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Edison Manuel Jan 2017
Party hats with little mermaid prints
Gummy bears and cupcakes for a sweet tooth
Chicken joy and nuggets
And a genuine smile clad on your face
A chocolate fountain to indulge
For a heart that's so huge

To make you happy,
To make you truly happy.

A candid portrait that glimmers
A beauty of a thousand stars I stole
An oreo cookie making my day
You are, pancake
The most genuine girl I ever knew
You will always belong to my world, little mermaid

I love you, A
Be happy on your birthday.
magicbroccoli66 Sep 2017
we r sad bechos wer  not nic to otres
dadon tyhje hatertds
sxonetimews we det boolied bi odrse

@lostboy is a beast
good day to youu ser we no happee anymoor

— The End —