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David Nelson May 2010
Goodbye Mr LePoet

I remember the days, when I made people happy,
coming up with lines, lines sometimes snappy

I remember the days, when I made people laugh,
hurting my back, trying to do a two-and-a-half

words were my friend, they talked to me,
I just wrote them down, so that everyone could see

sometimes funny, sometimes deep in thought,
making people dream, is what I always sought

somehow the words, have deserted my mind,
somewhere my heart, lost its way and cannot find

the will to carry on, when I know I'm causing pain,
these tears falling now, like a hard summer rain

My special Perly friend, who I made feel so so sad,
I broke the heart of the one I loved, the one I loved so bad

the garden will never ever be the same again,
and neither will Mr. LePoet

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Dec 2013
Intense Workout

I try to workout diligently,
at least 3 times a week,
the muscles are tight and strong,
I'm certainly no geek,

I pump the iron, walk the track,
listen to my tunes,
but lately I've been distracted,
watching for ms June

She's quite the lovely lady,
recently moved to this place,
she is French, with sweet accent,
puts smiles on my face,

vous êtes l'homme élégant she says to me,
her eyes sparkle bright,
I have no idea what that means,
so I just smile with delight

sometimes she reaches out,
and touches me on my arm,
de tels forts muscles she says,
and this makes me warm,

I need to study French I guess,
so I won't look the fool,
for all I know, there is a chance,
she is calling me a tool

the thing that's bad about this all,
is I work out way too long,
trying to impress this girl,
make her think I am King Kong,

now my muscles are getting sore,
I'm working way to hard,
if I keep this up much more,
I'll be searching for my doctor's card

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Dec 2013
Saved by the Sunflower

A very strong storm was arriving,
there were large black clouds coming from the east,
strong gusting turbulent winds threatening to snap everything,
severe down pouring of flooding rain,
as if the clouds were crying out in pain,

it did not seem there would be anyway to save the flower garden,
nothing could survive this unannounced exploding of nature,
this seemingly uncontrollable outburst,
something, maybe everything was going to be destroyed,
this day turned in to this night of hell,
the rain, the wind, the flashes of lightning,
this violent death would not be stopped this time,

then a small voice could barely be heard,
at first it was ignored, flicked away like a mosquito,
the voice did not give up though, once again it cried out,
once again it was ignored, brushed aside,
the voice continued gaining strength, it refused to be shut down,

the creator of the storm suddenly took a step back,
looking down to see where this voice was coming from,
it was emanating from this one lone sunflower,
it was the sunflower that had been given the name Perly,

Perly would not, could not be denied as she screamed out,
leave this garden oh evil storm, I will not except the outcome,
the outcome that you predict will never occur, we are fighters,
we will never give in to your senseless urges,
please wake up and hear my plea for sanity,

the storm started to weaken, slowly at first, but continued
gaining momentum loosing it's grip on this act of violence
until finally succumbing to this cry of desperation from
the little sunflower.

Gradually, the wind stopped blowing,
the rain stopped falling,
the sun began peaking thru the clouds.
Perly Sunflower had saved the lives of all the other flowers
in the garden, and the life of gardens caretaker.

A plaque is now erected on this spot proclaiming the
bravery of this little sunflower that would not give in,
would not accept, would not cower away.
The caretaker of the garden professes eternal gratitude
and love for this brave creature of Gods doing.

Thank you Perly sunflower

Gomer LePoet...
an old reposting of a story from several years ago
David Nelson May 2010
Saved by the Sunflower

A very strong storm was arriving,
there were large black clouds coming from the east,
strong gusting turbulent winds threating to snap everything,
severe down poring of flooding rain,
as if the clouds were crying out in pain,
it did not seem there would be anyway to save the flower garden,
nothing could survive this unannounced exploding of nature,
this seemingly uncontrollable outburst,
something, maybe everything was going to be destroyed,
this day turned in to this night of hell,
the rain, the wind, the flashes of lightning,
this violent death would not be stopped this time,
then a small voice could barely be heard,
at first it was ignored, flicked away like a mosquito,
the voice did not give up though, once again it cried out,
once again it was ignored, brushed aside,
the voice continued gaining strength, it refused to be shut down,
the creator of the storm suddenly took a step back,
looking down to see where this voice was coming from,
it was emanating from this one lone sunflower,
it was the sunflower that had been given the name Perly,
Perly would not, could not be denied as she screamed out,
leave this garden oh evil storm, I will not except the outcome,
the outcome that you predict will occur, we are fighters,
we will never give in to your senseless urges,
please wake up and hear my plea for sanity,
the storm started to weaken, slowly at first, but continued
gaining momentum loosing it's grip on this act of violence
until finally secumbing to this cry of desperation from
the little sunflower. Gradually, the wind stopped blowing,
the rain stopped falling, the sun began peaking thru the clouds.
Perly Sunflower had saved the lives of all the other flowers
in the garden, and the life of gardens caretaker.
A plaque is now erected on this spot proclaiming the
bravery of this little sunflower that would not give in,
would not accept, would not cower away.
The caretaker of the garden professes eternal gratitude
and love for this brave creature of Gods doing.
Thank you Perly sunflower
Gomer LePoet..
David Nelson May 2010

