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The sky puts on the darkening blue coat
held for it by a row of ancient trees;
you watch: and the lands grow distant in your sight,
one journeying to heaven, one that falls;

and leave you, not at home in either one,
not quite so still and dark as the darkened houses,
not calling to eternity with the passion of what becomes
a star each night, and rises;

and leave you (inexpressibly to unravel)
your life, with its immensity and fear,
so that, now bounded, now immeasurable,
it is alternately stone in you and star.
Madisen Kuhn May 2013
there is something
inexpressibly beautiful
about the world
          when the sun begins to rise
and fill the dim sky
with soft rays of light
          and only the birds are awake
to sing to you “good morning”
while everyone else
          is curled up in their beds
unaware of the magnificence
they’re missing
          and everything feels so simple
it’s as if six a.m. is an epiphany
that sparks at your fingertips
          and spreads until
you are encompassed entirely
by a feeling of clarity
          there is something
inexpressibly beautiful
about being awake to behold
          the splendor of this world
while everyone else
is still asleep
Ayad Gharbawi Dec 2009



Gradually, we become ever more radical in our burning quest to uproot every conceivable element of the corrupting culture of the oppressors.
  We soon started to call these oppressors 'Pigs', because that is exactly what they were: overweight, bloated, filthy animals who live simply eat and consume all day, and who love to live in their own excrement.
  The Pigs had to be removed, because you cannot negotiate with a pig.
  It was so obvious to me!
  Some people did, indeed, argue that diplomacy and negotiations were the way to achieve our blessed equality-based society, but that was pure idiocy to me; because, for Heaven's sake, a pig will remain a pig and cannot become an 'enlightened' pig! These criminals, who are creating poverty, and who are killing people, because they do not allow them decent health services, must be completely eradicated, or else, ordinary people will continue to suffer.
  One day I heard Tony give a speech in front of a huge audience: "There's no point in cutting the tail of the snake. No, you must go straight for the head, and that's how you **** it!" And there ensued roars and cheers, from the mainly young crowd. "And, if someone is trying to **** you, what do you do? Negotiate? Talk to them? No, you **** them first, that's what you do! That's who the Pigs are, my friends. They are out there killing you, and so many of you tonight are simply not even remotely aware that you are dying slowly – so, you must, first of all wake up, and realize that someone, somewhere, is draining out the blood of your life, and next you must identify the cancer that is killing you. So, who's the cancer?" Tony screamed, and the by now delirious crowds immediately responded with a thunderous and hate-filled, "Pigs! Pigs! Pigs!"
  "The Pigs talk and teach us about 'morality' and 'respect' and 'decency', and other subjects like that. That's laughable now, isn't it?! I mean, the blood stained mass murderer is teaching us etiquette here?!"
  "No! No!" roared back the audience. "**** the pigs! **** the pigs!" they suddenly and somehow instantaneously started to chant. So, I must correct what many people think about Tony, and that is, he 'invented' and popularized that phrase, '**** the pigs". No, he didn't; it was the audience that night who spontaneously came up with that really exciting and vibrant phrase!
  From then on, violence became more common along with the never ending chants – if not screams – of '**** the pigs!' Every day, and all over the country, the movement had flourished, and there were the most refreshing and gloriously destructive riots in almost every major city.

