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Reuben F May 2022
On a broad ladder
Has madded loveless
Of a love madder,
Of loved madness
As a mad lover,
Overboard matter.
Shivpriya Sep 2022
Sub title- An implicative thin line!

O striving thin line! O hard to bear the feeling!

O tenacious enduring struggle!

Skill the frame of my internal heart with your prudent and apprising conditioning.

The heart wants to learn how many heavy-going, demanding situations and exhaustion are more to cross!

The journeying quest of my heart is beholding a variant of endeavoring for impelling the direction of a fragmentary wanting.

I can feel its maladjusted, related affecting.

It is inexperient. The unsuited anger seems to be a thankful friend of heedless botheration! They inanely meet each other!

The diminutival granules of the dear heart say- I can't be a deal for an opportunist! I feel this is how decisiveness is always disposing of with clarity!

The tenderheartedness knows about an enchanted and delicate space of love. It is constantly dissipating the unexhausted anger!

Come, have a look inside my madded heart!

There is wordlessness and lots of tunes. Both are having a fairish time celebrating each other's heartbreaks, anguishes, and unhappiness!

Yenson Jun 2020
And your penance
is to daily reach into your disturbia
knowing your mark of Cain beyond whitewash
and the force of truth rakes searing flames on your pains
as you rage nursing the stillbirths of your lame acquisitions
inward to outward your beings shuddering in bloodless vacuums
the rogue pack of miscreants chained to hollowing  madded chants
excluded from banquet of lights your tears ring in hollowed chimes
you will always weep after Olympians for courage and grace is never yours
In white sorrow your penance is to daily reach into your disturbia

— The End —