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René Mutumé Aug 2013
Nineteen twenty ways
to love the same photo, I
remember, it all.

The blubbering moon,
was thumping like itself;
no matter, we go!

We entered the room,
and we became an image,
and drank until full.

hot seat, the material
IKEA, alone,

pristine sounds of loss,
a man and woman dancing
each others eyes, there.

Midnight morning fly,
buzzing flea-like, almost gone.
My window opens.

All the yakking dead.
My porch- old wood and sunset,
smoke diving within.

Suffocate us sea!
If you dare drink what we have!
Our stomachs fit you!

The Titanic floats,
the night swim will carry us,
calmly to ourselves.

Opaque sea-gulls fly;
we are but moon beams seeking.
Igniting ripples.

The taste of salt shouts,
it devours our tiredness.
Running beside us.

Half shore nearing us,
no other bodies near us,
we know only peace.

Inside our madness
there is every dream which wakes
wet steps, standing up.

Skin inked by needle,
below your growing wild hair,
moving, as it stays,

A religious book,
its pages moving in wind,
brown with gentle time.

Negative film roll,
opal, and doused with liquid,
so we are, so still.

Permeating dream
a leaf from burning tree branch
settling in grass.

Sudden flower bloom,
I watch you grow as days change.
Time, can never be.

Holocaustic love,
returning to the swap mind,
nothing stays buried.

The last beggar hangs,
he was a poet, a friend.
Servant girl watching.

Holograph song sings,
she is more awake than words.
I smile back at her.

Doorless buildings shine,
travelling up beyond us,
the meeting begins.

The office suite melts,
only listening to data.
So much for talking…

Peyote smoked.
Old tribes knowing how it goes.
Perfectly happy.

Madigras come now!
Alive smokin drunk street life!
Masks bleeding with ghosts.

Mine, yours, lit by fire.
Lets join the raining parade,
and grab a chicken.

They do it in the ethereal range of our eye’s linking hands,
our bodies swaying to the din of infinite types of drum life,
happy to be ours, enough to fill every street with realms,
packed dead-masked as New Orleans is definitely new my love – - !
the bar door requires a kick from our ripened legs,
it shatters the sweat stairs as we walk down finding the ground
inside leaving the painted parade to flood in on itself,
the chorus is tap tap tapped and stamped by the bar-man ready here
to cool us down and let us choose from any drink we wish.

In thick New Orleans accent he says:

“You been swimmin’ in the big Bayou brotha-sista.”

But it’s enough for us to answer him from the photo behind his bar.

We let him touch us, we sit frozen in front of a box camera and wonder
what’ll happen as the bulb flashes.

I pull ma Creole queen into me, as all galllreees open brotha-sista!

The photo be taken quick enough to ****** life from shotgun.

You’ll just keep on sittin there wontcha ma cher,
while these gumbo ya-ya come down ma stairs.

**** Mardi graaa…

A couple come down the wooden stairs.

Helping each other stand from too much street juice.

Looking back from the photo the barman knows that the couple
heard him talking, they slap down on the bar stools as he kisses the
photo of him and his wife.

“Well they be a truer than you or me cher, dontcha think?”

He says smiling back, more cheer than teeth, as the conversation begins,
undisturbed by the pulsing sounds from above.
SE Reimer Feb 2015

does my horror know no ending?
will this holocaustic-cloak-rending
ever cease from trending?

to what sin of a people
could these bitter,
evil deeds
be attributed!

it is times like this  
i lose my faith,
my trust,
that deep inside
we are all the same.

and be it far
from me,
this pain,
this darkness
i am not like you!

oh Israel,
i can only offer you
my love,
my sorrow,
my tears,
my hope
for change

dear friend,
i am not Charlie,
i am not Danish...

i am


post script.

*all inspiration needed found here:  by Nat Lipstadt
Sahil Sharma Aug 2021
You're not alone, birds of a feather flock together
Many torn umbrellas bearing the gloomy weather

Many beings are sliding along Phillips curve
Won't be counted unless you strain every nerve

Keeping rowing upstream, come rain or shine
Comfort is like whirlpool, take a hard line

If not working then turn over a new leaf
Atop the cliff, shout aloud and devour relief

Empty pockets bake you in holocaustic oven
Smiles and cries, that's how life is woven

They will mock you but believe that you can
Look before you leap or you're the marked man

Visit every bloom like these young moths
In witching hour, save your naive thoughts

Don't wait for another day, though week has seven
Build your castles here only, there's no heaven
Sleepz Nov 2017
Minds - troubled,
needles in the brain - doubled,
thousand times - stumbled,

Words without meaning so misleading
consequences of seeing demons
and looking for reasons
to please legions
of unthankful spirits

Holocaustic thoughts belong in a box,
locked away;
Judgemental attitudes are supplemental
be careful because they're contagious;
An ill mind rages only to do what it's trained to.

****** first started with a disease,
it's called gossip.
But the world can't see that the things they breathe
out from their teeth goes into the atmospheric breeze
and it's not just carbon dioxide it's more like monoxide for the soul.

Destroyers of one another they are,
an alien race once said.
Rob from one another they do.
**** each other they do.
Help each other, what's the point?

KIlled one, helped another,
Do they only defend their brothers?
Got killed, tried to protect.
Now they end the same as them?
Only accept few, can't accept all.

Confused, what's on the news,
the soul of ****** going at it again.
If what's on the news is true
is there a God or a heaven?
7/11 robbed, twin towers bombed, only thing to do is revenge.

Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth
Two evils don't do a good
Evil genius way too lenient.

They end with solutions that cause more problems,
in order to find more problems in the next 10 seconds
they all recon on the other being defeated
don't want to be judged yet they judge
Bring the Supreme Court judge let's prepare her sentence.
Remove her head,
Call us the Reverants.

Izze Jan 2020
“high school love” is holocaustic, burns you wholly and totally, breaking, screaming, like scraped knees scrubbed with salt.

“high school love” is all-consuming, like fires raging closer and closer until they burn away the freedom and leave behind the fears, the regrets, the ice in the chest that refuses to leave even though the heat is on full blast.

“high school love” is missed kisses weighing on me like lead and even though loving girls is lovely, letting ladies get to me always makes a mess.

“high school love” isn’t a choice for me. i’ve always looked for a forever partner. i should have been born a swan, but here i am.

humans are serial monogamists, my mom says.

she’d know. her dad had 5 wives before he settled down with the right one, and he died before he hit their 25th wedding anniversary.

“high school love” is thinking i found my angel, my soulmate, thinking ‘this is it!!! i’ve found the mother of pearls amongst the shellfish in the ocean’, but Time pushes forward, never stopping,



Time likes pretending she doesn’t hear me cry in the unknown, she likes quieting me to the passing ear, leaving me


searching for the right one, cause if this one doesn’t last forever i can’t waste any more time

i can’t waste any more time
i can’t waste any more time
i can’t waste any more time
i can’t
i can’t
i can’t

— The End —