  It was at this time that I first heard a speech from Omar.
We waited for the man to appear, but he seemed nowhere to be found.
  My God, I heard from so many people that he was the most radical in the deepest sense of the word!
  Apparently, he made Tony sound like a child!
  He also had a well disciplined party – unlike Tony.
  Here was a place that I can find the ‘cause of my life’!
  I could work for Omar and that would be the point of my life!
  The thought thrilled me – because I was already a convert to their ideas, but with Omar, there was a real party that was actively fighting the government, whereas Tony and other leaders like him were independent activists, but with no party behind them.
    Then, Omar suddenly appeared.
  He was of medium height, average looks - but it wasn’t long before you noticed his inexpressibly burning, fanatical eyes!
  I was about a few metres from him, and I could feel the sheer intensity of passion and rage within those eyeballs!
  This man must have absolutely the words of truth, for no Man could look like that and be a liar!
And then he gently spoke:
  "**** the pigs, I hear you say. Well, that's not good enough for me. People like that make me yawn. And, I'm bored of yawning every day. We need more. We need to move on faster. I need speed. It's not just '**** the pigs', it's '**** the cops!', because the cops defend the Pigs and attack us every day; '**** the teachers!' because every teacher does nothing except to teach us with pointless information'. And, '**** every human being' who sides or serves the establishment!”.
  Omar’s eyes were literally able to stab right through your heart and soul simply by staring at you!
  I can well imagine that my reader will not believe me and will say it was because I was a convert to Omar’s ideas that I found his eyes to be so abnormally powerful – but, what do you say to all those people who did not like him, and who met him, and yet, they, too, all said that his eyes were profoundly piercing?!
  So, you see, reader, do believe me – it’s not because I was emotionally enthralled by Omar, that I am describing him to you the way I do!
  He had beautifully framed fingers – I don’t know why I noticed that!
  He had a rather longish nose – maybe, that was one defect in his face, but you hardly noticed that, given the other attractions in this man.
  And then he possessed the deepest, most guttural, and yet so sweetly melodic voice, that I had ever heard, and when he spoke, he simply entranced me – not to mention the thousands of others.
  Omar continued, beginning to raise his ragged voice:
“And, so I order you, tonight, and tomorrow, and every day, to fanatically and ruthlessly exterminate every visible sign, agent, artist, writer, philosopher, painter, sculptor, journalist, teacher, professor, lawyer, doctor, surgeon, banker, engineer, everyone who works in the mass media like the television, every film maker, every scientist, and every single employer and employee of the Pigs."
  The audience now simply shrieked the verb, '****! ****! ****!’ while Omar went silent, amidst this wild orchestra of hate being played out.

  I noticed, that unlike Tony, Omar wouldn't gesticulate or move his hands at all.
  Actually, he just stood there, rock solid, like a statue while only eyes and mouth spoke!
  The man, I swear, looked like a 'human rock'!
  He was the absolute epitome of boundless hatred; of unrestrained defiance against the rulers ruling us!
  Yes, I do admit, and I hesitate to say so, but, yes, he almost did like completely maniacal – were it not for his self control and the beauty of his words!
  The audience relaxed.
  Omar waited until there was silence, and he continued:
  "Do you see the difference between what I am saying and what brothers like Tony say? People like Tony demand from us to uproot the pigs. But what Pigs does he, in fact, mean? Who does he mean, when he says 'Pigs'? He means the rich. That's it.”

  Now, Omar abruptly went silent.
  He was staring at us.
  I could feel that the audience felt nervous precisely because Omar was staring at them.
  Finally, he continued:
  “Can you imagine the limits of his intellect?! To Tony and his misguided followers, the solution facing the problem before us is simple enough: you simply wipe out the rich, and suddenly we have the beautiful society!"
  Omar was sneering, being utterly sarcastic in his voice and tone.
  "So is that it, Brother Tony? Is that all we need to do?”
  There, he stopped again, with a sarcastic, wicked smile on his face.
  The man’s body simply had no motion in it!
  I was waiting to see, if Omar would, at some point, move his body or his arms, but so far nothing!
  He continued:
“My goodness, I never knew that the gigantic problem facing us was to be solved in such a simple manner! But, no, you're being fools. Or, maybe you're fooling your selves. Either way, I don't know, and more importantly, I don't care, because, as I told you all out there listening to me,” suddenly, he began to scream with his rasping voice:
  “I'm a serious man, with a serious mission, and above all, I'm a man in a hurry!"
  Again, Omar went suddenly silent.
  I could sense, that he was deliberately teasing the audience, because they were obviously desperate for him to continue speaking, while he, would every so often stop speaking, thus adding to the tension in the atmosphere!
  The audience laughed, loving the biting sarcasm; obviously there were lots of rivalry and jealousies between the two camps, and so Omar's followers just loved to hear the buckets of insults being poured upon the followers of Tony.
  The mocking tone continued:
  "These fools are retarding our own path to victory! These followers of Brother Tony, are doing the dumbest acts that I have ever seen. I mean, what do you mean and what are you trying to achieve, when you have his followers going to restaurants and disrupting the place? I mean, is this what the definition of 'stupidity' is, or what?!"
  The crowd cheered: "Yes! Yes! Idiots!"
  "Listen here Brother Tony; I would like to say, 'it's all right, you're still young and you'll soon grow up'. But I can't say that. You know why?"
  The audience waited as Omar paused.
  He was staring at his audience.
  Suddenly, he erupted with his deafening scream:
  "I can't wait. Didn't I already tell you that? Didn't I tell you I'm a man IN A HURRY AND I'VE GOT TO DO MY WORK! DON'T YOU PEOPLE OUT THERE GET IT?"
  He roared, and the masses applauded furiously.
  "I don't have time, for children like Tony, and for his own little children, to stand in my way, and wait for them to grow up! I don't have the time, because I have an enemy out there, that needs to be completely, ruthless and fanatically exterminated, root and branch, do you now follow me?"
  "Yes! Yes! We follow!" screamed the masses.
  And then, Omar continued:
  "So, we know who Tony defines as the Pigs. What about myself? We must talk the talk of the brave. If you're scared, then get out of here. Why do I say this? Because this struggle requires the most ruthless behaviour on our part, and to be ruthless, you need to be brave, and to be rave means you have no fear."
  It sounded almost as if he were singing.
  Or maybe it was my imagination.

