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Nikki Pingrey Mar 2016
The ****** poet mainlines inspiration by the gram.
chasing away the gnawing emptiness.
Fill the void with creations formed in pain, molded in your likeness
to keep at bay the loneliness.
The ****** poet and his muse paint the world in inebriated metaphors.
Burnt spoon blackened souls gather on the fringes.
Creating living seas of tortured, tumultuous shadow.
The end comes like an implosion.
Destruction turned inward one last time.
Not a result of action,
but of choices made in moments of self-loathing
when the ******’s muse was nowhere to be found.
She's clearly an addict;
She mainlines through the needle
Of her Sprint Blackberry,
Inserted directly into her brain.
Her texting flows in her arteries like oxygen, using up
Her minutes like the ATP of a crashing sugar high
Onoma May 2018
the goddess opens

her arms...

a Mother's

many givings.

drafting handfuls.

here, here, here--


orthogonal lines.

three dimensional

mainlines to mercy.


love deeper than a

vanishing point.
Olivia Kent Mar 2015
Bad news, just a fake on the take.
Taking gear, smoking ****,
Almost black,never white.
Never right.
Just a fake man, an always on the take man,

Feeding the fire with poison,
Leaving no choices,
Angels with voices.
Mainlines with needles.
Collecting stars, from heaven sent,

Believing all his words were honestly meant.
Trapped,tripped, something slipped.
Her name was Dignity
Tangled tourniquets,

She don't wanna play, okay.
But she will cos he's her thrill.
He's blown her heart up, like a rubber balloon
Silver sliver spoon man.
It burst, it hurts.
***** *******.
Eyelid twitches.
Making messy moments,

Nothing more then memory fodder.
Shot her up the final time, she kissed the stars hello
(c) Livvi
JJ Harris Mar 2015
We live a life of invisible lines
Hierarchies and territories
Boundaries and margins
Precincts, frontiers, mainlines
State lines, guidelines,
Air lines, hair lines, color lines, bottom lines,
frontlines, punchlines

But, come on.

Read between the lines

Each border is not designed to remind us of our limitations
Or to define our state of mind
What’s yours what’s mine

All I know is the song
“my heart is…” um… line?

I am the air
I am the wind that moves seamlessly
Fearlessly across your face, across your race, across your space
Not just because I can but because I cannot stop myself

The only place I belong is everywhere
So get in line
Cross the chasm and engage
Because invisible divisible incipit individuals
Are not the ones you want taking up space

— The End —