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samasati Sep 2012
it’s your birthday
but you’re still dead

your brother must miss you
especially today
you’ve shared every birthday
every single one
but you’re not alive anymore

sometimes when I am playing the piano,
I look up to the left and notice your
funeral picture
you’ve got a killer smile
it’s one of the best I’ve seen
I look up and see you smiling
and I suddenly have all of this passion
in my voice and fingertips

happy birthday
Jerry Howarth Feb 2018
Atheism - Flat out denies the existence of a God.
Agnosticism - Claims God is unknown or  cannot be known.
Deism - A belief that God created the world of vegetable life, animal
              life and human life than left all, especially human life, to
             their own devises.
Humanism - A belief in the power of human reasoning apart from
             any Deity.

I quote a friend, now with the Lord, who said, "When one's view point  of God is wrong, generally their viewpoint of life is wrong."
         Lately, all these mass killings  proves my friends
         comments to  be true.The fear of God is not in the
         heart of Crews; if it was he and all the other killers
         would not have gone on a killing rampage.

Romans 3:15- 17 describes Crews and all the others like him as "Having feet swift to shed blood; destruction and misery are in their way; there is no fear of God before their eyes."  

My computer showed a person wearing a T-shirt with this message:
Student: "God, where were you when the mass killing happened in my school?"
God: "Don't you remember? I was banned from being in school."

I recently learned of an Atheist Club, open to Atheist only. You know what, if there is in fact "NO GOD" than why an Atheist Club? But
contrary to the Atheist claim that they do not believe in a god, they actually do, else Who  are they denying? I ask you, my atheist friends, isn't it kind of foolish to  form a club against  someone who doesn't exist in their minds?"

Wouldn't it be really foolish for me to form a club denying the existence of the ten planets simply on the fact that they have never seen them? I'm speaking as an atheist now.

I once worked with a man who claimed atheism as his religion,yet he took God's Name n vain every time something didn't work or he hurt himself. One day I called him on it and ask him-"Hey Rose Bud! if you deny the existence of God, why do you ask Him  to **** every thing  you don't like?" (I do not recall his answer)

Another thing that tattles on atheist that they do in fact believe in God, is what do they cry out when they are suddenly facing death?
"OH GOD  PLEASE SAVE ME!! Or they witness some horrifying
thing? What are the first words that come out of their mouth?
         "Oh my! How horrible!" ? No, You know they don't. They
           normally cry out, "OH MY GOD!"
Well I could write the biggest book the world has ever known proving that there are no true atheist. With these last few words
I paraphrase God's Word from Romans 1:25-32 explaining why their are men, women and young people who "changed the truth of
God into  lie" [claiming to be an Atheist] " not liking to retain God in their knowledge" [i.e.  having no desire to keep God in their conscious] "knowing the judgment of God is death" [i.e everlasting
punishment, suffering in the lake of fire] "never-the-less continue to
reject God [and do their own thing.]  -JH paraphrase from the KJV
                                          > Conclusion<
"Taking the position of being an Atheist is merely  a cover-up for
being rebellious against the authority of God  over  one's life.' -JEH
I realize this is a long prose but I believe the Holy Spirit led me to write it and post it. If it has offended you, feel free to write to me, telling why; or if it has made a difference in your thinking and turned your faith to God, through Jesus Christ, I'd love to hear from you as well.
Matt May 2015
I live in a small town outside of Tampa which used to be a small farming community, and still maintains some of it's small town charm; railroad tracks and farming fields. This being said, we live right off of the main road leading in and out of Tampa, and if we were to take a right onto said road, we would hit a SuperWalmart on the right just a couple miles up.

Around January of this year, I noticed a black military helicopter flying very low, back and forth along the above mentioned road - almost as if they were surveying it. I thought it was strange because it happened several days in a row during the work week and during the same time of day - middle of the afternoon. the flight pattern was the same each day - always on the same side of the road (the Walmart side of the road) with the helicopter making it to just about where the Walmart is before turning around and coming back toward our neighborhood to the the nearest intersection - then back to the Walmart again. This all happened a few months before JH was disclosed, so while I thought it odd, there was nothing to connect the dots to - until now.

Last week as I was driving my child to school and was shocked to see that 2 ****** recognition cameras (one pointing in each direction of traffic) had been erected at each stop light along the main road. These cameras were not there the afternoon before when I picked my child up from school. During the middle of the night, during the time span of about 12 hours, these cameras had been placed all along the main road of our small community, which also runs along a railroad track and leads right up to the Walmart.