Congratulations, take a bow, you have stolen the show
you really had me going there, and now I'm eating crow
I was convinced, you changed your mind, a constant fool am I
you ****** me in, with your magic tongue, every word a lie

Congratulations, take a bow, you have claimed the prize
once again, I failed to see, through your deceit and lies
you told me how much you cared, you're really good at this
turned my back, you gave a shove, into the great abyss

Congratulations, take a bow, you're such a super star
you're number 1, tops on the charts, you've really set the bar
your command, of mystic spells, has climbed right off the charts
you hand to me, my broken heart, in a box of old used parts

Congratulations, take a bow, you've won another crown
is this the end, the final blow, should I dress up like a clown
cause one more time, the joker's wild, I've been the perfect fool
I thought I had, a fighting chance, but you've taken me to school

Congratulations, take a bow, the final act has played,
you cut right through, my hopes and dreams, with your pointed blade
when the program,  lists the players, will my name appear
you said I love you, to my face, now you're no longer here

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson May 2013

Congratulations, take a bow, you have stolen the show
you really had me going there, and now I'm eating crow
I was convinced, you changed your mind, a constant fool am I
you ****** me in, with your magic tongue, every word a lie

Congratulations, take a bow, you have claimed the prize
once again, I failed to see, through your deceit and lies
you told me how much you cared, you're really good at this
turned my back, you gave me a shove, into the great  abyss

Congratulations, take a bow, you're such a super star
you're number 1, tops on the charts, you've really set the bar
your command, of mystic spells, has climbed right off the charts
you hand to me, my broken heart, in a box of old used parts

Congratulations, take a bow, you've won another crown
is this the end, the final blow, should I dress up like a clown
cause one more time, the joker's wild, I've been the perfect fool
I thought I had, a fighting chance, but you've taken me to school

Congratulations, take a bow, the final act has played,
you cut right through, my hopes and dreams, with your pointed blade
when the program,  lists the players, will my name appear
you said I love you, to my face, now you're no longer here

Gomer LePoet...
The art of acting
David Nelson Jun 2010
Perky ******* & Pouty Lips

Now I'm thinking I am, your typical male
who loves beautiful women, and all they entail
tall or short both, make my heart do flips

but the things that I, like for sure
it's alright if, they're somewhat demure
are perky *******, and pouty lips

a personality, is a wonderful thing
it would be cool, if she can dance and sing
don't mind playin poker, and bettin those chips

a sense of humor, with a snorting laugh
always willing, to give you half
umm but I crave perky *******, and pouty lips

I love watching them, when they come and go
swingin those hips, to and fro
make my heart beat do, a couple of skips

but look at those *******, and that **** mouth
causing a disturbance down to the south
god I love perky ******* and pouty lips

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Jan 2015

Congratulations, take a bow, you have stolen the show
you really had me going there, and now I'm eating crow
I was convinced, you changed your mind, a constant fool am I
you ****** me in, with your magic tongue, every word a lie

Congratulations, take a bow, you have claimed the prize
once again, I failed to see, through your deceit and lies
you told me how much you cared, you're really good at this
turned my back, you gave me a shove, into the great  abyss

Congratulations, take a bow, you're such a super star
you're number 1, tops on the charts, you've really set the bar
your command, of mystic spells, has climbed right off the charts
you hand to me, my broken heart, in a box of old used parts

Congratulations, take a bow, you've won another crown
is this the end, the final blow, should I dress up like a clown
cause one more time, the joker's wild, I've been the perfect fool
I thought I had, a fighting chance, but you've taken me to school

Congratulations, take a bow, the final act has played,
you cut right through, my hopes and dreams, with your pointed blade
when the program,  lists the players, will my name appear
you said I love you, to my face, now you're no longer here

Gomer LePoet...
Starting this year off with a repost of 1 of my favorite pieces that I wrote for someone special who has still not left my mind
David Nelson Jun 2013

It is so easy
easy to pretend I do not miss you
easy to remove you from my mind
easy to turn my head when a tear falls
easy to make up a lie
when someone wonders why
where you have gone

it is so easy
easy to tell stories of days gone past
easy to say not everything is destined to last
easy to fake a cough when I choke up inside my head
easy to say I will not cry
as the days and nights go by
where have you gone
it's not that easy

Gomer LePoet ...
David Nelson Jun 2010
Saturn Venus & Mars

If you live in the Northern Hemishpere of this universe,
go out any night this week an hour or so after sunset,
and look at the western sky to catch a planetary triple play
starring Venus, Saturn and Mars. The first thing skywatchers
will see — weather permitting — is the planet Venus,
slightly north of west, in the constellation Gemini.
Look for Gemini's twin first magnitude stars,
Pollux and Castor, just above Venus. As the sky gets darker,
the planet Mars can be spotted to Venus' left as it appears
in the constellation Leo very close to the bright,
first magnitude star Regulus. Further still to the left,
will be Saturn shining in the western part of the constellation Virgo.
The sky map below shows how to spot all three planets.
Venus, Mars and Saturn are all currently appearing,
slightly north of the ecliptic, the path the sun appears to follow
over the year, shown in green in the sky map. This occurance inspired
the poem that follows.

