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Dream out Loud May 2015
Have u ever just watched the sparkle of curiosity in a childs eye?
Watched the impules inside of them jump with excitement.
Children are so innocent and pure.
If u ever think that the world is fine just the way it is ....
watch that innocent spark of fire turn into a barely breathing shell of a human.
The world that we thought could protect the children is destroying every single stread of humanity inside of them
It's ok to be unique but not too unique
It's ok to love anyone with the EXCEPTION of the same ***
Choose the white barbie doll not the black one (even though it is funny how they are the cheapest out of the two)
Its ok for you to bake but no playing outside in the dirt with the boys
You can tell me anything as long as it's not too serious.

You see?
We expect them to just be themselves but only with terms, conditons and rules
This is why we are scared to be ourselves with anyone
and anyone who sees our heart maybe just a little has already gotten too close
We throw fake smiles on like we have been doing this our whole lives.
As we grew up we learned that the mantra of being unique is a ginormaous lieeee.
The same world that told us to fly is burning and weighing down our wings.
Wendy Buckley Mar 2019
I died inside when you said "I don't know".
I thought..."Really?"
"How can this be?"
Wasn't it your toung that helped you to
form the words that came from
The mouth attached to your face.
A face on your head, that has 2 eyes to see,
And 2 ears that hear,
And a mind that works so fast.
With millions of electrical impules,
Racing around at the speed of light
To form ideas and thoughts and emotions?
Yet out of all of a million possible things
That you could have done or said,
You CHOSE the one thing that
You knew would hurt me the most.
As my eyes filled with tears,
And my world collapsed.
I asked you "Why?"
And all you can say is
"I don't know".

— The End —