"So, who are the Pigs, you ask me? Simple. The Pig is a man, woman and child who has any Pig Attributes. What do I mean by 'Pig Attributes'? Very simple. Any human, who has in his brain, any idea, concept, believe and acceptance of any value from the rulers who rule us all. And, what are these 'values' that come from our dear rulers? They are ideas and values such as: there are the simple ones, like the belief in the right to profit, belief in the right of property, inheritance and so on. Then, there are the other beliefs, such as, belief in compassion for the rich, or cooperating with the rich or socialising with the rich. You follow?"
  The audience was silent.
  "That means, any human in our sick society, poor or not, who in any way, not only physically interacts with the rulers is a Pig himself, but also any human, poor or not, who has in his heart and mind, any empathy for the rich is a Pig himself, and so therefore, it follows – and I hope you people out there are listening to me – it means, therefore, that a poor human being who has any Pig Attributes, is a Pig himself, just like the rulers themselves. Do you understand?"
  And then he walked out.

  It was so sudden, because I expect a really screaming end from Omar, but to the surprise of everyone, he ended and simply walked out!
  But, I, understood what he meant.
  Basically, he was enlarging the definition of what it meant to be the 'enemy'.
  This struggle was now going to be infinitely more difficult. With Tony, the war was simple enough.
  We were 'right' while anyone belonging to the ruling class was 'evil' and that was it.
  Obviously, no member in the ruling class can deny that he's in the ruling class! They can even change their accents and their clothes, pretending to be poor, but there are computers and archives, such as birth certificates, school records, and it doesn't take long, to find out a person's origins.
  But now what Omar was proposing, that a Pig is any human being who interacts with the ruling class is evil.
  Also, anyone who has any thoughts that have any Pig Attributes (for example, being pro-ruling class), are also evil, and therefore, had to be eliminated.
  In other words, the poor can be Pigs as well.
  I loved that, because, I was never comfortable with most other left leaders, including Tony, who only focused their ire against the rich.
  To them all the poor were ‘blessed’ and ‘sinless’, and I knew, from my own background, that they simply romanticised the poor, probably because they themselves were all rich people who had never lived one day of their lives in poverty.
  With Omar, being impure, or sinful could be anyone in society – and, your background or class didn’t matter.
  That was far more logical to me!

But with joining Omar’s party, came other problems for me.
How were we supposed to ‘find’ a Pig, or an impure person?
  How can we be sure if a person has the Pig Attributes in his mind?
  It seemed ludicrous to me!
  I had doubts because as attractive an orator that Omar was, once you went home and thought about what he actually said, a lot did not make sense.
  I had so many ideas that contradicted what Omar had to say.
  For example, can’t we achieve our goals by peaceful means – rather than choosing the path of violence?
  And if we must use violence, then why don’t we attack military targets and not civilians?
  Wasn’t it wrong to target civilians and civilian places – like factories, farms, and shops?