Good morning my love, hope that you slept well,
while you were away my dear, all the night sky fell,
the only stars that remain, are the stars in my eyes,
when I gaze upon your face, the tears my heart cries,
for I can only dream a dream, of you in my world,
and wish that I could kiss, those sweet lips so curled,
I also wish that you, would think of me this way,
holding you in my arms, is my wish each and every day ....

Gomer LePoet...
Unfortunately, the sky map that I have included on the original site where I wrote this, will not load here so this really doesn't make much sense and I am sorry about that. this site needs to change to allow adding - music clips, pics and other objects that I use on my other main site
David Nelson Apr 2013
Spank the Monkey

when you're feelin crossed, alone and mad
and need to do something good and bad
you gotta find something that's really really funky

you gotta go home sweet home
in the back room all alone
it's high time for you to spank the monkey

you can use your left hand
or you can use your right
if careful and gentle
you can do it all **** night

you see the pictures hanging on the wall
you see the thoughts dripping in your mind
you're not just anybody's normal flunky

you have grease in your hair and on your hand
with your magic wand strike up the band
keeping double time to spank the monkey
Gomer LePoet ....
careful there young fella. rappin a thought
David Nelson Jul 2010
Doctor, oh Doctor

doctor, oh doctor, I'm feeling quite sick
have pains everywhere, even in my finger
my tongue is swollen, I can't even lick
my girlfriend replaced me, with a backup singer

doctor, oh doctor, I'm feeling so sore
had all night ***, with this old drunken lady
she tossed me around, even down on the floor
don't remember her name, but I called her Katie

doctor, oh doctor, I'm missing a sock
he took down my pants, and looked at my knee
he noticed that I, was wearing a ****
rubbed his chin, and said now let me see

doctor, oh doctor, I have a bad case of gas
he looked in my ears, and looked up my nose
said not to worry, that this would soon pass
now I am getting, cramps in my toes

doctor, oh doctor, I have this urge to spit
my stomach is growling, think I need to eat
my head is throbbing, my shirt is quite wet
sweat pouring off me, even my feet

doctor, oh doctor, why these bruises and cuts
I'm starting to feel, a swelling in my wrist
yes my lady has again, shown me the door
don't know what I did, to get her so ******

doctor, oh doctor, I'm bouncing off walls
do you see anything, wrong with my heart
is it broken again, is that the problem
or do I just need, to cut a big ****

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Apr 2020

Congratulations, take a bow, you have stolen the show
you really had me going there, and now I'm eating crow
I was convinced, you changed your mind, a constant fool am I
you ****** me in, with your magic tongue, every word a lie

Congratulations, take a bow, you have claimed the prize
once again, I failed to see, through your deceit and lies
you told me how much you cared, you're really good at this
turned my back, you gave me a shove, into the great  abyss

Congratulations, take a bow, you're such a super star
you're number 1, tops on the charts, you've really set the bar
your command, of mystic spells, has climbed right off the charts
you hand to me, my broken heart, in a box of old used parts

Congratulations, take a bow, you've won another crown
is this the end, the final blow, should I dress up like a clown
cause one more time, the joker's wild, I've been the perfect fool
I thought I had, a fighting chance, but you've taken me to school

Congratulations, take a bow, the final act has played,
you cut right through, my hopes and dreams, with your pointed blade
when the program,  lists the players, will my name appear
you said I love you, to my face, now you're no longer here

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Aug 2013
Maid in China

she was my ayi in Shanghai
a diminutive young lady with a beautiful smile
tough as nails though small and shy
everyday she would walk a dusty mile

to cook and clean at my whim
and bathe my tense body of beaded sweat
after working out at the private gym
her mastery of sponge I would never forget

her soft hands and pale skin a visual treat
her dark hair and eyes that glitter like an Asian moon
large Persian towel there to dry my feet
offering me a taste without the use of spoon

she was my maid but more my lover
though her duties she refused to dash
she had pride like no one other
her naked body shown thru undone sash

I sweep her up and take her in my arms
carry her to my bed of silken sheets
for hours I avail myself of her charms
with rice wine and candied sweets

her kisses sweet and always select
the beauty of her warm wet ******
she knew the ways to keep me *****
she was my perfect maid in China

Gomer LePoet....
** Warning - seductive wording **
David Nelson Apr 2010
First Kiss (Manchester to Miami)

Rachel was a 19 year old student who attended the
Royal Northern College of Music, located in Manchester UK.
Manchester was considered the arts, media, higher education
and commerce mecca of north central England. Bordered by the  
Cheshire plain to the south, and the Pennines mountain range
to the north and east. The famous River Mersey ran along the
southern side of Manchester. Rachel was packing for winter
holiday with some of her classmates, to the warm beaches of
Miami Florida, for a week long stay in the sun, far from the
often dreary weather that settled over the UK this time of year.  
Not only was Rachel looking forward to the warm weather and
sunny skies but she was looking forward to meeting up with Daniel.

