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the coopers family, the case of torette syndrome

michelle met young rudy rometon, who was really hard to look after, every time micheele turned her

back rudy will hold a plastic knife toward another patient of the psych ward, because she is really

psychotic, and michelle couldn’t handle her on her own, so she asked sally to help her, and sally

said, yeah, because if we have to help this girl get help we can’t push her away, but the only

problem with rudy is, she feeds the staff with these ridiculous jellyfish lies, that she was kidnapped

by the mafia, and her father was the head honcho and michelle then said, i read about the mafia

and your dad isn’t one, but rudy would get really aggressive on the psych ward medical staff, and

sally took rudy into the room to let her have a yelling match and she yelled out




FULLY EQUIPPED, and sally stopped her by saying, with being famous and rudy said, LET ME FUCKEN SPEAK

sally was distraught and felt threatened as she tried to listen, YEAH, SHUT UP, THAT STUPID TWO FACED MOLE



WITH MY FUCKEN PROBLEMS IN MY BRAIN, from that moment, sally took rudy in for a brainscan, to see if there

is any sign of mental illness, and rudy didn’t want the brain scan, only because she was too defensives when someone says

she is a mental head and then as david was entering to check on rudy, rudy got her plastic knife, and threatened david, if

she wasn’t allowed to go, david, wasn’t in the losing mood and tripped rudy up and locked her in the solitary cell, saying

i bet you prefer to be here, rather than the streets, cause your mum wants time, cause she can’t except you at the moment

rudy yelled blue ******, saying WHY DON’T YOU FIND A FUCKEN WAY TO GET ME OUT OF THIS DUMP, and david said

if you want tp be free, you must behave yourself, because at present you are menace, menace i tell ya, and meanwhile

at the coopers family clinic john prendth was dealing with a patient who has bulimia, and she was skinny, and this made john

want to get a referral for her to go to a food abnormalities centre, where they only monitor you what you eat, well john was having

problems with her conversation patterns, from positive and negative positive and negative, which made john think there is a little

bit of mental illness, but her brain scan showed nothing, but to be on the safe side, john took a picture of the brain, just to make sure

that there isn’t anything small, and instead of being with sue and frank at dinner, he spent 4 hours looking for abnormalities from the

scan, which shows nothing, and then john noticed a tumor growing, at present it is alright, but it looks like those kind of tumors that

could do more harm if not removed early, so the next day, as david brought the morning medications for rudy and also the breakfasts

for the impatients of the psych ward, john phoned her bellmic patient to come and discuss her results and she vomited in her toilet every

hour on the hour, she was cranky, and finding out she has a tumor, made her more furious, and she said, i want that tumor out of fucken me

right now, while sally was given new words but same guidelines, that her mum is a two faced marta ****, and sally said, here take these ******

because you need to calm down, because, what you are doing is not right, these inpatients are sick, they don’t want some bratty teenager like you

putting plastic knives to their arms and then martin came out and said, why you young ****, get off ya ****, and into work, mind you, sally spent all day

with rudy, because at 3 in the afternoon she was diagnosed with torette syndrome and rudy yelled every swear word under the sun

and the staff said, yeah, you are swearing and you get ticks, david said that you have terretz, ok, rudy yelled and went into her room while the

nurses got the medication, and decided on clonidine, 2 tablets at night and one dexedine in the morning, but david still wanted to monitor rudy

here in his psych ward, cause she has a violent temper, and at the end of that day david, ron and john and sue went to sing leonard cohen’s

halleuiah, in a very awful voice, plus david and jean and jack were telling jokes of their past, while rudy and john’s bulimic patient with a tumor

were understanding, but rudy hit michele and sally a few times, but all in a days work

the end
Aaron Case Aug 2011
We are the fleshy pit of a wooden fruit that remains lodged
inside the esophagus of a nameless office building,
too historic for corporate enzymes to break down,
too fibrous for second grade impatients to digest.

Pass me your torch—I’m getting blackened today.

Remember when we took our undressed crayons
and grazed them across white paper
over the embossed plaque outside
and the story of this place
spelled out before our very eyes?
And our very eyes, how they widened.
Yes, you do.
Yours was red, and mine was blue.

Remember when you spelled SALSA wrong at the spelling bee,
and the whole cafetorium began to hiss and judge
as the judge bellowed the L-est L ever to be L-ed,
and your ankles were too rusted from embarrassment to get away,
and away you went,
and I called you Mr. Sasla for weeks?
Of course you do.
You were ten, and I was, too.

How after that we ran away like bandits to this place on South Main,
and we picked and we plucked at the locks,
and scratched away at the ashy continents on the walls,
etching oaken paintings of our names married to profanities
even though we didn’t know the meanings
that made them so profane?
I know you do.
You wrote ****—I wrote *******.