  There he stood; eyes blazing as ever.
  What makes eyes 'blaze' I wondered.
  They don't actually emit any light, do they?
  So how can one man have such penetrating, piercing eyes that go right to your innermost heart?
  Omar seemed to be made of steel.
  Or, maybe it was all in my imagination, as Sanji would always be telling me.
  It was his personality and also his body language: that stern, stiff way of standing, that seemed to be the epitome of defiance against the evil in the world!
  His whole body seemed to be chiselled from the purest marble; there he stood, this heroic rock, against the tyranny of the storms and the oceans that were crashing on him; and still, there he stood, not only in supreme piety, but also, there he stood, waging a struggle against these very dark forces of evil.
  He will rid our society and our nation from evil, and one day, we shall live in a truly happy country.
  This nation and its sad people, this nation that has so many miserable, poor and unhappy people, will soon be able to live free, happy lives, without the burdens and the shackles imposed on them by the ruling elites.
  He spoke:
"They need to be utterly, and without a shred of human mercy, be exterminated, or else, it is us, who will be exterminated! It is either them or us! We need to cleanse our entire body from these cancerous cockroaches. Don't you people understand? Call it '******', call it 'exterminate', call it 'butchering them' – I do not care; what I do care and what I need in order to breathe uncontaminated, fresh air,  is to surgically and methodically and blindly eliminate the very existence of every Pigs on our land! That is why we have no choice but to fight. The criminals leave us with no choice. If they surrender their corrupting ways agai
Kathy Z May 2013
I used to think that I didn't need anyone.
I used to think that I could be complete, alone.
Trying to shut my eyes to the frozen shards in my heart-
Will I become blind?

But-I was lonely.
I was sad.
I wanted to try, even once-
what it felt like, what love was.

I was always by myself, watching from an overreaching balcony as society passed by.
I swore that I would be complete alone,
But my body refused to accept that fact.

The sunset that I saw was stunning, that's for certain,
but to call it love,
would be a disgrace, wouldn't it?

I've always wanted to tell a special person,
who've I've been gasping for on that painfully cold winter night-
huddled up like that-
"I'll never go back to that cold world again."

And, sometimes, sitting on the window rail,
I wonder.
Is love warm?
Is love bitter?
Is it beautiful-
or is it different for every heart?

let's go exploring.
If it rains, let's play a game."
Such times
were meant to go on forever,

to be honest, I am scared of love.
That frightening concept of brutal heartbreak and
dangerous happiness,
do I deserve such things?

When my heart finally stops beating-
I want to leave,
knowing that I was truly happy.

Until the time I can no longer be myself
I wonder just how many times I can still say "I love you" and not cry.  
So let me be grateful for the fact that I can be here-
Thank you, simply for the fact that I'm alive.

With no one here, will the world wither?
Who is left-
Will they say the world's final confession?

And I wonder,                                       
when I meet the destined person, will I know?                                          
I guess, to make sure, I won't let go of anyone.

I've always wished for spring.
Because I was so afraid of that cold world, covered in white-
I curled up in a tight ball,
huddled against the raging sleet,
I never took a good look at it.
The soft snowflakes falling silently,
The beautiful forest that was as beautiful as a white lily-
If you have a special person to share it with,
I think-
This white world can be inexpressibly beautiful.
Mikaila Jun 2016
I don't know why I love you so much.
That was never the plan.
It isn't safe, to love someone like this
And I always knew it.
But the way your hair curls down your cheeks when you've fallen asleep and it has escaped its pinnings
The way your eyelashes leave shadows down your cheeks
The way your eyes sparkle when you laugh
You hit something so beautiful and painful in my heart.
The way you are,
Everything about the way you are
Just tears me open with love.
When you cry, I long to wrap you in my arms and protect you from every pain you inflict on yourself.
It pulls me toward you, this need to show you with my skin that I belong to you.
Resisting it carves out a huge crater in my chest
As if more and more of me goes to you by the second
But I can't follow it and make myself whole again.
If I do this, if I succeed in these next few weeks,
If you continue to love me
And relearn how to touch me
It will have been the hardest thing I ever did for someone I loved.
If I smile at you and show you how happy you make me
And manage to hide how broken I am,
If I can survive it when you turn away from me in bed,
And pull away from my touches.
I've always said that not reaching for someone I adore
Is an act of unutterable love
And it has never been more true
Because you used to reach back,
You used to crave me like I crave you
Not ***, but closeness, oneness.
I live alone.
I have always lived alone.
And not for a second have I liked it.
I can count on my hands the number of times in my life I've felt at home and whole.
What I am doing for you
Trying to do
By giving you all the choice in this
This is the biggest, most difficult thing I have ever given anyone.
And if at the end I lose you
Make no mistake
I will have nothing. I know it. I fear it.
When I woke up this morning the terror of it took my breath away
Because my body knows.
And it won't be losing you that does it,
It will be these weeks,
These weeks and the strength I don't have, the hang on by your fingernails strength I will have to find
In order to keep my head above water and show you why you love me.
By the end of this
I will have used every failsafe I have,
Every life support, every backup plan
I will be stripped raw and naked inside, armorless and starved,
And if you go I will be more unprepared for the agony of losing you
Than I have ever been for any sort of pain.
It is my life I'm giving you, right now,
And it's impossible for you to understand unless you've felt this looming shadow that I live with
But I'm giving you
Every bit of energy I always save to keep myself alive when I am swallowed by the dark.
And I am... so afraid. So inexpressibly, mesmerizing afraid.
I am facing my absolute worst fear every second for all this time,
And it's important that I say that.
Because I've never done it for anyone.
I've never been able to.
And maybe sometimes I'll crack, and you'll see tears, and I'll reach for you.
But I swear to god I'd be less afraid to jump after you off a bridge than to do what I'm doing now.
In ways I would rather die, because it wouldn't take so long with so much fear.
And I have to say this, I have to, because whichever way this turns out
This tops every act of love I have ever done before
And every risk I have ever taken
And every fear I have ever faced.
You are more important to me than I could ever express,
And I love you enough to give you my life,
In every horrible, beautiful sense of the word.
Julius Dec 2012
Some will go forth, strive
Head uplifted, out of the sand
Eyes trained ahead, but yet prepared
And into each new situation, dive
Some stop and turn, ponder
Watch while others stream ahead in vain
Though yet towards the same eternal end
From the path inexorable, they wander
What blind eye perceives each stride?
Some trust love, some fancy, god's way
Inexpressibly pushed, driven by fear of woe
All established, they just ride the tide
If paths cross, some may stop smart
Absorb our stories, listen and tell true
But from what fabricated want of expression
Do we recount, renew, create art?
This tide relentless, firm, bequeath
Unto our spawn, who'll head forth
By our guide, as we once were, till
Reach a forest dark, wherein we find beneath
All our aspects
Lost, alone, as one
Janet Aitch Apr 2017
Sweet this morning
Alarm off-key
Joins in
Jeffrey Nov 2020
We are the poets