Daniel was a 40 something musician, beach bartender, handyman,
who lived just outside of Miami. They had met on a poetry website
seven months prior, and had established a warm friendship.
They communicated almost daily threw emails, chat sites
and through poetry exchanges. Their friendship had become
more romantic in the last month or so, talking that silly love talk
that new lovers used, and Rachel finished off every meeting with the
initials AKTY at the end. AKTY stood for angel kisses to you,
as Daniel liked to refer to her as his angel. they both were very
excited about the chance to see each other, face to face.

Rachel knew that the majority of Daniels poetry was slanted
toward the romance side, and she knew from their conversations
that he seemed to be educated, gentle and romantic. She was,
they were, both looking forward to spending an evening together,
holding hands,caressing each other, looking into each others eyes,
and..... that first kiss. Kiss kiss kiss kiss

hard rock guitars, lights and smoke

Kiss, that first kiss, this is what, loves all about    
kiss, your sweet kiss, makes me go crazy, scream and shout
your kiss, that angel kiss, can't live with out it, you drive me mad
one kiss, just one kiss, from your sweet lips, blows my mind real bad

don't know how I got by before you
never want to try it no never again
my darlin angel I adore you,

since I met you you know i've been

crazy, I've gone crazy, just can't get enuff, of you sweet baby
dreaming, got me dreaming, every night baby, I don't mean maybe
every kiss, like your first kiss, sets me ablaze, you know it takes me higher
another kiss, I want another kiss, turn the flames up like a funeral pyre  

don't wanna try to get along without you
never want to try it no never again
my darlin angel I adore you,
since I met you been waiting for that first kiss

Gomer LePoet
David Nelson Sep 2011
Chubby Bellies

just what is the matter with matter that's dark
is it clandestine because it won't show it's face
but it seems to be everywhere that you look
especially if you look deep into space

the energy created is also quite dark
literally tearing gravity apart
I know this is really hard to explain
but won't you please have a look at my chart
if you look here at these many galaxy clusters
gravitational lensing is required to see
when you use the cosmic magnifying glass effect
there is a bulging middle to a large degree

more study is required they call it CLASH
cluster lensing and Supernova survey with Hubble
I gathered this info from space dot com
chubbie bellies creating this bubble

Morpheus aka Gomer LePoet
David Nelson Dec 2013
Renaissance Man

mathematician, painter and poet
a genius of an engineer
I wish I could have met the man
or even better if he were here

I would follow him everywhere
absorbing as much as I could
trying to collect his brilliance in a jar
you know most surely I would

his curiosity and imagination
equaled by few mortals ever known
his feats of undeniable skills
his seeds of desire forever grown

the anatomical research he started
unequaled technological ingenuity
the beautiful Mona Lisa's face
the Last Supper reflects his ASSIDUITY

the creator of simple bobbin winder  
the theory of plate tectonics
solar power and hydrodynamics too
his thoughts on moving robotics

yes he was a marvelous genius
his love of life will live on forever
sharing his unending reaching mind
we can marvel at this man together

Gomer LePoet ....
but of course I am speaking of Leonardo da Vinci
David Nelson Nov 2011
Purple Cow

I've never seen a purple cow
though I have been inside a purple haze
things are different between then and now
when I stumbled around for many dayz

standing in corners watching the crowd
yellow barrels of sunshine enlightened view
Mr Hendrix's Watchtower 90 decibels loud
smiling faces thinking that we really knew  

it seemed so simple peace and love
not very real but I so miss those times
burn the bra olive branch and dove
now I just sit and think up rhymes

Dylan's monotone with catchy words
Gracie had her rabbit of white
he was a friend of mine sang out the Byrds
another hit of fresh air tonite

Vietnam changed things so much
yet still again the money rules
you would have thought we had the touch
but once again we are the fools

so maybe it is time once again
to raise up our voices and show them how
we will not just stand around and grin  
maybe it's time to see that purple cow

Gomer LePoet ....
David Nelson Apr 2013
Dew Diligence

to reap the rewards of a world of magic
and appreciation of earning
the clouds of doubt and pain
must be experienced
the piper must be payed
the fear of life reconciled
with the acceptance of death
leaving no stone unturned
no path untraveled
the mind set free in observation
the binds loosened in anticipation
maintaining your resilience
the tears must fall
your dew diligence

Gomer LePoet..
nothing comes for free - nothing
David Nelson May 2013
The Mafia and the Pope

the Italian mafia wanted to take control
they wanted control of the church and all its wealth
the leader Anthony “The Boss” Gambatti sent his muscle
to secure an audience with the Pope