And that time when you tried to kiss me
in the corner by the condemned yellow jacket nests
that sagged like hard candy on the splintered walls,
but your empty lips tumbled into the tentacles of a cobweb,
and the moment snuck away
with the stagnant smell of mesquite and adolescence?
Ha! Look at you!
You were laughing—I was, too.

And remember when you got your braces off
and I just about cried because I hadn’t seen your teeth
in days—in weeks?—in months?—in years?—
and through the snaggled gate of your cuspid
and incisor that no amount of metal would ever fix,
the medicated steam slipped, and spilled like milk?
That was last June.
We sat right here, where were you?

And that night when the fugue of sirens tugged at our ears
and we frantically clogged the seams
where the light seeped through with our socks
and our shirts, try try trying to keep the haze from sneaking out—
only to find it wasn’t us they were after, it was the
bank robber next door—and we swore to never come here again?
Our faces changed, too.
Yours was red, and mine was blue.

Yet, our torch melts to ash, and we become blazed as one.

We are here, reclined against rusty limestone as smoke
forms above our skulls like question marks, as red rivers
meander closer to our pupils, as the taste of our memory becomes
too salty to swallow, yet too sweet not to taste just one more time.
Clairvoyant vision and elegant rythym
Perfect expression and she saw within him
She was powerful, she was undeplorable
Loosing her, made writing unlegible

Heterocromic brown eyes
Draws regret to his lies
Her voice can change the tide
and incinerate your soul inside

He was derranged, blind, and in pain
Thus he inflicted so much of the same
He could not forgive his serious miststakes
Unable to change, he turned the page.

A new being, a new man
He will correct his change
And never look for blame
Complete and imperfect.
He will await a new first kiss
with the illustrious

This poem was written about a teenage boy
He was young, aggravated, and destroyed
He met a young girl who was everything
He failed to act right and express his meaning

His impatients and unappreciation ended
Timely mended, led him to understanding.
If you know and love what you have, you will never loose it...
unless it needs to be lost and refound.
Whit Howland Sep 2021
the purple ones

they didn't make it
the rain and all the watering
couldn't save them

this summer you
went away then returned
and I thought you were back

but then you left again

the flowers
the purple ones

all the rain
and all the watering
couldn't save them

whit howland © 2021
lowkeymorns Jan 2019
I could do this
I should try that!
I contemplate
over complicate 
Collect my thoughts,
They congregate,
A few debate,
They're all at once
They're all at once 
Can't keep their pace
I Give up the chase
Sorry, lost my place
Or should I say,
My minds misplaced.
Can't gain no motivation 
Thoughts gone rotten,
growing from impatients
That's no exaggeration
Procrastination's forced its own invasion,
Imagination is overtaking 
Now I'm Just a shell of words,
Seeking some validation
De vous gronder je n'ai plus le courage,
Enfants ! ma voix s'enferme trop souvent.
Vous grandissez, impatients d'orage ;
Votre aile s'ouvre, émue au moindre vent.
Affermissez votre raison qui chante ;
Veillez sur vous comme a fait mon amour ;
On peut gronder sans être bien méchante :
Embrassez-moi, grondez à votre tour.

Vous n'êtes plus la sauvage couvée,
Assaillant l'air d'un tumulte innocent ;
Tribu sans art, au désert préservée,
Bornant vos voeux à mon zèle incessant :
L'esprit vous gagne, ô ma rêveuse école,
Quand il fermente, il étourdit l'amour.
Vous adorez le droit de la parole :
Anges, parlez, grondez à votre tour.

Je vous fis trois pour former une digue
Contre les flots qui vont vous assaillir :
L'un vigilant, l'un rêveur, l'un prodigue,
Croissez unis pour ne jamais faillir,
Mes trois échos ! l'un à l'autre, à l'oreille,
Redites-vous les cris de mon amour ;
Si l'un s'endort, que l'autre le réveille ;
Embrassez-le, grondez à votre tour !

Je demandais trop à vos jeunes âmes ;
Tant de soleil éblouit le printemps !
Les fleurs, les fruits, l'ombre mêlée aux flammes,
La raison mûre et les joyeux instants,
Je voulais tout, impatiente mère,
Le ciel en bas, rêve de tout amour ;
Et tout amour couve une larme amère :
Punissez-moi, grondez à votre tour.

Toi, sur qui Dieu jeta le droit d'aînesse,
Dis aux petits que les étés sont courts ;
Sous le manteau flottant de la jeunesse,
D'une lisière enferme le secours !
Parlez de moi, surtout dans la souffrance ;
Où que je sois, évoquez mon amour :
Je reviendrai vous parler d'espérance ;
Mais gronder... non : grondez à votre tour !

— The End —