
creating debacle perilous and grave
shoveling snow lest he get buried
he can remain holed up
(in tandem with the missus)
snug as a bug in his mancave.

While nestled inside warm abode for awhile
(at least until temperature upwards doth dial
safely ensconced against elements (of style),
I stopped at metaphoric woods edge
trekking until... for no rhyme nor reason
the poetic metered equivalent,
viz another mile
then stopped for coffee break

burst of energy gave me cause to smile
fording imponderable stream of consciousness
impossible (airy) mission to dodge regarding
aforesaid daunting task to craft worthwhile
poetic endeavor to entertain anonymous readers
gleaning how one bard (with his shaky spear)
evokes fiction being snowbound
as if cast adrift within Siberian exile.

Straightaway I continue writing askew
aware how literary trademark modality
characteristic of Matthew
unwittingly indelibly embedded
analous to mine Caucasian
versus swarthy melanin hue

man automatically confers eligibility granting
innumerable known mighty opportunities
(privileged skin color - how unfair)
bigoted prejudices shade those,
either hashtagged as black, brown
naturally copper toned gentile and/or Jew.
impossible mission to encapsulate notion
flitting hither and yon, to and fro
within cranium attached to mine body,
whereby irrefutable proof prevails
predicated when yours truly
scrutinizes other people visibly aware,
I a modest married male
blessed, gifted, whence  
after Scottish Tartan welcome mat unrolled
allowing, enabling, and providing

yours truly as former Beatle browed
foo fighting afterlife member with
grateful dead Mötley Crüe
subsequently quoted posthumously
far and wide as generic, yet proud mortal
with ability to garner massive
fount of knowledge
accrued throughout mein kampf,
yet wonders how such cumulative learning
jam packed tightly

within sixty plus shades of gray matter)
nonetheless garden variety **** sapien
got genetically cheated,
gypped, stinted, et cetera
concerning diminutive measurement
of his hirsute covered thinker
in other words, a disappointment prevails
regarding smaller than average head size
housing the ways and means
to transport yours truly
upon little feet for a grown man.

mine nippy nap noopy noggin (property
of doodling dandy Yankee) yanked
with unsubstantiated figurative yen
noah wide dee ya - Hawaii or when,
Yukon ask me to Maui,
where, why or how then
thine ark of insight fullness arose,
nevertheless yours truly doth pen
(the above and following words),
regarding... pondering aha moment
linkedin with expanding cranium capacity
reference made to poem title

(observation not applicable;
i.e. denied writer of these words, -
who considers himself clodpoll),
a lyft in main gate
of me consciousness did open
escorting uber snorting
noble... what the f* taurus driving Ford;
aries (actually arise zing)
cheese silly steering toward toreador
eventually ramming esse caped
bull rider capricorn to pisces,
similar to no contest

among mice and men
or torturous quirky physiologically
experimental signature laboratory
rat in a cage
tormented viz black barbed dollops
scientist tapping into her/his scrunched ken
grateful for fee fie foe fum
cussing anti-vivisectionists
which aforestated ruse - stirs analogous
accompaniment with mother clucking hen
chosen poetic themed wordsmith
housed in his mancave den.

this wheely tireless confusion
royally loopy gobbledygook
invisibly emanating gassy gut head
eureka moment (regarding
figurative crash test
dummy awakening) drove home
this aye opening
****** tin, peculiar, pated preserve.

four score minus seventeen years ago bonjour
earthlinked contemplative - bore
ring emotive fella, regarding yours truly
otherwise three score and three
year old mortal cannot pinpoint
if thee essential addle skull
measurement housing fifth, sixth,
seventh... heavenly strung out dimensions
of mine built-in bonafide helmet lesser more
smaller than average heard from a digital thread,
reputable ted talk, electronic
broadband transmitted podcast, et cetera,

these bland words readable material in store
categorized as reasonable rhyming article
of faith conveyed courtesy no coat hangers
devoid graphic erotica for any
journeying, wayfaring ******
peeking thru virtual keyhole
door ration online or elsewhere bred
such as storied pay
periodical, nor can I lay
vouchsafe these myopic gray
brown eyes bore awareness fey
via watching an exposé.

though lack of identifying you
dear anonymous reader, thee
might think bistro, milieu, venue,
et cetera, one comment true
lee can be averred with certainty.

sometime within a small crick
number of years ago, a kick
super ***** crowned cow lick
a phenomenal humongous slick
cranium tried to play cheap trick.

subsequently, this beastie boy
experienced a numb skull syndrome
while linkedin to this zone
seize **** sal lad frosted stone
er flakey state, this acute up pone
hirsute, oblate spheroid hone
betook chrome dome grown.

spongiform territory
noodle could now know
wing lee hone a vaster tract
even a poe Pudd'nhead Wilson
like myself understand ably
venerated woke full perception!

ma mind took laser like focus,
which brought notice, viz
enlargement of sacred brain power,
and hence spurred the above title
once me noggin came
to this hyper awareness frame
(some unknown small game
number of years gone by), name
ming deliberate scrutiny cherished tame
intelligent pod wither ya find me vain.

visual cognition alerted - holy cow
my curiosity how
circumference of ancillary cerebral domain now
impossible mission to scrutinize
anatomical accouterment, which suffered
sucker punch bam plow
wing squarely into twisted
snubbed button nose
(another undersized, albeit
anatomical feature of mine)
wore loosely, wobbly atop shoulders
without doubt mine mean toe
head became larger since taking vow
visual stock (of said) most vital wow
constituent body part. aye aint

got any hard data (hmm... maybe
Cambridge Analytica might know
a tidbit or two) pertaining to this
indisputable cognizance, where
expanding cerebral gray matter
iz concerned. only via circumspection
(more so refined since the recent
forced quantum leap into muddled,
molly coddled, middle age),
this distinct heady revelation
vied to be capitalized, gratified,
and limned into some semblance
of tangential cogency.
Travis Green May 2022
When I peer at him
In my rearview mirror
Suave, tall, and ardent
A peerless pleasure to capture
With my ravishing black eyes

From afar, he is a solid-gold rarity
A divine streamlined limelight
Smooth lucid sweetness
He takes my breath away
He titillates my gayness

Every chunk of his hunkiness
Has me strung out
Hung up on pure untamed smoke
The way he walks
Makes me get lost in
His blisteringly spicy sauce

I could wreck my world
Being in his dazzling
And royal mancave
His swagger game is
Unbelievably relentless

How I wish I could call him over
To where I am
Tell him how much
I dig his debonairness

Ask him if I can save his number
In my cell phone
So I can hit him up
And we can chill for a little while
Perhaps we can go out for a dinner
At a presumably fancy restaurant
And talk about all the things we love

Go back to his crib
Where we lay down
In his soft charming bed
He takes me in his bare muscular arms
Kisses me tenderly on my forehead
I rest my head on his broad, solid chest
We sleep the night away in tranquility

— The End —