Johnny “the Eye” and his storm troopers
pushed by the guards
into the Pope's secretary's office
Arch Bishop Spinozza
sprung to his feet to confront the noise
Johnny “the Eye”, he got that name
after he lost his left eye in a knife fight
and replaced it with a glass oversized eye
that always looked straight ahead

a burning cigarette hanging from his lips
he got right in the Bishops face
“The Boss” wants a meeting with his Royalness
“and he wants it now”
the Bishop well aware of his visitors
and there violent ways
backing away from the smoke in his face
told Johnny that he would arrange a meeting
“tomorrow” he said “tomorrow”

Johnny cocked his head
so that his large fake eye was an inch from
the Bishops nose
flicked the ashes from his cigarette
on the shoes of the Bishop
turning to walk away
“tomorrow” he said

Anthony “The Boss”
dressed in his fine 5K Italian silk suit
leather gloves
black silk fedora
accompanied by his entourage'
walked into the Popes office the next day
he sat in a chair in front of the Pope's desk
“What can I do for you Anthony?” asked the Pope
the two had grown up as school mates
and had maintained a relationship
though not close

“Carlos, I think it is time we work out
a financial aggreement with each other”
“being that the church is known for giving,
I think it is time for you to give me some money,
a lot of money”
  “I have many expenses to address”

“to insure that this happens”
I want you to make love to a woman”

“and if I refuse such a horrid task? quizzed the Pope

“I will begin removing all of your Bishops,
one every hour, from all over the world”
”and it won't be pretty” responded Anthony

The Pope, obviously shaken with the proposal
got up from his chair, his face in his hands
paced back and forth for a few minutes

“I will agree to your disgusting request
on three conditions” said the Pope.

“and what are those conditions?” asked Anthony

“1st  this woman must be blind,
so that she cannot see who defiles her body”

“2nd  this woman must be deaf,
so that she cannot hear any hint of who defiles her body”

“and 3rd your holiness?”

“3rd, this woman must have really really *******”

Gomer Lepoet...
based on the comedy of "Cheech" Marin and Tommy "Chong"
David Nelson Apr 2010
Son of a Snitch

My daddy was an informer to the FBI,
got caught selling drugs to this undercover guy,
his only recourse was to tell what he knew,
but people found out and gave him the *****,
they even took it out on me, I'm Mitch,
and rubbed it in my face, call me son-of-a-snitch  

came home from work the other day,
looked for my ******* and my can of starch spray,
magazine was gone could not find it at all,
I said hey, who took my friggin book off the wall,
wife looked at me and with nary a hitch,
she said why you ask me you son-of-a-snitch

went to the super to get me some cheese,
beans and beer and bread if you please,
wanted a streak but the cost was to high,
asked man behind counter I say hey old guy,
why this price so high is this some glitch,
he say don't ask me you son-of-a-snitch

everywhere I go I get the same old crap,
a punch in the gut, a facefull of slap,
just because daddy bought his way out of debt,
this is the kind of treatment I always get,
I plead my case give it my best pitch,
quit that whining you son-of-a-snitch

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Jun 2010
The Persian Chessboard

as the story goes, it happend in Persia
could have been India, or even in China
the King was bored, so he looked for someone wiser  
the Grand Vizier, being the principle advisor

entertain me the King said, challenge my senses
I need something different, I'm tired of burning fences
the Vizier scratched his chin, and stared straight ahead
how about a new game, where you have to use your head

we'll use moving pieces, on black and white squares
the King will be the major piece, the rest nobody cares
capture the opponents King, to make him surrender
be careful of the others, the ones who are pretender

we can call it 'shahmat', or death to the King
and when this death is proclaimed, everybody sing
the final move is checkmate, there will be no place to run
the game sometimes in real life, the loser had no fun

the pawns and the knights, each one fell to the side
eventually then an added piece, the King's special bride
the Queen was entered in, she also had some power
she was just as deadly, cutthroat behind you in the shower

the King was very pleased, he granted Vizier a treasure
he told him, pick your price, anything you pleasure
the Vizier tried to trick the King, he made mistake instead
the game lived on and on, but the Vizier turned up dead

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Jul 2014
2nd Helping

well now I've gone and gorged myself
I've devoured every morsel I could find,
but still I have this empty feeling
have I gone completely out of mind

it seems I just can't get enough
I'm needing more and more each day,
taking in all of your natural gifts
constant searching for another way

you reach out to touch my soul
the fragrance of your sweetness I inhale,
a new boquet of lovely wild flowers
intoxicating like an english ale

so I cannot leave this still empty heart
I must return to the red velvet rope,
back once more for a 2nd helping
where you will fill me again I hope

I think that I might be in a vicious circle
cause I admit I do not want this to ever end,
not only are you this special lover
even more you are this special friend

so when I said before that I was hungry
it is for you that my hunger stays,
I want to bring  you never ending pleasure
so many many times so many many ways