4 days ago, there was a black helicopter hovering very low over our neighborhood with a man sitting half outside of the helicopter, his legs hanging outside the door, facing our homes and pointing what appeared to be some sort of scanning device toward the homes in our neighborhood. They were so low and so close that I could have tossed a tennis ball to them and they would have caught it. I noted that this helicopter activity also occurred during the middle of the afternoon, and on a weekday (when most folks are at work and would maybe not notice this type of activity). This continued for almost 10 minutes, rattling my windows and my nerves.

2 days ago a Sheriff's helicopter was hovering over our neighborhood, in the same area, but above the homes instead of in front of them like the helicopter from the previous 'visit'.

Now I'll share what I saw today that makes me feel we have much less time than we thought: This morning my husband and I drove to the feed store to pick up more chicken feed - which is just a few miles up the road past the Walmart I referenced earlier. As we were driving past the Walmart I saw an unmarked beige prison bus with blacked out, bar-covered windows driving up FROM BEHIND THE BACK OF THE WALMART. With all of the talk of Walmart storing up equipment for JH and the FEMA camp round-ups, I felt that his was very noteworthy. Anyone who has seen a correctional institute bus knows that correctional institutes mark their transport buses with the name of the correctional facility they belong to - this was not marked at all.

I don't think it's a coincidence that people all over the country are reporting the same combinations at the same time (military movement - helicopters and vehicles / Walmarts / train tracks / ****** recognition cameras / FEMA prison buses - some, like the one I saw behind a Walmart).

Please everyone - get ready - get right with God. Repent. Pray. Ask God to show you how to be ready and what to do when things unfold.

Your Sister in Christ
Jessica Hughes Dec 2010
Our lips bond together.
On a limb, but I reach out
for the desire to press my
my tongue against yours.
To feel the suction of you,
******* me in ever so close.

I've slightly fallen

We do the tango, twisting
around, turning me upside
down till I feel dizzy.
And juices leak from each
crease of our mouths.
So sweet, my ears heard a
love song that was unsung.

I've slightly fallen

In his seduction , succulent, ******
pleasures which quench my thirst.
I got a Jones. Both of them attracting
at will. The steam from fevered bones.

While my heart and mind plays
the fiddle. Still we sip as he
****** himself gently, palming my
parts as if they were gems in
his hand.

I've slightly fallen

Like a three pierced tongue ring,
our liquids spill over my lips, cheeks
and chin. To taste him I am confident.
For him I flow as his lady in reassurance.

I've slightly fallen

I'm swimming within this man's wine.
But, if I should drown myself
among his deletable kisses;
there is unharmed because
his love is my ocean.

I have slightly fallen into...

By Jessica Hughes aka JH_Poetry
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2016
did you know that the registration plates
for cars, supposedly "elite"
(i.e. someone else said,
to a suppposed adequate mutuality
of shared meaning agreed upon
by me too... well, not really)
17 US
            UUL 1
                               6666 V
are worth £7200, £7500 and
£4500 respectively?
but right on top of the list,
the v.i.p. of them all:
JH 5... fifty-five thousand pounds,
you heard me... that's £55000!
that would buy you a second-hand
car and god knows how many
years of MOT and petrol...
fifty-*******-five thousand pounds
for a registration plate JH 5...
i wonder what a registration
plate 1... or ABC would cost...
sesame street, that's what it seems to be
for me.
Yvette Oct 2014
What if honesty hung in each breath you took? Would you exhale the truth? How twisted are the branches of your heart, never knowing if your coming or going. Lighters spark to hide the shame of the man who was once beheld in the eyes of love. What a terrible sin, to play with the hearts of others...
Jerry Howarth Jan 2018
Grampa G.E. Parson
Had A Yard Sale!
      …..By Jerry Howarth
Yeah he did, he put up is yard for sale.
Every where Grampa looked, people were
selling there yards,
       some were even selling their  garage.
       He didn’t know why people were          selling yards and /or garages,
But he decided to sell his garage too,
       So into town he drove, to buy one of          those big red and black garage                 sale signs.
As he drove into town, he saw another strange sign, at least it was strange to Grampa.

In great big letters on a great big sign board it said FLEA MKT.
“Flea Mkt?” Grampa ask out loud, to no one in particular. “Now why would anyone sell fleas? And how did they collect them, and from where”

Curiosity got the best of Grampa, so he made a turn-around in the middle of the street, to talk to the proprietor of this strange product.

