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Paul Sands Jun 2015
the air seized it’s chance today screaming
“**** me!”
and every seed burst
obligingly in a torrent of stars and silken hope
yet a mere quarter hence
the deciduous mantle will slip, dowager dry and lentigo browned,
to dance tiny pirouettes with devils of dust & grit
amongst a litter of sepia confetti as summer’s rusted brides fall
their contract fulfilled
In honour of all the cotton fluff filling the air today here’s a older reflection of a previous years event
Whims within whims,
The nation stumbles and breaks
Penetrating her open wounds,
With the debris of the civil war.

Loony vultures and eagles;
Back on the ****** dinning table.
Feasting in flickering fuss;
With their loopy lentigo claws.

For the love of my generation,
And the one after.
For the love of rightness;
And all that it stands for.

To fill the empty spaces
Of our future that will
One day become our past.
I rise!!! I rise!!! I rise!!!

© A. O. Nwulia Literary Diary 2016

— The End —