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Mar 2010
Disturbing Behavior

disturbing behavior, is what you'll see from me,
disturbing behavior, is what you'll get from me,
I have only one thing, on this troubled mind,
what next disturbing thing, can this freak show find

obnoxious revealing, of my inner faults and fears,
gentle concealing, of my blow gun darts and spears,
telling you one thing, when I'm meaning something else,
hoping I conceal the truth, releasing my magic spells

cause I am so caught up in me, its all about my wants,
hiding behind my fears, showing artificial fronts

revolting persuasions, is what I try to employ,
persistent evasions, from the truths my ploy,
never giving straight answers, to any questions asked,
have to keep my feelings, yes my fears stay masked    

disturbing behavior, is what I'm all about you see,
disturbing behavior, is what you'll always get from me,
there's just one thing, on this troubled mind,
calculating the next disturbing thing in this hollow mind

cause I am so caught up in me, its all about my wants,
hiding behind my fears, showing artificial fronts

David Nelson aka Gomer Lepoet

New song lyrics, get me to the recording booth quickly
David Nelson Aug 2011

I sit up in bed and rub my blurry eyes
is that you I see coming towards me
no it's just a shadow on the wall
it was nothing more than a mirage

walking down Cypress Avenue I can't believe
there you are across the street looking my way
wait oh no it was someone else completely
it was just another wishful dream I see

buying my groceries for tonites dinner
wait is that you I seen turning the corner
I rush to the end of the aisle to find
it was your memory playing with my mind

I was sitting at the stoplight on Maple Drive
I glanced over at the car in the lane next to me
I can't believe it must be you sitting there
I waved and you frowned it was just a mirage

I see your face in every little thing I do
I just can't get you out of my mind
maybe I should check myself into the ward
I think I still have that doctor's card  
last nite you told me that you would go
to the prom so I bought you a nice corsage
but you weren't really there were you
it was just another dam mirage

Gomer LePoet ....
David Nelson Jul 2013
Eratic Plastic Dysphemistic Euphemisms

the rain in Spain
falls mainly on the plain
while the dome in Rome
is a place to call home
and the gazoot in Beirut
is in cahoot
with the Neo in Reo
and his brother Theo
and Levi in Shanghai
munches blueberry pie
the roast on the coast
has been burnt like the toast
and my frog on the log
barks like a dog
its a pity how gritty
it is in ** Chi Minh City
never challange Mr Wong to play ping pong
in Hong Kong
or smoke a bowl with a mole
in old town Seoul
or the gendarme will storm
the crowd in Pittsburgh

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Jul 2013

anticipated dreams of something new
never came to completion
it just sort of died
right there
in front of me
was it fear
I do not
know for certain
when no explanation
is forthcoming

Gomer LePoet...
confused? so am I !
David Nelson Oct 2013
*** Wee Hunt

he carries his trombone
everywhere he goes
blows with puffy lips
right below his nose
they say that it's the jazz
that makes him strut and prance
whatever you might call it
seems more like a dance
he was born in Ohio
and also played the banjo
even had his own band
and sometimes played a tango
he did the 12th street rag
it made number 1 on the chart
he played until he could no more
he played with his heart

Gomer LePoet ....
jazz player from back in the day
David Nelson May 2013
I Need Your Love

When you're gone I feel lonely,
when you're away I feel blue,
that's because you're my one and only,
I'm so in love with you

C'mon baby sit by the fire,
tell me about the things that you do
you're my one and only desire,
I'm so in love with you

I want your love
now baby,
oooo I need your love

Remember the first time I saw you,
fell on my face like a fool,
hypnotized by your smile,
felt like a kid in school

you graciously pardoned my stumble,
eyes so kind, such a smile,
I was caught and you were humble,
I fell in love with you

I want your love
now baby,
oooo I need your love

Time has treated us kindly,
our love is still going strong,
trust, caring, devotion,
we'll just keep holding on

Gomer LePoet...

check out the musical version of this poem at my music web site
This is a song I wrote and recorded - you can listen to the song at Mizuboo
David Nelson Jul 2013
The Road To Utopia

I made a left at the stop light
when I should have made a right
now I'm left holding the bag
and I'll be strung out here all night

the road is paved with many turns
and you must stay alert
the horrid smell of rubber burns
as you swerve off onto the dirt

not every answer will be correct
sometimes your gut is wrong
someone will steer you off the path
for the cost of a simple song

Utopia is a state of mind
not a place found on a map
to always keep your razor sharp
you need use a barber's strap

to offer yourself for the good
feel pride in the art of giving
Utopia is not a place of dreams
it is where you are living

Gomer LePoet ....
inspired by the duet of Nietzsche and "The Runt"
David Nelson Jun 2013
Purple Cow

I've never seen a purple cow
though I have been inside a purple haze
things are different between then and now
when I stumbled around for many dayz

standing in corners watching the crowd
yellow barrels of sunshine enlightened view
Mr Hendrix's Watchtower 90 decibels loud
smiling faces thinking that we really knew  

it seemed so simple peace and love
not very real but I so miss those times
burn the bra olive branch and dove
now I just sit and think up rhymes