The lovers, the fighters,
searching for truth, gasping for air
Tearing down walls, dancing through sorrow
Working our way through collective pain while standing on the edge of the cold hard mouth of the world

We are the dreamers

Pen in hand, heart on sleeve
Laying ourselves bare, tattooed with words
hearts beating in iambic pentameter;
wounds bleeding ink
Almost broken, nearly ****** yet driven by the indefatigable resilience to heal, syllable by syllable

We are the brave

Shining light in our darkest rooms
Stories of our catastrophic follies
Revealing in verse our deepest secrets, our greatest fears
Standing naked and wet on ice-cold tile in front of an unforgiving mirror yet unwilling to break the stare

We are misunderstood

Hopeless romantics in broken-hearted clothing
Teary eyed but vision clear
Laughing together, crying alone
Gnashing our teeth but holding steady our hand on the rudder, gently guiding the soul of the world

We are the witness and the witnessed

When the story of the world has been told
And the sun has set
a record of all that we have written will be discovered
And in that sacred text, the story of just how inexpressibly beautiful every single moment of our lives have been

We are the poets - never. stop.
with love for you all
Dani haruna Jan 2021
My love for you is ramping,
The wisps in my ears getting loud and are distracting the attention I'm investing in us.
the grips in my heart's getting worn
And it's contracting the intentions that brought about my trust and I'm toast, my words, failing to falsify the doubts hoarded in your thoughts
I should put myself back to the post, where your feelings  towards me recognizes most.
Cuz I'll love to swim with you in this ocean of emotions, sock in the deep, again and always and not drawn. discovering from the place of deep, the treasures within.
I'll love to sit with you in the fields, right before our minds the image of products we can yield Vastly beautiful beyond what a single mind could ever dream.
And the sounds of the wind hovering from unknown place whereat it's blown
Lost in your presence, immensely renewed mind, body and soul.
In essence,
I'll love to love you just like it started, with the strength of a thousand stallions no one could compress.
But gosh I'm inexpressibly stressed-up
#lovesick #changing_value
Need some time alone #notaloner
Travis Green Oct 2022
Your taut corking glory
Has me impossibly sauced
Tattooed pumped-up chest
Monster bang-up biceps
Radiant champion abs
Pythonic out-of-sight thighs

Wonderfully heavenly-worthy legs
Mandorable and top-scoring gorgeousness
Astonishing macho charm
Blazing hot heavyweight hardness
Overmastering crackerjack rarity
Your debonairness is beyond compare

