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John Lopes Oct 2017
The sky descends into horizon

This eve souls pass through the
membrane of ticking time
thin as a needle
kneeded through
ancient quilt sewn by






those colossi greasing universe’s eternal
clock, to that recital played
unseen beyond vision
impalpable to senses
not yet sharpened by ascendance
Hira malik Sep 2019
It’s unexplainable
The deep rooted seed of love
Oh dear
How will I ever tell you
How I spent days and nights
Kneeded in the dough of love
That magnificent love
Revealed upon me
Bits by bits
And drowned me in its gigantic wave forever.....

Oh the Lover of all lovers
Oh the Lord of all lords
How u created this love
Out of the flesh, that a heart is
And mind a skull contains
How u flourished it so intensely
That whoever opts it
Or gets trapped in it
Looses himself , happily,willingly——-
cypress gets to its knees
to pray for breath
without it, breadth is not attained and
age falls away

oxygen becomes important
when rooted trees have not-enough
boscoyos come up from the bosque
as kneeded

how do I breathe for you
you won’t root me in your soul
let me come up from your swampy
depth to fill your need

or mine

c. 2023 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Boscoyo (boos-KEE-yo): cypress knees; SP/Cajun
Bosque (BOSS-kee): a swamp; SP
The way you cry
Over your bread
Recess of people make the time out of selling it by the wheat

The marijuana can **** a bit of pain
I don’t know how, I just never hoped
It would be so soon that it weeded out my mead, kneeded with *******

A dream of little sunshine on your street
I pressed my cheek to you demurred
Joyous that we had divided the new order and found God lurking in the corners of godless streets

— The End —