“Yes Sir, How can I help you, Old Timer?”
ask the proprietor.

“I was wondering how do you sell your fleas”
Answered Grampa.

“How do I sell my…..AHA HA HA Sell my fleas! That’s one I’ve never heard before. Sell my fleas aha. How many pounds can you handle?”

“Well,just take your time, look around,
I have just about anything in the world  any one could possibly want…anything that is except for fleas. I just sold out of them yesterday, and have not been able to re-
supply them…AHa Ha!”

Grampa got back into his pickup, muttering to himself ” I don’t know what that young feller kept laughing about…..I must have been missing something. I still don’t know…
Awww G.E. y’ol coot, jis forget it.”

Grampa arrived at the hardware store and ask for a Garage Sale sign. As he was paying for it he just casually ask what the going price might be for a nice well kept two car garage.

Several men were within hearing of the question and started laughing along with  
the store owner.

“You say you have a two car garage? In that case you will need two signs; one for each side or was you only going to sale one side of your garage? AAHA! HA! HA!”

“Hey Dana! That’s a good one!” said one of the men loitering around the store.

“Yeah Man,” said another, you need TWO signs to sell a TWO car garage”  which produced another round of laughter.

All the time Grampa’s German-Irish was slowly inching themselves to the forefront of his head.

But Grampa, walking in the Spirit, with a soft answer (actually reply)kept the peace,
turned around, gave the laughing men a crooked smile and walked to his pickup and drove on home.

Meanwhile Grandma Parson had been exceedingly busy, putting stuff out near
the sidewalk, with a homemade sign that advertised a sidewalk sale, with coffee, lemonade or ice cold water.

Grampa just set in his pickup watching
People walk around the table upon which

Grandpa came flying out of his truck to the lady who picked up Grampa’s First Place
Sales Trophy. He grabbed it out of her hands ad laced ir with his base ball.

Then looking around at other items Grandma had put out to sale; his ball glove,
His spiked all shoes. Looking around more closely Grampa realized that one entire table held all his fishing gear, baseball stuff and other odds  ends of is belongings.

Grampa quietly began picking up everything from the table which displayed his keepsakes, and put them in a large double
Papersack, and put them in a large double paper sack.

And now he understood the terms “yard sale” and “garage sale” but he still wondered why any one would buy fleas.
      Uttatuttut…that’s all folks
                 Jerry Howarth
A friend does not judge
Are around even when they don't want to hear it anymore
Provide a shoulder to cry on when one says they are not going to cry
Encourages you to get yourself together and stand strong

They do not tell you it will get better, hang in there, others have it rougher than you
There is no judgement ever on mistakes you continue to make
If you are getting down trodden they are there to pick you up
When you are being attacked a friend defends your honor

When the chips are down and all you do is cry
That friend doesn't care, but lifting your spirits becomes priority
If they are true they tell you what is so amazing about you
They respect boundaries and offlimit conversations

when you are about to truly mess up
It isn't told to the whole world
You receive a short note telling you to get your head out of your @##
Explaining why they say such a thing

A friend does not take advantage of your feelings
You do not have to worry about gossip because it won't show up
There is always a mass amount of comfort offered
Causing you to feel safe even when your world is imploding

Most of all they ask nothing in return
They give from their heart and soul to help you make it
Trying to teach you new ways to cope and that there is more to life than whatever is bringing you down
When doing all this they never make you feel like you are a charity case

In the end after building you up
They are still there
To lend an ear to your happiness, joyfulness, sadness and pain
Most of all to catch you if you fall

A friend doesn't leave you just because you are better
They are there for the long haul
They are there forever

Written by JH all rights reserved
Written by Jennifer Humphrey all rights reserved
Dedicated to a friend on their Birthday
Dedicated to all of my friends
Joe Hill May 2014
RH I should've listened to you more
JH I should've showed you more respect
AH I should've been kind instead of firing back
CH I should've reached out while you were still around
JW I should've been less competitive and more honest
EM I should've listened more than I lectured
MC I should've taken the chance
EW I should’ve been more open with you
ED I should’ve held on tighter
AW I should’ve given you more credit
EL I should've talked to you more
EG I should've tried harder
SW I should've been a better mentor
MG I’ll take care of you as much as you take care of me
RK I’ll motivate you more
AK I’ll be a more firm guide
JC I’ll try to love you anyway
TU I’ll tell you more how amazing you are
GB I’ll let you know how much I respect you
TC I won’t stop striving
AS I won’t let go
Part six of the "Simple Realizations" series

— The End —