Dylan's monotone with catchy words
Gracie had her rabbit of white
he was a friend of mine sang out the Byrds
another hit of fresh air tonite

Vietnam changed things so much
yet still again the money rules
you would have thought we had the touch
but once again we are the fools

so maybe it is time once again
to raise up our voices and show them how
we will not just stand around and grin  
maybe it's time to see that purple cow

Gomer LePoet ....
wars, drugs and political turmoil. maybe it needs to happen again?
David Nelson Jun 2010
Peanut Butter and Jam

I like peanut butter, I like toast with jam
don't care too much for brocolli on a stick
or a hunk of liver that's really thick
I really like swiss cheese on ham

dont like the spill of oil, don't like it one **** bit
like the smile of small young child with their mother
that is a smile that is like no other
hated wrestling getting my face in the arm pit

loved coping a buzz and hearing music from a live band
loved the feel of my loved ones soft lips on mine
its cool watching old movies about Franenstien
always liked everything I tasted with the Nestles brand

I hate wars and senseless killing it just makes no ******* sense
I don't like it when my jockey shorts ride up my crack
I get jealous of someones fame when I think they are a hack
I look at my final desitination with no false pretense

going to the moon would be such a spiritual thing
meeting my president would be such a special honor
it would be fun playing tennis with Jimmy Connor
how I would love to be on stage with friends and sing

wish I could have met Jesus Christ the man
his mistreatment on any level was way to cruel
if I drink to much I have a tendency to drool
hey remember the Nanny her name was Nan

the Little Rascals were such silly kids,
their Woman Haters Club was such a fake
now how long does it take to bake a cake
too sad when once famous people hit the skids

why does everything taste like chicken fried
will this world recover from the financial woes
will the hopes of all the poor ones in back rows
I thought of death and then I cried

now the words can flow freely for this is who I am
I will never be rich or famous my shoulder I will lend
I will always be here if you are in need of a friend
yes I really really love peanut butter and jam

Gomer Lepoet...
David Nelson Oct 2013
When a man loves a woman

when a man loves a woman
she can do no wrong
at least that's the way
that Percy sings the song

she can make her man feel good
make him feel like a king
when she wraps her arms around him
it makes him want to sing

she is special in the way she walks
a little wiggle in her strut
and of course it really helps
if she has a real nice ****

I'm not saying that's all that counts
because her smile means so much more
specially when he comes home from work
and she meets him at the door

or just when she touches his arm
with her soft and gentle touch
he knows it is the way she says
I love you oh so much

he returns the favors
she is his friend and lover
because he wants the best for her
he hopes it lasts forever

so when a man loves a woman
she can do no wrong
and every night when he says good night
he says it with this song

Gomer LePoet ....
David Nelson May 2013
Caves of Altamira

on the northern coast of Spain
paleolithic drawings can be found
the old stone age of cavemen
in a cave high above the ground

in Mount Vispieres high above the plain
the name Altamira given for high views
that prehistoric man could paint
was such confusing news

it was assumed they were not bright
they had no artistic skills
then came that discovery
high up in those hills  

bison horse deer and boar
painted plainly on the wall
18 thousand years ago
painted oils copied in the museum hall

even the Dan wrote a tune
to praise these artists skills
they were stars before Hollywood
high on those Spanish hills

Gomer Lepoet...
I can close my eyes and feel their presence
David Nelson Apr 2010
****** Off

I'm feeling rather foul today,
so I ask you to ****** off,
it's not pretty when I get this way,
you just need to ****** off,
please don't get in my face I pray,
you need to just ****** off,
my head gets hard and my heart turns to clay,
it's best if you ****** off,
I'm asking you to please stay away,
why can't you just ****** off,
not sure if I'm sad, but certainly not gay,
won't you please just ****** off,
maybe I need a good roll in the hay,
naw, just won't you please ****** off,
just got crap on my shirt, from a flying Blue Jay,
gotta go inside and get that ****** off,
that's the way it's been going for me this whole GD day,
why won't the world just leave, ****** off,
no blue skies here, just cloudy and gray,
is it a sign for me, to just ****** off,
no, tomorrow will change, at least that's what I say,
then you flip me the bird, and yell ****** off,
now I'm back where I was, I'll hide until May,
no one to tell me, hey ****** off,
like my love who has spurned me, turned me away,
she said it was too much, I must ****** off,
maybe worms for lunch, with a glass of OJ,
then I can do my own ****** off

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Sep 2013
My Window

Staring out my window,
sometimes the view is very wide,
sometimes the view is very small,
How can that be, it's the same window?,
sometimes my window is Cinema Vision,
sometimes my window is Tunnel Vision,
and sometimes the blinders offer no vision

how can I be so right, and yet again be so wrong?,
how can I love so deeply, and yet show such little regard?,
my world is so incredibly large,
and yet so infinitesimal,
I cannot believe most of the things I can see,
how am I supposed to believe the things I can't?