Your sexually appealing voice
Allures my rainbow realm
Your masterly crashing passion
Leads me deep into pure
And perpetual paradise
How you revv up
Your illuminating amorous flex

High-spirited immortal **** boy
So lustfully destructive
So massively muscled
Glowing gropeable dopeness
I can’t resist your immeasurably
Hairy and superb immersiveness

The way you slowly stroke
Your rigidly delicious and man-size pipe
Get all into it, moans rising, lickable lips shining
Maximum magical highs in full effect
Such a defiantly dreamy heavy-hitter
Your brilliantly dazzling expressions

Give me a heady ****** buzz
Rude, metallic smash
You are so perfectly proportioned
A sick sticky treat
Endless sizzling hotness
A blooming youthful beauty

Your gorgeous oiled-up buns get to me
Your smooth ***** hair enraptures me
I crave to create ardent far-out dreams
With your awesome, all-conquering sauce
And as I gawp at you fondling your pocket rocket
Confident dominant prodigy

Your fire hot flex is so mind-blowingly cold
So inexpressibly delectable and edible
You are a newfound crowning world for me to explore
To glory in the more you stroke your yummy yo-yo
Flex so ******* hard as you blast
Splashy staggering spectacularness everywhere
Travis Green Aug 2022
I drift into his surpassingly awe-inspiring
And blithe landscape emanating with idyllic
And tranquil delight, immensely bold and showy sights
Butterscotch hypnotic machoness, magical molasses beard

Glowing toast brown eyes, inexpressibly delectable
And tattooed coolness, hauntingly ardent pulchritude
That crashes through my thunderstruck structure
With such explosive lightning bolts

Make my soul jolt, engrossed in his hard-hitting flow
Flaming hot mantastic lover boy
His absorbing gorgeousness has me hyperactive
Basking in his matchless splashy finesse

His desirable driving rhymes overcrowded in my brain
Fearless piercing hotness, ******, arousing pleasures
High-powered muscle-bound kryptonite
Oh-so exhilarating in my face
His wild striking taste greatly enamors me
Travis Green Feb 2023
I wanna settle down
In his powerful, towering mantuary
Serve his flashy spectacular rareness
Comply with his wicked system
Of erotically red-hot laws

Marvel at his blossoming
And eye-popping body
How his slick, brick-solid pecs steal the show
My dramatic jacked lad
I wanna grove on his smoothness

Let my hands peruse the sensual surface
Of his bold noteworthy abs
Stroke his raw, macho backside
Taste his sweet tight manhole
Massage his jaw-droppingly enthralling walls
With my long, skilled fingers

Drown in his bright, appetizing delights
Devour his warm, mesmerizing insides
Listen to his wild enticing moans
The more I conquer his tightness
Spread his *** cheeks

Open him up more and more
Take my time to tantalize
His dreamy manly entrance
Romance him to perfection
Undress his submerged mind

Make relentless supreme love
To his remarkably overarching machoness
Smoke his emotions
Travel deep into his luridly alluring forest
Of marvelous, mysterious magicalness

Worship his eatable irresistible treats
Make it my top priority to seize
And please his creamy concealed secrets
Make him grit his teeth and bear it
Slobber all over it, lick it like scrumptious whipped cream

Inhale his sagacious salacious captivatingness
Sniff his smooth, fragrant hairs
Drive him highly insane
Keep him occupied
With my fiery spellbinding action

Bite into his tight muscular ***
Allow him to feel my formidable translucent teeth
Freak his completeness
Sign my name all over his splendidly stupendous backend
Spend minutes without end sinking into him

Meander into the freshalicious
Headline-worthy elements
Of his substantially enamoring manfulness
Keep on eating his yummy youthful *****
Demolish his saucy kissable hotness

So sweet and deliciously intriguing
I wanna be ***** deep in his hyper-hot hypnotizing heat
Solace his top-notch **** socket
**** his long, super strong pipe from behind
Lather it with my astonishingly hot spit

******* it, charm his dope dome
Render him thunderstruck
So lovestruck and sauced up
Envelop him in my heavenly luscious seductiveness
Make him melt with my every supple, mellow touch

Make him high while my mouth
Collides with his divine dynamite crown
****** ******* into his slipperiness
That sends shivers everywhere
On his radtastically flabbergasting architecture

Let my tongue run up and down
His velvet monolithic pump handle
Get him in the groove with my gayness
Allow my flaming fire-red passion
Course through his core

