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Vanessa Apr 2015
I looked at you and thought...
"You are the blueprint for the Taj Mahal"
I have torn down every monument just to build you.
I spit love into your mouth every night-
even when you had the flu.
I danced over six crocodiles to meet you on this side.
I buried the monstrous parts of me so you could enjoy the ride.

But then you left me for her.
The monsters crawled up my mattress and invaded my mind every night.
You always left your knife next to the bed,
but you never had courage to pick it up.
Even with my thick skin
I found a way to push the knife right through
So you didn't have to.
-V. Nacho
Brandon Conway Jun 2018
You’re impenetrable my little
Nemean lion
You have cauterized your skin my brittle
Lernaean hydra
Forever I'll chase my crippled
Ceryneian hind
Where ever you lay waste my graceful
Erymanthian boar

Even if you never come clean my *****
Augean stable
No matter how many you eat my hungry
Stymphalian bird
No matter your myth my covetous
Cretan bull
No matter how many you’ve ate my cannibalistic
Mare of Diomedes

Even if blood has to shed my bellicose
Belt of Hippolyta
I built this field for us to grow my starving
Cow of Geryon
I will hold your world up my poisoned
Golden apple of the Hesperides
I will travel to the depths of hell for you my frightening
I don't think this works so well, may need to expand on it.

— The End —