I wish I had answers to some of the troubles of the world,
but it seems I have none, nada, zip, clueless,
I consider my self fairly smart, but obviously I'm quite stupid,
is it me or does the world seem to becoming more difficult?
I can't even understand what is going on outside my window,
how in the hell can I help mankind?

Gomer LePoet...
and sometimes the blinders offer no vision ....
David Nelson Aug 2011
Boolean Logic

you say it isn't logical
if it's not black or white
it's either positive or negative
either day or night
can't be 6 of one
half dozen of the other
you know what I mean
know what I'm sayin brother

make up your mind
just give me the truth
don't wrap me in a cord
in a telephone booth
is it “A” or “B”
it's gotta be part of a set
I work with truths
before I place my bet

binary numbers that intersect
ands or nots or or's it can be
part of the superset
the limbs of the tree
true or false
you just gotta decide
algebraic notation
proves if you lied

could you be wrong
could there be areas of gray
in matters of love
it's not just what you say
sometimes it's what's missing
that matters the most
no salty or sweet
like a piece of dry toast    

is science perfect
how the hell would I know
can only go by
the factors that show
but I got this feeling
it's more than neurologic
in matters of the heart
it takes more than boolean logic

Gomer Lepoet
David Nelson Nov 2013
Have I lost my passion

I'm not sure I have an answer
but it just doesn't feel the same
I needed more control of my world
sometimes my actions were just a shame

but it seems my heart is attached
to feel love and to feel pain
now seems just going thru the motions
very little sun and not even any rain

I'm not sure what I now feel
seems I'm somewhere in between
I try reaching a little now and then
but encouragement isn't seen

this feels so different so weird
this was the thought then she touched me
the words so filled me and I knew
the passion was just waiting to be free

I was left with a jump in my step
my heart pounding a quickened beat
I felt her in my arms once again
felt her parting kiss so dam sweet

I seem to have regained regrouped
I can feel the blood flowing with a cause
she is my passion that had drifted some
now I am no longer feeling pause
Gomer LePoet....
David Nelson Apr 2010
What kind of Animal(goes woof,woof)

When we were growing up, I bet all of us had a favorite TV show,
and one of the things these shows for younger kids had I know,
was a song of some sort that would make us laugh and smile,
It was always some silly little ditty, just think back a while,    
you had the Flintstones with their Yabba dabba doo,
Captain Kangaroo and Mr Greenjeans and Mr Clock too,
now I don't know all the shows, or the songs that you sang,
just trying to make you think, make a bell go clang,
my favorite was from the Howdy Doody show,
guess that makes me really old I know,  
they would sing this song about animals, for little tykes, 1st grade,
trying to identify, by the sounds that they made,
like the title of this poem What kind of animal goes, woof woof,
the kids would respond a dog of course, you goof,
and on and on through all of the chickens and ducks,
bet the smile on your face is worth a thousand bucks.

Gomer Lepoet...
David Nelson Aug 2011
Sorry, I've been busy

hey how have you been
haven't talked to you in a while
I've been rather lonely
and I sure do miss your smile

guess you've been laying low
not at your usual spots
oh you did visit the story teller
no words for me but for him lots

not saying you have a thing
just saying I don't appear to rate
I know it's family and things
that's what you say as of late

looked for you all day yesterday
and of course again today
I'd keep talking to myself
but I'm running out of things to say  

don't see a point in hanging around
head hurts from thinking making me dizzy
I would say this to your face but you say
sorry, I've been busy
Gomer LePoet ....
David Nelson May 2013
Haitian Divorce

in the warmth of the tropical sun
sipping zombies by the Caribbean Sea
Samuel and Daisy fell in love
dancing the merengue

they fell into each others arms
an affair to remember for all time
they decided to get married
there just wasn't any other way

the bliss lasted for many weeks
the kisses grew sweeter it seemed
but out of the blue a comment was made
and the sniping got heavier each day

he would shout she would bite
it went on like this every night
until the kisses completely stopped
they had nothing more to say

it was so much more than thought
they decided to end it well
a little trip to the islands once more
hurry now no more delay

they raised their glasses one last time
there would be no remorse
staring out at the churning sea
they celebrated their Haitian Divorce

Gomer Lepoet...
all's well that ends well
David Nelson Oct 2013
Newton's Law

I put it in motion moving in space
the classic mechanics with egg on it's face
it is your basic movement of virtual action
every single cause has a reaction

if you push you get pull in the inverse
back and forth forward then reverse
too many challenges can burn itself out
momentum building creating the doubt

a message was sent could not be retracted
bodies in motion over reacted
gravitational pull increases acceleration
now sitting alone no participation

will the owner of the souls ever return
or am I left out here alone to burn
should have thought sooner before releasing the arrow
she has been injured clipped the wing of the sparrow

now searching for remedies everywhere rootin'
trying to reach Sir Isaac Newton
return the bodies to orbit each other
just like before like sister and brother
Gomer LePoet....

— The End —