Whisper soft words in his ear
Kiss him immensely
Bewitch him, eclipse him, feel him deeply
Be his unbelievably exotic speed
****** his soul with my savage *****

Send him to the moon and back
With my banging head game
Suffuse him with my inexpressibly keen and tempting spice
Cause him to have a mind-boggling eruption
Of honeyed hot ***** as I digest every drop of it
Travis Green Jan 2023
I wanna be your flaming fairy queen
Your dazzlingly impassioned
And most matchless spectacularness
Eminent and graceful feminineness
Invaluable, adorable hotness
Sole, bright delight
Greatest glorious sweetness

I wanna be locked in your all-powerful ardent arms
Lay on your resplendently dreamy chest
Such vivid, thrilling thoughts
That invade my mind’s frame
The more I take great delight
In your sumptuous supple seductiveness

Let me embrace your lush, dynamic nature
Your utter stupendous dreaminess
Queerly romantic enchantment
Ponderously hypnotic and rock-solid sturdy man
I yield to your unequivocal ideal slickness
I wish for you to consume me
Like smoky, slow-cooked baby back ribs
Like the finest finger-lickin’ barbecue chicken

You are so direct, fearless, and energetic
Inexpressibly amorous and dangerous
The hottest suavest sauce king
That makes my liveliness swing
That makes me have a fondness
For your legendary and impossible astonishingness
Travis Green May 2022
This is not cool for me
To behave this way
Over these vastly potent
And hypnotic men
Undoubtedly wild
And striking studs
Essential irresistible spectacles
Rich ineffable prodigies
Radiant artistic rarities

I can’t shake these sensations
Streaming in my inner space
I continue to attempt
To resist the temptation
To create sensual mind-bending poetry
About indisputably smooth men
But every time I think I am finished
I find myself back
In their magical ravishing mancave
Unfathomable passion
Rushing through my veins
A sweet, southern, and soft swan

I presume that is why most straight guys
Choose not to fraternize with me
Perhaps in the back of their mind
There is that one convincing thought
That I could fall for anyone of them
Want more than just a friendship

To feel beneath their wild spicy skin
The fresh and luscious secrets
Traversing in their treasure trove
The ever-growing glow
In their minds, bodies, and souls

What can I say but say that
Their straightness fixates me
Their soothing, youthful nature
Their inexpressibly aromatic
And earthy spectacularness
What can I say but say that
I am a fabulous flamboyant man

I adore all heavy-duty and heavenly men
Unforgettable, astonishing, and indescribable
I can’t explain it, but I am here
In this world of my own
In my headspace, steady dwelling
Again and again on these hot boys

I can’t break away from the gay world
I love how I shine like a bright
And glorious rainbow
Like a delicately scented flower
With a warm, mellow voice
Utterly boy crazy
Spending my days and nights
Stranded in contagious enamoring fantasies
Brimming with distinctively dreamy, dynamic, and
Handsome men that get me carried away
Travis Green Sep 2022
Undying, unchanging game-changer
You are the baddest passionate flame
That entices and surprises my mind
Makes me hella breathless
So extra soft on your firm and deathless flex
Great, unshakable, and intoxicating captivation
Entirely heroic and divine, fervent and protective

Inexpressibly delectable and freshalicious arrestingness
Worshipful, chivalrous prodigiousness
The fondest and hottest charm
My heart beats in synchronicity with yours
In a deep, dreamy rhythm
Feeling your heavenly and heavily hot sauce all over me

You take me to a sexually stellar
And gratifying ****** the more I bask
In your sizzling sweet dreams
Feel your soft, solacing teasers
On my jazzy bouncy castles
My rigid, quivering tips
Romance me infinitely
Disassemble my gleaming perfumed expanse
Devour my enchantingness
With my bright fiery spice

Caress me in the wild electric blue night
Peer at me with your elegant southern blue eyes
Your marvelously clear, taut, and olive machoness all over me
So impeccably beckoning and compelling
You are a majestic and velvet pleasure
So aggressive and expressive
You put on the arm on my heartland

Take over my entireness
Feel inside my innerness, touch and tantalize
The favorite, fascinating places of my foundation
Take my gayness by storm
Make me flourish immortally
In your luxurious and royal mantuary
Travis Green Oct 2022
Mysteriously mighty and high-powered Prince
The greatest and most compelling impeccableness
That takes my breath away, makes me salivate
For your aggressive, pervasive power
****** ***** muscleman, so unconquerably
Creative and superhuman, I sweat for your prepossessing flex

Your desirable star power captures my imagination
Inexpressibly quintessential poeticness
You are an astonishingly enthralling wonderland
Fraught with holiday enchantment
Scrumptious and satisfying sugar and spice
My secret sweet treat, sinfully silky specialty

I hanker for you to take me down
Let me pound down your punchiness
Like succulent peanut butter crunch
Like caramel pecan sticky buns
Sink my shiny biters into your vividly velvet neck
Take note of your dopeness

Emblazon your heart and soul
With creatively mind-blowing and inspirational art
Ardently charged and evocative sauce
Slithering down my throat
Noticeably glowing Romeo
So ferocious as a staggering pump-action shotgun

Lit and slick rhythmicity
When you move and groove
To the bright blossom-filled beats
That play in your inner space
You make me wanna strip
And become lost in your intensely fragrant and licentious continent
Of eye-catching and heavy-blooming pleasures
Travis Green Nov 2022
I want your smooth, fluid beauty
All over my stellar shimmering femininity
Feel your enchanting hands
Brand your handsomeness
On my unbelievably succulent and stunning cans

Slide deep into my submerged mind
Embrace my remarkable, palpable creativity
My innovative, breathtaking gayness
******* loving luscious lips
Feel my bare velvet face

Let me soothe your broad, masculine chest
Your fascinatingly awe-inspiring abs
Urge my world to be immersed in your noteworthiness
Shock my softness, enthrall my thoughts
Make my inner space come off in layers

Peel off my silken sparkling threads
Golden dazzling Daddy, I dwell on your inexpressibly
Angelic and unparalleled dreaminess
More than ever, rich and picturesque
Macho gaudy super hottie

Hide me in your high-grade exhilarating man cave
Where your wicked winsome wonderment
Boggles my mind, body, and soul
Leave me sexually aroused
Hankering for more of your indescribably
Glossy and gorgeous drawing power
Travis Green Feb 2022
I want to be in between the vast immaculate valleys
Of his thighs, ****** into his tightness with my thickness
Tune in to his sensual sounds as I slap his lean, shimmering ***
Move my hands up and down his broad, chocolate back
Kiss your sweet, toned shoulders, nuzzle your head with my nose
Hit you with the slow and deep stroke, make you float
Let me swim in your splashy passionate oceans
Bask in your masculineness, hot saucy marvel

Bright sweet exquisiteness, enchanting melanin king
Being inside him feels so sensational, so enlivening
Look him in his caramel brown eyes, kiss him with passion
Let my inexpressibly pure love seep through your bones
Tease your bare, broad chest with my tongue
Babe, you don’t know what you do to me
Your wetness clenches on my stiffness
I am utterly mesmerized by your flex
Lost in your deliciously earthy smell
Yellow mellow glistening skin
Drenched with perspiration

Boy, I wanna flood your nation
With my rainstorm of seduction
Load you up with my gay exhilarating love
Allow you to blossom like a bright beauteous butterfly
Take all of my marvelously long and wild pipe
Let me enrapture your splashiness
Smash and grab your treasure chest
Unravel your pleasurable celestial city
I am so thick with lust for you
You set me afire with your dangerously profound passion
You are vibrant, mantastic, majestic, and a sun-kissed starry star
Let me claim your mancave
Surrender your charmingness to me
Travis Green May 2022
You are a soothing, sensual sensation
A visually sleek, breezy, and ecstatic elegance
Slim, silky, ****, and sinewy
A refined, brilliant, and incomparable marvel

I yearn to traverse your pathway to pristine adventures
Bask in your distinctly incandescent heavenliness
Your magicalness is an extraordinary enrapturing masterpiece
Your deep and dreamy eyes are an entrance to myriad attractions

Your venerable, impressive, and awe-inspiring splendor
Is a sheer, sublime, and thrilling composition extravagant with bliss
An immensely resplendent distinction of sensuality
Let me indulge in your ardent symphonic hotness

Take in your nakedness and tenderness
Your inexpressibly rich, joyful, and luscious scent
Stream into your tantalizingly fresh and earthy enchantment
Let me navigate through your quaint, compelling nature

Whisper sweet, luxurious, and romantic melodies to me
Hold me passionately like an exquisite electric guitar
Feel the immaculate satin smoothness of my physique
Carry me into a world of eternally intriguing and smoking seduction

— The End —